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// Copyright (c) 2018-2025 Michele Morrone
// All rights reserved.
// -
// X: - GitHub:
// direct mail: brutpitt(at) - me(at)
// This software is distributed under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause license
#if !defined(__IMGUIZMOQUAT_H__)
#define __IMGUIZMOQUAT_H__
#include <algorithm>
//#include <cfloat>
#include "imguizmo_config.h" // used (also) to modify/specify ImGui include directory
#if defined(IMGUIZMO_USES_GLM) && !defined(VGIZMO_USES_GLM)
#include "vGizmo3D.h"
#define GET_PATH(P) P
#include INC_PATH(imgui.h)
#include INC_PATH(imgui_internal.h)
// - if using glm (OpenGL Mathematics): need version 0.9.9 or later
// and GLM_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL compile option to enable "quaternion" class
// - Using include virtualGizmo.h (my virtualGizmoClass) to get input controls
// and apply rotations
// - use c++11 standard
// Use preprocessor define imguiGizmo_INTERPOLATE_NORMALS, to a phong color effect
// for solid components, but there are more vertex memorized and more operations,
// even if the visual effect is better... the computational difference is:
// one normal for vertex VS one normal for plain figure (triangle or quad)
// comment/uncomment below or add as directive to compiler
#define imguiGizmo_INTERPOLATE_NORMALS
// imguiGizmo 3D
// Buttons:
// Left: drag to free rotate axes
// Right: drag to free rotate spot (only dualmode!)
// Right & Left: drag to rotate together
// for ImGui features, right button drag is active only INSIDE the frame
// Modifiers:
// Shift: rotation only around X
// Ctrl: rotation only around Y
// Alt: rotation only around Z
// The data structure that holds the orientation among other things
struct imguiGizmo
quat qtV = quat(1.0f, vec3(0.0f)); // Quaternion value
quat qtV2 = quat(1.0f, vec3(0.0f)); // Quaternion value
vec3 posPanDolly = vec3(0.f);
vgButtons buttonPanDolly = vg::evLeftButton;
vec3 axesVecModifier{ reverseAxisX, reverseAxisY, reverseAxisZ };
enum { //0b0000'0000, //C++14 notation
mode3Axes = 0x0001, //0b0000'0001,
modeDirection = 0x0002, //0b0000'0010,
modeDirPlane = 0x0004, //0b0000'0100,
modeDual = 0x0008, //0b0000'1000,
modePanDolly = 0x0010, //0b0001'0000,
modeMask = 0x00ff,
cubeAtOrigin = 0x0100, //0b0000'0000,
sphereAtOrigin = 0x0200, //0b0001'0000,
noSolidAtOrigin = 0x0400, //0b0010'0000,
modeFullAxes = 0x0800,
axesModeMask = 0xff00
enum { sphereTess16, sphereTess8, sphereTess4, sphereTess2 };
//enum {
enum { axisIsX, axisIsY, axisIsZ };
enum solidSides{ backSide, frontSide }; // or viceversa...
