ancient rwsrc for educational purposes only
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This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Martin Turski d8dc5d3723 - made the video memory buffer size calculation more stable by accounting properly for unlocked rasters 4 years ago
build - added custom RW branch support; will be interesting to add R* game specializations or community debug improvements 4 years ago
extplugin pushing the code 8 years ago
include - added the ability to build the Direct3D 8 version of RenderWare 4 years ago
src - made the video memory buffer size calculation more stable by accounting properly for unlocked rasters 4 years ago
.gitignore - added the ability to build the Direct3D 8 version of RenderWare 4 years ago - attempt to fix the formatting 4 years ago

This repository contains RenderWare source code by Criterion. It is provided strictly for educational or demo-creation purposes. Use for commercial purposes is forbidden without explicit consent by Criterion.

Code is being maintained.

Version 3.7ex, GTA community edition.

How to include rw37 to your own VS project

  1. Place the rw37 git repository folder into the same directory as your RW project (side-by-side). Thus you have something like...
X:\DEVEL\RW\rw37\  - rwsrc
X:\DEVEL\RW\rwproject\  - your own code
  1. Assuming that you have a "build" folder inside of your project folder with the VS project inside, open the .vcxproj file with your favourite text editor. Go down the folder to the very bottom of the XML node. Then insert the following nodes at the end of your node:
<Import Project="../../rw37/build/defaults.props" />
<Import Condition="Exists('../../_repoconfig/rw37.props')" Project="../../_repoconfig/rw37.props" />
<Import Condition="Exists('../../rw37/build/rw37.vcxproj.user')" Project="../../rw37/build/rw37.vcxproj.user" />
<Import Project="../../rw37/build/buildcfg.targets" />
  1. Include the rw37.vcxproj file into the VS solution of your rwproject.
  2. Set your rwproject to depend on the rw37 project so that rw37 is built before it.

Example TXD loader code

#include <src/rwcore.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef _DEBUG
void dbgmsg( RwDebugType type, const RwChar *msg )
    OutputDebugStringA( msg );
    OutputDebugStringA( "\n" );
#endif //_DEBUG

int WINAPI WinMain( 
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
  LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
  int       nShowCmd
    RwBool initSuccess = RwEngineInit( nullptr, 0, 0 );

    if ( initSuccess == FALSE )
        return -1;

    // Register the window class.
    const wchar_t CLASS_NAME[]  = L"Sample Window Class";

    WNDCLASSW wc = { };

    wc.lpfnWndProc   = DefWindowProcW;
    wc.hInstance     = hInstance;
    wc.lpszClassName = CLASS_NAME;


    // Create the window.

    HWND window = CreateWindowW( CLASS_NAME, L"Test Window", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 640, 480, nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr );

    RwEngineOpenParams params;
    params.displayID = window;

    RwBool openSuccess = RwEngineOpen( &params );

    if ( openSuccess == FALSE )
        return -2;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    RwDebugSetHandler( dbgmsg );
#endif //_DEBUG

    RwBool startSuccess = RwEngineStart();

    if ( startSuccess == FALSE )
        return -3;

    RwStream *txdStream = RwStreamOpen( rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMREAD, "test_txd.txd" );

    if ( txdStream != nullptr )
        RwUInt32 len, ver;
        RwBool foundTxd = RwStreamFindChunk( txdStream, rwID_TEXDICTIONARY, &len, &ver );

        if ( foundTxd == TRUE )
            RwTexDictionary *txd = RwTexDictionaryStreamRead( txdStream );

            if ( txd != nullptr )
#ifdef _DEBUG
                OutputDebugStringW( L"loaded txd.\n" );
#endif //_DEBUG

                RwTexDictionaryDestroy( txd );

        RwStreamClose( txdStream, nullptr );



    return 0;