Add ABS function #1321

GenkaOk wants to merge 1 commits from GenkaOk/abs-function into miami
GenkaOk commented 4 years ago (Migrated from

Add ABS function on cars. Parameter bABS
When braking, we check every 50 milliseconds whether the wheel is locked and if it is locked, we turn off the brake

Add ABS function on cars. Parameter bABS When braking, we check every 50 milliseconds whether the wheel is locked and if it is locked, we turn off the brake
Domiiniik commented 4 years ago (Migrated from

Why would you want to push ABS to master? Master is only about OG game + fixes, this looks like a new additional feature.

Why would you want to push ABS to master? Master is only about OG game + fixes, this looks like a new additional feature.
GenkaOk commented 4 years ago (Migrated from

Why would you want to push ABS to master? Master is only about OG game + fixes, this looks like a new additional feature.

This is an unrealized function, for example, as a free camera and can be enabled by an additional option after changes

> Why would you want to push ABS to master? Master is only about OG game + fixes, this looks like a new additional feature. This is an unrealized function, for example, as a free camera and can be enabled by an additional option after changes
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