static ImVector<vec3> sphereVtx;
static ImVector<int> sphereTess;
static ImVector<vec3> cubeVtx;
static ImVector<vec3> cubeNorm;
static ImVector<vec3> planeVtx;
static ImVector<vec3> planeNorm;
static ImVector<vec3> arrowVtx[4];
static ImVector<vec3> arrowNorm[4];
static void buildPlane (const float size, const float thickness = planeThickness) {
buildPolygon(vec3(thickness,size,size), planeVtx, planeNorm);
static void buildCube (const float size) {
buildPolygon(vec3(size), cubeVtx, cubeNorm);
static void buildPolygon (const vec3& size,ImVector<vec3>& vtx,ImVector<vec3>& norm);
static void buildSphere (float radius, int tessFactor);
static void buildCone (float x0, float x1, float radius, int slices);
static void buildCylinder(float x0, float x1, float radius, int slices);
// helper functions
/// Resize length and thickness of widget's axis/axes
/// @param[in] newSize vec3(axesLen, axesThickness, coneThickness)
/// default value = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : bigger > 1.0, smaller < 1.0 <br>
/// @note "axesLen" can be only reduced to avoid that axes go over widget borders
/// @code
/// imguiGizmo::resizeAxesOf(vec3(.5, 2, 3)); // vec3(axesLen, axesThick, coneThick)
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##a11", position, rotation);
/// // until not restoring all widgets are draw with this sizes
/// imguiGizmo::restoreAxesSize(); // restore at default axes length
/// @endcode
/// @note There is no a stack: a new call (w/o restoring) overwrite default values with previous ones
static void resizeAxesOf(const vec3 &newSize) { savedAxesResizeFactor = axesResizeFactor; axesResizeFactor = newSize; }
/// Restore length and thickness of widget's axis/axes to default/previous value
/// @code
/// imguiGizmo::resizeAxesOf(vec3(.5, 2, 3)); // vec3(axesLen, axesThick, coneThick)
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##a11", position, rotation);
/// // until not restoring all widgets are draw with this sizes
/// imguiGizmo::restoreAxesSize(); // restore at default axes length
/// @endcode
/// @note There is no a stack: a new call (w/o restoring) overwrite default values with previous ones
static void restoreAxesSize() {
axesResizeFactor = savedAxesResizeFactor; }
static void resizeSolidOf(float newSize) {
savedSolidResizeFactor = solidResizeFactor; solidResizeFactor = newSize; }
static void restoreSolidSize() {
solidResizeFactor = savedSolidResizeFactor; }
static void setDirectionColor(ImU32 dColor, const ImU32 pColor) {
setDirectionColor(ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(dColor), ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(pColor)); }
static void setDirectionColor(const ImVec4 &dColor, const ImVec4 &pColor) {
savedDirectionColor = directionColor; savedPlaneColor = planeColor;
directionColor = dColor; planeColor = pColor;
static void setDirectionColor(ImU32 color) { setDirectionColor(ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(color)); }
static void setDirectionColor(const ImVec4& color) { setDirectionColor(color,ImVec4(color.x, color.y, color.z, STARTING_ALPHA_PLANE)); }
static void restoreDirectionColor() {
directionColor = savedDirectionColor;
planeColor = savedPlaneColor; }
static void setSphereColors(const ImVec4& a, const ImVec4& b) {
setSphereColors( ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(a), ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(b)); }
static void setSphereColors(ImU32 a, ImU32 b) {
savedSphereColors[0] = sphereColors[0]; savedSphereColors[1] = sphereColors[1];
sphereColors[0] = a; sphereColors[1] = b; }
static void restoreSphereColors() {
sphereColors[0] = savedSphereColors[0]; sphereColors[1] = savedSphereColors[1]; }
// gizmo mouse/key settings
// Call it once, to set all widgets... or if you need it
static void setGizmoFeelingRot(float f) { gizmoFeelingRot = f; } // default 1.0, >1 more mouse sensitivity, <1 less mouse sensitivity
static float getGizmoFeelingRot() { return gizmoFeelingRot; }
// available vgModifiers values:
// evShiftModifier -> Shift
// evControlModifier -> Ctrl
// evAltModifier -> Alt
// evSuperModifier -> Super
static void setPanModifier (vgModifiers v) { panMod = v; } // Change default assignment for Pan
static void setDollyModifier(vgModifiers v) { dollyMod = v; } // Change default assignment for Dolly
// Set the mouse response for the dolly operation... also wheel
static void setDollyScale(float scale) { dollyScale = scale; } // default 1.0, >1 more, <1 less
static float getDollyScale() { return dollyScale; }
