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* Trompeloeil C++ mocking framework
* Copyright Björn Fahller 2014-2019
* Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Andrew Paxie
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* Project home:
#include <cstddef>
struct QCharIsh {
constexpr QCharIsh(int) noexcept;
constexpr bool operator==(std::nullptr_t,QCharIsh) noexcept;
constexpr bool operator==(QCharIsh,std::nullptr_t) noexcept;
#include <trompeloeil.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#else /* defined(_MSC_VER) */
// Detect if using libstdc++.
#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
// Using libstdc++.
// Detect if using libc++
#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
// Using libc++
* The implementation of <regex> is not complete for libstdc++ in GCC 4.8.x.
* For this reason most tests with reporting will be disabled
* if compiling with libstdc++.
* The implementation of <regex> in libc++ 1.1.1 (1101),
* used with Clang++ 3.5.x and Clang++ 3.6.x, is not complete for
* std::regex_constants::match_not_bol and
* std::regex_constants::match_not_eol.
* For this reason tests using these constants will be
* disabled when using this version of the library,
* or earlier.
#endif /* !defined(_MSC_VER) */
namespace detail
* Use compiler-version independent make_unique.
using ::trompeloeil::detail::make_unique;
// std::uncaught_exception() is deprecated in C++17.
* GCC 5.x supports specifying -std=c++17 but libstdc++-v3 for
* GCC 5.x doesn't declare std::uncaught_exceptions().
* Rather than detect what version of C++ Standard Library
* is in use, we equate the compiler version with the library version.
* Some day this test will based on __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions.
# if (TROMPELOEIL_CPLUSPLUS > 201402L) && \
return std::uncaught_exceptions() > 0;
# else
return std::uncaught_exception();
# endif
} /* namespace detail */
class reported {};
struct report
trompeloeil::severity s;
const char *file;
unsigned long line;
std::string msg;
extern std::vector<report> reports;
extern std::vector<std::string> okReports;
namespace trompeloeil
template <>
struct reporter<specialized>
static void send(severity s,
char const* file,
unsigned long line,
char const* msg)
reports.push_back(report{s, file, line, msg});
if (s == severity::fatal && !::detail::there_are_uncaught_exceptions())
throw reported{};
static void sendOk(char const* msg)
struct Fixture
Fixture() {
struct not_default_constructible
not_default_constructible(int) {}
struct uncopyable
uncopyable() {}
uncopyable(uncopyable&&) = default;
uncopyable(const uncopyable&) = delete;
uncopyable& operator=(const uncopyable&) = delete;
bool operator==(const uncopyable& p) const { return &p == this; }
bool operator!=(const uncopyable& p) const { return &p == this; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const uncopyable& obj)
return os << "uncopyable@" << &obj;
struct unmovable
unmovable() {}
unmovable(unmovable&&) = delete;
unmovable(const unmovable&) = delete;
unmovable& operator=(unmovable&&) = delete;
unmovable& operator=(const unmovable&) = delete;
bool operator==(const unmovable& p) const { return &p == this; }
bool operator!=(const unmovable& p) const { return &p != this; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const unmovable& obj)
return os << "unmovable@" << &obj;
struct interface
virtual ~interface() = default;
virtual int func(int) = 0;
virtual int cfunc(int) const = 0;
virtual int func3(int, int, std::string) = 0;
virtual int func3(int, int, std::string) const = 0;
struct mi : trompeloeil::mock_interface<interface>
using mock_interface::mock_interface;
IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK3(func3, noexcept);
struct uncomparable { };
struct uncomparable_string {
uncomparable_string(const char* p) : s(p) {}
bool operator==(const uncomparable_string& rh) const noexcept
return s == rh.s;
bool operator==(const char*) const = delete;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const uncomparable_string& u)
return os << u.s;
std::string s;
class null_constructible {
null_constructible(int* p_) : p(p_) {}
bool operator==(null_constructible rh) const { return *p == *rh.p; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const null_constructible&)
return os << "null_constructible";
int* p;
struct null_comparable {
void* p;
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return !p; }
friend bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, null_comparable n) { return !n.p; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const null_comparable&)
return os << "null_comparable";
struct pseudo_null_comparable {
void operator==(std::nullptr_t) const {} // looking at you, boost::variant<>!
