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asm95 edited this page 4 years ago

Welcome to the re3 wiki!

Extra Features

Alongside the original game code, re3 implements features and improvements that make the game accessible in a many modern configurations.

Map View

All releases (.zip) includes a custom file called models/menu.txd. To enable this feature you must replace it in the game directory. Once done that, a "Map" option will be enabled in the Main Menu (the one when you pause the game). As shown in the figure below, the player can navigate the map and place custom way-points (a gray blip) with mouse right button.

Map View
Image 1: VC's map view in action (backported to III)

Debug Menu

Debug menu provides a series of in-game settings that can be toggled by the user using the mouse. It can be activated by pressing Control+M. The following image (1) shows what it looks like. The code that implements this module can be found in src/extras/debugmenu{.cpp .h}.

Debug Menu
Image 1: Debug Menu in action

Derived Work

Platform Ports


  • modloader by @thelink2012 - load mods assets (e.g. textures) from a folder without replacing the original game files