// Set the wheel response for the dolly operation... also wheel
static void setDollyWheelScale(float scale) { dollyWheelScale = scale; } // default 1.0, >1 more, <1 less
static float getDollyWheelScale() { return dollyWheelScale; }
// Set the mouse response for pan
static void setPanScale(float scale) { panScale = scale; } // default 1.0, >1 more, <1 less
static float getPanScale() { return panScale; }
/// flipX X coord
///@param[in] b bool
static void flipRotOnX(bool b = true) { rotOnX = b; }
/// flipY Y coord
///@param[in] b bool
static void flipRotOnY(bool b = true) { rotOnY = b; }
/// flipY Z coord
///@param[in] b bool
static void flipRotOnZ(bool b = true) { rotOnZ = b; }
///@param[in] b bool
static void setFlipDolly(bool b) { isFlipDolly = b; }
/// flipZ mouse coord
///@param[in] b bool
static void setFlipPanX(bool b) { isFlipPanX = b; }
/// flipZ mouse coord
///@param[in] b bool
static void setFlipPanY(bool b) { isFlipPanY = b; }
/// get flip Rot X status
/// @retval bool : current flip Rot X status
static bool getFlipRotOnX() { return rotOnX; }
/// get flip Rot Y status
/// @retval bool : current flip Rot Y status
static bool getFlipRotOnY() { return rotOnY; }
/// get flip Rot Y status
/// @retval bool : current flip Rot Y status
static bool getFlipRotOnZ() { return rotOnZ; }
/// get flip Pan X status
/// @retval bool : current flip Pan X status
static bool getFlipPanX() { return isFlipPanX; }
/// get flip Pan Y status
/// @retval bool : current flip Pan Y status
static bool getFlipPanY() { return isFlipPanY; }
/// get flipZ mouse status
/// @retval bool : current flipZ status
static bool getFlipDolly() { return isFlipDolly; }
/// flipX X coord
///@param[in] b bool
static void reverseX(bool b = true) { reverseAxisX = b ? -1.f : 1.f; }
static void reverseY(bool b = true) { reverseAxisY = b ? -1.f : 1.f; }
static void reverseZ(bool b = true) { reverseAxisZ = b ? -1.f : 1.f; }
/// get flip Rot X status
/// @retval bool : current flip Rot X status
static bool getReverseX() { return reverseAxisX < 0; }
static bool getReverseY() { return reverseAxisY < 0; }
static bool getReverseZ() { return reverseAxisZ < 0; }
// internals
static bool solidAreBuilt;
static bool dragActivate;
int drawMode = mode3Axes;
int axesOriginType = cubeAtOrigin;
bool showFullAxes = false;
bool drawFunc(const char* label, float size);
void modeSettings(uint32_t mode) {
drawMode = uint32_t(mode & modeMask); axesOriginType = uint32_t(mode & axesModeMask); showFullAxes = bool(modeFullAxes & mode); }
void setDualMode(const uint32_t mode) { modeSettings((imguiGizmo::modeDual | imguiGizmo::axesModeMask) & (mode | imguiGizmo::modeDual)); }
// vec3 -> quat -> trackbalTransforms -> quat -> vec3
bool getTransforms(quat& q, const char* label, vec3& vDir, float size) {
vec3 dir { checkTowards(vDir) } ;
float len = length(dir);
if(len<1.0 && len>= FLT_EPSILON) { normalize(dir); len = 1.0; }
else if(len< FLT_EPSILON) { dir = vec3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); len = 1.0; }
q = angleAxis(acosf( dir.x/len), normalize(vec3(FLT_EPSILON, -dir.z, dir.y)));
bool ret = drawFunc(label, size);
if (ret) dir = (q * vec3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * len ; //return vector with original lenght
q = angleAxis(acosf(-dir.x/len), normalize(vec3(FLT_EPSILON, dir.z, -dir.y)));
bool ret = drawFunc(label, size);
if (ret) dir = (q * vec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * len ; //return vector with original lenght
vDir = checkTowards(dir);
return ret;
// Vec4 (xyz axis, w angle) -> quat -> trackbalTransforms -> quat -> vec4
bool getTransforms(quat& q, const char* label, vec4& axis_angle, float size) {
q = angleAxis(axis_angle.w,normalize(checkTowards(vec3(axis_angle)))); //g.ConvertFromAxisAngle();
bool ret = drawFunc(label, size);
if (ret) axis_angle = vec4(normalize(checkTowards(axis(q))),angle(normalize(q)));
return ret;
vec3 checkTowards(const vec3 &v) { return axesVecModifier * v; }
vec4 checkTowards(const vec4 &v) { return { axesVecModifier.x * v.x, axesVecModifier.y * v.y, axesVecModifier.z * v.z, v.w }; }
quat checkTowards(const quat &q) { return { q.w, axesVecModifier.x * q.x, axesVecModifier.y * q.y, axesVecModifier.z * q.z }; }
// Settings
// axes/arrow are composed of cone (or pyramid) and cylinder
// (or parallelepiped): this solid are builded at first instance
// and will have same slices/radius/length for all controls in your
// applications but can be resized proportionally with a reductin
// factor: resizeAxesOf and resizeSolidOf (below).
