Tiled plugin to edit Bondage Club maps
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u3shit 2f88cb2a30 Import R104 new items 9 months ago
tileset_object Import R104 new items 9 months ago
tileset_object_visible initial commit 10 months ago
tileset_tile Import R104 new items 9 months ago
tool Import R104 new items 9 months ago
.gitignore initial commit 10 months ago
COPYING added readme 10 months ago
README.md add validator that tries to mimic BC's built-in rules 10 months ago
bc_plugin.js add validator that tries to mimic BC's built-in rules 10 months ago
empty.txt initial commit 10 months ago
lz-string.js initial commit 10 months ago
tileset_object.tsj Import R104 new items 9 months ago
tileset_tile.tsj Import R104 new items 9 months ago


Tiled plugin to edit Bondage Club maps.


Make sure you have Tiled 1.8 or later installed.

Clone the repo or download the zip and unpack it to the following locations based on your operating system:

Platform Location
Windows C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Local/Tiled/extensions/
MacOS ~/Library/Preferences/Tiled/extensions/
Linux ~/.config/tiled/extensions/


After installing this plugin, you should be able to save and load Bonage Club maps as txt files.

To create a new map, load empty.txt included with your download. Do not use the New Map option from the menu, a BC map has a lot of requirements, and setting them up manually is a pain.

To edit an existing map from BC, use /mapcopy command in BC to save the map to your clipboard, and using some text editor (likely Notepad if you're using Windows), save it to a .txt file.

To export your map to BC, save your maps as Bondage Club map (*.txt), open the .txt file in a text editor, copy the contents, and paste it after a /mappaste command in BC. See below for tips if you receive an error during exporting.


I'll refer to the Tiled manual on how to use the map editor. I'm only going to highlight the gotchas when it comes to editing BC maps.

  • Do not resize the map. It has to be 40x40, BC doesn't support any other size.
  • Similarly, do not mess with the layers or the tilesets. BC only has two layers and no custom tiles. Also do not attempt to edit the two tilesets that come with this plugin.
  • The Tiles layer can only contain tiles from the Tiles tileset. Similarly, the Objects layer can only contain tiles from the Objects tileset. If you mess this up, you'll get an error message with the position of the wrong tile.
  • In addition, the Tiles layer must have no empty tiles. BC by default fills it up with that wooden tile, you should generally not use the Eraser tool on this layer.
  • Specific objects can be only placed over specific tiles, but tiled or this plugin doesn't check for it. You can export maps like these without problems, but upon loading BC will remove the invalid objects. The Map -> Validate BC Map option tries to check for these errors (but no guarantees).
  • Walls are about 1.5 tiles high in BC with some complicated logic on how to handle adjacent walls. Tiled doesn't simulate this, as such maps will look a bit different than in BC. I recommend enabling "Show Tile Collision Shapes" in the View menu to at least have some visual feedback on which tiles are walls, because without BC's extra handling, walls blend into floor tiles.

Because of the last two, be sure to test your map in BC to prevent surprises!

Also, telling gold/bronze keys/locks on doors and silver/admin locks apart can be really hard in BC's graphics. While this is probably a feature in BC, and trap rooms love to use this, it can be annoying when editing, so I provide an alternate tileset where these keys/doors are clearly labeled with a B/S/G/A for broze/silver/gold/admin-only locks respectively. To use this, take the files in tileset_object_visible folder and copy them to tileset_objects (overwriting the files there) and restarting tiled.


The source code is licensed under the WTFP Version 2 license. Uses the third-party lz-string, also licensed under WTFP Version 2. The image assets for the tilesets come from the Bondage Club, and licensing is a bit unclear in this case, to say the least.

This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.