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// Copyright (c) 2025 Michele Morrone
// All rights reserved.
// -
// X: - GitHub:
// direct mail: brutpitt(at) - me(at)
// This software is distributed under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause license
#pragma once
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
#include <shaderc/shaderc.hpp>
#ifdef APP_USES_SDL2
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_vulkan.h>
#include "imgui/imgui_impl_sdl2.h"
#ifdef APP_USES_SDL3
#include <SDL3/SDL.h>
#include <SDL3/SDL_vulkan.h>
#include "imgui/imgui_impl_sdl3.h"
#include "imgui/imgui_impl_glfw.h"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <imguizmo_quat.h>
class frameworkBase
frameworkBase(const char *title, const char *fmk) : sTitle(title) { sTitle+=fmk; }
virtual ~frameworkBase() = default;
void exitFailure(const char *s = nullptr) const;
std::vector<const char*> &getExtensions() { return extensions; }
virtual void destroyWindow() const = 0;
virtual void quit() const = 0;
virtual bool createSurface(const vk::Instance &instance, vk::SurfaceKHR *surface) = 0;
virtual bool pollEvents() = 0;
virtual void getFramebufferSize(int *w, int *h) const = 0;
virtual int getVGizmo3DKeyModifier() = 0;
virtual void checkVGizmo3DMouseEvent(vg::vGizmo3D &vgTrackball) = 0;
void getVulkanFramebufferSize(int *w, int *h) const;
vk::Extent2D getVulkanFramebufferSize() const;
void getSurface(const vk::Instance &instance, const vk::PhysicalDevice &physicalDevice, vk::SurfaceKHR *surface);
/// vGizmo3D initialize:
/// set/associate mouse BUTTON IDs and KEY modifier IDs to vGizmo3D functionalities <br><br>
void initVGizmo3D(vg::vGizmo3D &track);
vk::Instance instance;
vk::PhysicalDevice physicalDevice;
vk::SurfaceKHR surface;
void* window = nullptr;
std::vector<const char*> extensions;
std::string sTitle;
bool isReqResize = false;
#if defined(APP_USES_SDL2) || defined(APP_USES_SDL3)
class frameworkSDL : public frameworkBase {
frameworkSDL(int32_t width, int32_t height, const char *title, uint32_t flags, const char *fmk);
bool windowShouldClose() const { return shouldQuit; }
// Mouse events
bool isMouseLeftButtonDown() const { return isMouseButtonDown(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) ; }
bool isMouseRightButtonDown() const { return isMouseButtonDown(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT); }
//void getFramebufferSize(int *w, int *h) const { SDL_GetWindowSize(getWindow(), w, h); }
//void getFramebufferSize(int *w, int *h) const { SDL_Vulkan_GetDrawableSize(getWindow(), w, h); }
void getFramebufferSize(int *w, int *h) const { getVulkanFramebufferSize(w, h); }
void getReqExtensions();
bool pollEvents();
void destroyWindow() const { SDL_DestroyWindow(getWindow()); }
void quit() const { SDL_Quit(); }
virtual bool checkWindowResizeEvent() = 0;
virtual bool checkWindowCloseEvent() = 0;
virtual bool isMouseButtonDown(uint32_t b) const = 0;
virtual void imguiNewFrame() = 0;
virtual void imguiShutdown() = 0;
virtual void imguiProcessEvent(SDL_Event &event) = 0;
virtual void imguiInitForVulkan(bool install_callbacks = true) = 0;
/// vGizmo3D: Check key modifier currently pressed (GLFW version)
int getVGizmo3DKeyModifier();
void checkVGizmo3DMouseEvent(vg::vGizmo3D &vgTrackball);
[[nodiscard]] SDL_Window* getWindow() const { return (SDL_Window*) window; }
#define PTR_NAME_SDL "sdlApp"
//static void setUserPointer(void *wnd, void *ptr) { SDL_SetWindowData(static_cast<SDL_Window*>(wnd), PTR_NAME_SDL, ptr); }
//static void *getUserPointer(void *wnd) { return SDL_GetWindowData(static_cast<SDL_Window*>(wnd), PTR_NAME_SDL); }
void addReqExtensions();
bool shouldQuit = false;
SDL_Event event;
#if defined(APP_USES_SDL2)
class frameworkClass : public frameworkSDL {
frameworkClass(void *ptrApp, int32_t width, int32_t height, const char *title) :
frameworkSDL(width, height, title, SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, ":SDL2") { }
bool checkWindowCloseEvent() { return event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE && event.window.windowID == SDL_GetWindowID(getWindow()); }
bool checkWindowResizeEvent() { return event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED || event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED; }
void getMousePos(int *x, int *y) const { SDL_GetMouseState(x, y); }
bool isMouseButtonDown(uint32_t b) const { int x,y; return SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y) == SDL_BUTTON(b); }
bool createSurface(const vk::Instance &instance, vk::SurfaceKHR *surface) { return SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface(getWindow(), instance, (VkSurfaceKHR *) surface); }