// Also the colors of sphere tessellation are set at buil time,
// while colors of axes and cube are fixed
// if you want change solids attributes, change the static variables.
// If you need to resize solid and axes use resizeAxesOf and
// resizeSolidOf, they works like push/pop stack (without buffer!)
// with respective restoreAxesSize and restoreSolidSize.
// for example:
// // reDim axes ... same lenght,
// imguiGizmo::resizeAxesOf(vec3(imguiGizmo::axesResizeFactor.x, 2.0, 2.0));
// imguiGizmo::resizeSolidOf(1.25); // sphere bigger
// ImGui::gizmo3D("##RotB", b,sz);
// imguiGizmo::restoreSolidSize(); // restore at default
// imguiGizmo::restoreAxesSize();
// Build solid components
// arrow/axes components
static int coneSlices ;
static float coneRadius;
static float coneLength;
static int cylSlices ;
static float cylRadius ; // sizeCylLength ... defined in base to control size
// Sphere components
static float sphereRadius;
static int sphereTessFactor;
// Cube components
static float cubeSize;
// Plane components
static float planeSize;
static float planeThickness;
// Resizing and color settings
// Axes reduction
static vec3 axesResizeFactor;
static vec3 savedAxesResizeFactor;
// solid reduction
static float solidResizeFactor;
static float savedSolidResizeFactor;
static ImU32 sphereColors[2]; // Tessellation colors
static ImU32 savedSphereColors[2];
//ImU32 spherecolorA=0xff005cc0, spherecolorB=0xffc05c00;
static ImVec4 directionColor;
static ImVec4 savedDirectionColor;
static ImVec4 planeColor;
static ImVec4 savedPlaneColor;
// Gizmo mouse settings
static float gizmoFeelingRot; // >1 more mouse sensibility, <1 less mouse sensibility
static float panScale, dollyScale, dollyWheelScale, dollyWheelMulFactor;
static vgModifiers panMod, dollyMod;
// Flipping mouse control
static bool rotOnX, rotOnY, rotOnZ;
static bool isFlipPanX, isFlipPanY, isFlipDolly;
static float reverseAxisX, reverseAxisY, reverseAxisZ;
static const int imguiGizmoDefaultSize;
#define IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE (ImGui::GetFrameHeightWithSpacing()*4 - (ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y*2))
namespace ImGui
/// <b>Widget 3 axes</b><br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", rotation, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, quat& q, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::mode3Axes|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes</b><br>
/// <b>vec4</b> p(xyz), w angle in radians for the spot<br>
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec4 & </b> - vec4 p(xyz), w angle in radians
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static vec4 direction(1,0,0,1);
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", direction, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec4& v, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::mode3Axes|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget directional arrow</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> vec3 p(xyz) (center oriented)
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec3 & </b> - p(xyz) position/direction (center oriented)
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static vec4 direction(1,0,0);
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", direction, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& v, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDirection);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + spot light</b><br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// <b>quat</b> rotation for the spot<br>
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in,out] ql <b> vec4 & </b> - quaternion with spot rotation
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static quat lightRot(1,0,0,0);
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", rotation, lightRot, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, quat& q, quat& ql, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDual|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + spot light</b><br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// <b>vec4</b> p(xyz), w angle in radians for the spot
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec4 & </b> - vec4 for the spot: p(xyz), w angle in radians
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static vec4 lightDir(1,0,0,1);
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", rotation, lightDir, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, quat& q, vec4& v , float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDual|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + spot light</b><br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// <b>vec3</b> vec3 p(xyz) for the spot
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec3 & </b> - vec3 for the spot: p(xyz)
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static vec3 lightDir(1,0,0,1);
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", rotation, lightDir, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, quat& q, vec3& v , float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDual|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
