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#ifndef RPSKIN_H
#define RPSKIN_H
* \defgroup rpskin RpSkin
* \ingroup skinning
* Skin Plugin for RenderWare Graphics.
*--- Include files ---------------------------------------------------------*
#include "../src/rwcore.h"
#include "../world/rpworld.h"
#include "../src/plcore/rpcriter.h"
#include "rpskin.rpe"
#include "rphanim.h"
*--- Global Types ----------------------------------------------------------*
typedef struct RwMatrixWeights RwMatrixWeights;
* \ingroup rpskin
* \struct RwMatrixWeights
* A structure for defining up to four matrix weights per vertex.
* Not all entries need to be used.
* \note
* Values should be sorted, such that any zero 0.0f entries appear
* after the valid weights. Any weights that appear after a zero
* entry will be ignored.
* \see RpSkinCreate
struct RwMatrixWeights
RwReal w0; /**< The first matrix weight. */
RwReal w1; /**< The second matrix weight. */
RwReal w2; /**< The third matrix weight. */
RwReal w3; /**< The fourth matrix weight. */
* \ingroup rpskin
* \struct RpSkin
* Skin object. This should be considered an opaque type.
* Use the RpSkin API functions to access.
* \see RpSkinCreate
* \see RpSkinDestroy
typedef struct RpSkin RpSkin;
*--- Plugin API Functions --------------------------------------------------*
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */
*- Plugin functions -*
extern void RpSkinSetFreeListCreateParams(
RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc );
extern RwBool
*- Skin Atomic functions -*
extern RpAtomic *
RpSkinAtomicSetHAnimHierarchy( RpAtomic *atomic,
RpHAnimHierarchy *hierarchy );
extern RpHAnimHierarchy *
RpSkinAtomicGetHAnimHierarchy( const RpAtomic *atomic );
*- Skin Geometry functions -*
extern RpGeometry *
RpSkinGeometrySetSkin( RpGeometry *geometry,
RpSkin *skin );
extern RpSkin *
RpSkinGeometryGetSkin( RpGeometry *geometry );
extern RpSkin *
RpSkinCreate( RwUInt32 numVertices,
RwUInt32 numBones,
RwMatrixWeights *vertexWeights,
RwUInt32 *vertexIndices,
RwMatrix *inverseMatrices );
extern RpSkin *
RpSkinDestroy( RpSkin *skin );
extern RwUInt32
RpSkinGetNumBones( RpSkin *skin );
extern const RwMatrixWeights *
RpSkinGetVertexBoneWeights( RpSkin *skin );
extern const RwUInt32 *
RpSkinGetVertexBoneIndices( RpSkin *skin );
extern const RwMatrix *
RpSkinGetSkinToBoneMatrices( RpSkin *skin );
extern RwBool
RpSkinIsSplit( RpSkin *skin );
*- Skin pipeline -*
* \ingroup rpskin
* \ref RpSkinType defines the different ways a skinned atomic can
* be rendered. Once a skinned \ref RpGeometry has been attached to
* an \ref RpAtomic the atomic must be setup with the correct skin
* rendering pipeline with \ref RpSkinAtomicSetType.
enum RpSkinType
rpNASKINTYPE = 0, /**<Invalid skin pipeline. */
rpSKINTYPEGENERIC = 1, /**<Generic skin rendering. */
rpSKINTYPEMATFX = 2, /**<Material effects skin rendering. */
rpSKINTYPETOON = 3, /**<Toon skin rendering. To use this
* flag the \ref rptoon plugin (part
* of the FX Pack) needs to be
* installed. */
typedef enum RpSkinType RpSkinType;
extern RpAtomic *
RpSkinAtomicSetType( RpAtomic *atomic,
RpSkinType type );
extern RpSkinType
RpSkinAtomicGetType( RpAtomic *atomic );
*- Internal API -*
extern RpGeometry *
_rpSkinInitialize(RpGeometry *geometry);
extern RpGeometry *
_rpSkinDeinitialize(RpGeometry *geometry);
extern RwUInt8 *
_rpSkinGetMeshBoneRemapIndices( RpSkin *skin );
extern RwUInt8 *
_rpSkinGetMeshBoneRLECount( RpSkin *skin );
extern RwUInt8 *
_rpSkinGetMeshBoneRLE( RpSkin *skin );
extern RpSkin *
_rpSkinSplitDataCreate( RpSkin *skin, RwUInt32 boneLimit,
RwUInt32 numMatrices, RwUInt32 numMeshes,
RwUInt32 numRLE );
extern RwBool
_rpSkinSplitDataDestroy( RpSkin *skin );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
*- Backwards macros -*
#define RpSkinAtomicGetSkin(_a) \
/*---- start: ./d3d9/skinplatform.h----*/
* \defgroup rpskind3d9 D3D9
* \ingroup rpskin
* D3D9 skin pipeline extension.
* \defgroup rpskind3d9features Features
* \ingroup rpskind3d9
* D3D9 skin pipeline features.
* \defgroup rpskind3d9restrictions Restrictions
* \ingroup rpskind3d9
* D3D9 skin pipeline restrictions.
*--- D3D9 Defines -----------------------------------------------------------*
*--- D3D9 Global Types ------------------------------------------------------*
* \ingroup rpskind3d9
* \ref RpSkinD3D9Pipeline rendering pipelines available within
* the \ref RpSkin plugin. Use \ref RpSkinGetD3D9Pipeline to
* retrieve the \ref RxPipeline's.
enum RpSkinD3D9Pipeline
/**<D3D9 generic skin rendering pipeline. */
/**<D3D9 material effect skin rendering pipeline. */
/**<D3D9 toon skin rendering pipeline. */
/**<D3D9 toon matfx skin rendering pipeline not supported */
typedef enum RpSkinD3D9Pipeline RpSkinD3D9Pipeline;
*--- D3D9 Plugin API Functions ----------------------------------------------*
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */
extern RxPipeline *
RpSkinGetD3D9Pipeline( RpSkinD3D9Pipeline D3D9Pipeline );
extern RxNodeDefinition *
/* Vertex shader pipeline */
extern void
_rxD3D9SkinVertexShaderSetBeginCallBack(RxPipelineNode *node,
_rxD3D9VertexShaderBeginCallBack beginCallback);
extern void
_rxD3D9SkinVertexShaderSetLightingCallBack(RxPipelineNode *node,
_rxD3D9VertexShaderLightingCallBack lightingCallback);
extern void
_rxD3D9SkinVertexShaderSetGetMaterialShaderCallBack(RxPipelineNode *node,
_rxD3D9VertexShaderGetMaterialShaderCallBack getmaterialshaderCallback);
extern void
_rxD3D9SkinVertexShaderSetMeshRenderCallBack(RxPipelineNode *node,
_rxD3D9VertexShaderMeshRenderCallBack meshRenderCallback);
extern void
_rxD3D9SkinVertexShaderSetEndCallBack(RxPipelineNode *node,
_rxD3D9VertexShaderEndCallBack endCallback);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/*---- end: ./d3d9/skinplatform.h----*/
#endif /* RPSKIN_H */