void imguiNewFrame() { ImGui_ImplSDL2_NewFrame(); }
void imguiShutdown() { ImGui_ImplSDL2_Shutdown(); }
void imguiProcessEvent(SDL_Event &event) { ImGui_ImplSDL2_ProcessEvent(&event); }
void imguiInitForVulkan(bool install_callbacks = true) { ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForVulkan(getWindow()); }
#if defined(APP_USES_SDL3)
class frameworkClass : public frameworkSDL {
frameworkClass(void *ptrApp, int32_t width, int32_t height, const char *title) :
frameworkSDL(width, height, title, SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, ":SDL3") { }
bool checkWindowCloseEvent() { return event.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE_REQUESTED && event.window.windowID == SDL_GetWindowID(getWindow()); }
bool checkWindowResizeEvent() { return event.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_PIXEL_SIZE_CHANGED || event.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_RESIZED; }
bool isMouseButtonDown(uint32_t b) const { float x,y; return SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y) == SDL_BUTTON_MASK(b); }
void getMousePos(int *retX, int *retY) const { float x, y; SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); *retX = x+.5; *retY = y+.5; }
bool createSurface(const vk::Instance &instance, vk::SurfaceKHR *surface) { return SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface(getWindow(), instance, nullptr, (VkSurfaceKHR *) surface); }
void imguiNewFrame() { ImGui_ImplSDL3_NewFrame(); }
void imguiShutdown() { ImGui_ImplSDL3_Shutdown(); }
void imguiProcessEvent(SDL_Event &event) { ImGui_ImplSDL3_ProcessEvent(&event); }
void imguiInitForVulkan(bool install_callbacks = true) { ImGui_ImplSDL3_InitForVulkan(getWindow()); }
class frameworkClass : public frameworkBase {
frameworkClass(void *ptrApp, int32_t width, int32_t height, const char *title);
~frameworkClass() override { }
void centerWindow();
bool isMouseLeftButtonDown() const { return glfwGetMouseButton(getWindow(), GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS; }
bool isMouseRightButtonDown() const { return glfwGetMouseButton(getWindow(), GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) == GLFW_PRESS; }
void getFramebufferSize(int *w, int *h) const { glfwGetFramebufferSize(getWindow(),w, h); }
void getMousePos(int *retX, int *retY) { double x, y; glfwGetCursorPos(getWindow(), &x, &y); *retX = x+.5; *retY = y+.5; }
bool windowShouldClose() const { return glfwWindowShouldClose(getWindow()); }
bool pollEvents() { glfwPollEvents(); return !glfwWindowShouldClose(getWindow()); }
void destroyWindow() const { glfwDestroyWindow(getWindow()); }
void quit() const { glfwTerminate(); }
static void setUserPointer(void *wnd, void *ptr) { glfwSetWindowUserPointer(static_cast<GLFWwindow*>(wnd), ptr); }
static void *getUserPointer(void *wnd) { return glfwGetWindowUserPointer(static_cast<GLFWwindow*>(wnd)); }
bool createSurface(const vk::Instance &instance, vk::SurfaceKHR *surface) {
return glfwCreateWindowSurface(instance, getWindow(), nullptr, (VkSurfaceKHR *) surface) == VK_SUCCESS; }
[[nodiscard]] GLFWwindow* getWindow() const { return static_cast<GLFWwindow*>(window); }
void imguiNewFrame() const { ImGui_ImplGlfw_NewFrame(); }
void imguiShutdown() const { ImGui_ImplGlfw_Shutdown(); }
void imguiInitForVulkan(bool install_callbacks = true) const { ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForVulkan(getWindow(), install_callbacks); }
/// vGizmo3D: Check key modifier currently pressed (GLFW version)
int getVGizmo3DKeyModifier();
void checkVGizmo3DMouseEvent(vg::vGizmo3D &vgTrackball);
// callbacks
static void resizeCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int w, int h) {
//const auto app = static_cast<vkApp*>(getUserPointer());
//std::cerr << "Window resized" << std::endl;
//app->wndResized = true;
static void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) {
if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE && action == GLFW_PRESS) glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GLFW_TRUE);
void getReqExtensions();
GLFWmonitor* getCurrentMonitor(GLFWwindow *window);
void toggleFullscreenOnOff(GLFWwindow* window);
class frameworkApp final : public frameworkClass
frameworkApp(void *ptrApp, const int wndDimX = 512, const int wndDimY = 512, const char *title = nullptr) :
frameworkClass(wndDimX, wndDimY, title ? title : "App") { glfwSetWindowUserPointer(getWindow(), ptrApp); }
class frameworkApp final : public frameworkClass
frameworkApp(void *ptrApp, const int wndDimX = 512, const int wndDimY = 512, const char *title = nullptr) :
frameworkClass(ptrApp, wndDimX, wndDimY, title ? title : "App") { }