Take 2 being against community again... (copyright) #1336

opened 4 years ago by pm4rcin · 0 comments
pm4rcin commented 4 years ago (Migrated from github.com)

Describe the bug
T2 Interactive is coming again after this project and yesterday filled copyright infrigement. It's probably because they want to do a cashgrab by remastering and solding shitty ports.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
I hope you'll continue to develop that amazing project if possible. For everyone else it's a good idea to fork and save on archive.org before they remove it again. I hope you'll find a way to develop it and show middle finger to T2.
PS. I think that issue should be pinned to make people aware.
PS2. If you're sure there are no assets in the repository maybe consider contacting Free Software Foundation. They're lawyers could probably help.

**Describe the bug** T2 Interactive is coming again after this project and yesterday filled copyright infrigement. It's probably because they want to do a cashgrab by remastering and solding shitty ports. **To Reproduce** https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/09/take-two-filed-a-lawsuit-against-the-reverse-engineered-gta-iii-and-vice-city-developers https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.384429/gov.uscourts.cand.384429.1.0.pdf **Expected behavior** I hope you'll continue to develop that amazing project if possible. For everyone else it's a good idea to fork and save on archive.org before they remove it again. I hope you'll find a way to develop it and show middle finger to T2. PS. I think that issue should be pinned to make people aware. PS2. If you're sure there are no assets in the repository maybe consider contacting Free Software Foundation. They're lawyers could probably help.
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Reference: mirror/re3#1336
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