//with Pan & Dolly feature
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> Pan/Dolly: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position<br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] vm <b> vec3 & </b> - Pan/Dolly position: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static vec3 position;
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", position, rotation, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& vm, quat& q, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::mode3Axes|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> Pan/Dolly: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position<br>
/// <b>vec4</b> p(xyz), w angle in radians for the spot<br>
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] vm <b> vec3 & </b> - Pan/Dolly position: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec4 & </b> - vec4 for direction: p(xyz), w angle in radians
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static vec4 direction(1,0,0,1);
/// static vec3 position;
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", position, direction, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& vm, vec4& v, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::mode3Axes|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget directional arrow + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> Pan/Dolly: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position<br>
/// <b>vec3</b> vec3 p(xyz) (center oriented)
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] vm <b> vec3 & </b> - Pan/Dolly position: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec3 & </b> - p(xyz) position/direction (center oriented)
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static vec4 direction(1,0,0);
/// static vec3 position;
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", position, direction, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& vm, vec3& v, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDirection);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + spot light + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> Pan/Dolly: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position<br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// <b>quat</b> rotation for the spot<br>
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] vm <b> vec3 & </b> - Pan/Dolly position: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in,out] ql <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with spot rotation
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static quat lightRot(1,0,0,0);
/// static vec3 position;
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", position, rotation, lightRot, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& vm, quat& q, quat& ql, float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDual|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + spot light + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> Pan/Dolly: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position<br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// <b>vec4</b> p(xyz), w angle in radians for the spot<br>
/// Builds a ImGuIZMO_quat 3 axes + spot light from/with a "q" (quaternion) rotations of axes and a vec4 (xyz axis, w angle in radians) for the spot + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] vm <b> vec3 & </b> - Pan/Dolly position: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec4 & </b> - vec4 for the spot: p(xyz), w angle in radians
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static vec4 lightDir(1,0,0,1);
/// static vec3 position;
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", position, rotation, lightDir, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& vm, quat& q, vec4& v , float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDual|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
/// <b>Widget 3 axes + spot light + Pan & Dolly/Zoom capability</b><br>
/// <b>vec3</b> Pan/Dolly: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position<br>
/// <b>quat</b> (quaternion) axes rotation<br>
/// <b>vec3</b> vec3 p(xyz) for the spot
/// @param[in] t <b> const char *</b> - widget text: put "##" before the text to hide it
/// @param[in,out] vm <b> vec3 & </b> - Pan/Dolly position: (x, y) Pan position, (z) Dolly/Zoom position
/// @param[in,out] q <b> quat & </b> - quaternion with axes rotation
/// @param[in,out] v <b> vec3 & </b> - vec3 for the spot: p(xyz)
/// @param[in] sz <b> float </b> - widget size: default size = FrameHeightWithSpacing*4 - ItemSpacing.y*2
/// @param[in] flag <b> uint32_t </b> - masked flags to set modes (lower 16bit) and aspect (higher 16bit)
/// @code
/// #include <imguizmo_quat/imguizmo_quat.h>
/// ...
/// static quat rotation(1,0,0,0);
/// static vec3 lightDir(1,0,0,1);
/// static vec3 position;
/// // inside ImGui a frame
/// ImGui::gizmo3D("##widget", position, rotation, lightDir, /* size */ 240);
/// @endcode
IMGUI_API bool gizmo3D(const char* t, vec3& vm, quat& q, vec3& v , float sz=IMGUIZMO_DEF_SIZE, uint32_t flag=imguiGizmo::modeDual|imguiGizmo::cubeAtOrigin);
//#undef imguiGizmo_DEF_SIZE
#endif |