[reVC] Add Japanese/macOS/Android version content #1329

opened 4 years ago by BreakinBenny · 0 comments
BreakinBenny commented 4 years ago (Migrated from github.com)

The Japanese release of GTA Vice City includes for instance, two skins that were in the macOS and Android versions (but the latter doesn't support skins). I've also provided the Japanese.gxt file until you guys get ahold of a TXT file.

I would make a pull request for this, but... it does not fulfill PR conditions 2 through 7, and it likely isn't enough to pass the first one.

The Japanese release of GTA Vice City includes for instance, two skins that were in the macOS and Android versions (but the latter doesn't support skins). I've also provided the Japanese.gxt file until you guys get ahold of a TXT file. I would make a pull request for this, [but...]( https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/compare/miami...BreakinBenny:miami ) it does not fulfill PR conditions 2 through 7, and it likely isn't enough to pass the first one.
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Reference: mirror/re3#1329
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