friend void operator==(std::nullptr_t, pseudo_null_comparable) {}
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const pseudo_null_comparable&)
return os << "pseudo_null_comparable";
class C
C() {}
C(int) {}
C(C&&) = default;
virtual ~C() = default;
virtual int count() = 0;
virtual void func(int, std::string& s) = 0;
virtual unmovable& getter(unmovable&) = 0;
virtual int getter(int) = 0;
virtual void getter(int, std::string&) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<int> ptr(std::unique_ptr<int>&&) = 0;
C(const char* s) : p_{ s } {}
const char *p_ = nullptr;
class mock_c : public C
mock_c() noexcept {}
mock_c(int i) : C(i) {}
mock_c(const char* p) noexcept : C(p) {}
MAKE_MOCK1(ptr, std::unique_ptr<int>(std::unique_ptr<int>&&), override);
MAKE_MOCK0(count, int(), override final);
MAKE_MOCK1(foo, void(std::string));
MAKE_MOCK2(func, void(int, std::string&), override);
MAKE_MOCK1(getter, unmovable&(unmovable&), override);
MAKE_MOCK1(getter, int(int), override);
MAKE_MOCK2(getter, void(int, std::string&), override);
MAKE_MOCK0(no_default_return, not_default_constructible());
using C::p_;
class movable_mock
movable_mock() = default;
static constexpr bool trompeloeil_movable_mock = true;
MAKE_MOCK1(func, void(int));
int intfunc(int i);
extern int global_n;
struct mstr
MAKE_MOCK0(cc_str, const char*());
MAKE_MOCK0(c_str, char*());
MAKE_MOCK0(str, std::string());
MAKE_MOCK0(cstr, const std::string());
extern char carr[4]; // silence clang++ warning
const char ccarr[] = "bar";
class U
using mptr_f = void (U::*)(const char*);
using mptr_d = int U::*;
MAKE_MOCK1(func_streamref, void(std::ostream&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_u, void(const uncomparable&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_v, void(int));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_cv, void(const int));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_lr, void(int&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_clr, void(const int&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_rr, void(int&&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_crr, void(const int&&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_uniqv, void(std::unique_ptr<int>));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_sharedv, void(std::shared_ptr<int>));
MAKE_MOCK1(func, void(int&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func, void(const int&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func, void(int&&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_cstr, void(const char*));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_ptr_f, void(int (*)(int)));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_mptr_f, void(mptr_f));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_mptr_d, void(mptr_d));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_ustr, void(const uncomparable_string&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_ustrv, void(uncomparable_string));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_f, void(std::function<void()>));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_tupv, void(std::tuple<int>));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_tupr, void(std::tuple<int>&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_tuprr, void(std::tuple<int>&&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_tupcr, void(const std::tuple<int>&));
MAKE_MOCK1(func_tupcrr, void(const std::tuple<int>&&x));
int m;
struct C_foo1
MAKE_MOCK1(foo, void(int*));
struct C_foo2
MAKE_MOCK1(foo, void(int*));
MAKE_MOCK1(foo, void(char*));
struct C_foo3
int m;
MAKE_MOCK1(foo, void(int C_foo3::*));
MAKE_MOCK1(bar, void(int (*)(int)));
class mock_str
MAKE_MOCK1(c_c_str, void(char const*));
MAKE_MOCK1(c_str, void(char*));
MAKE_MOCK1(strcref, void(std::string const&));
MAKE_MOCK1(strref, void(std::string&));
MAKE_MOCK1(strrref, void(std::string&&));
MAKE_MOCK1(str, void(std::string));
MAKE_MOCK1(overload, void(char const*));
MAKE_MOCK1(overload, void(std::string const&));
class C_ptr
MAKE_MOCK1(ptr, void(int*));
MAKE_MOCK1(uptr, void(std::unique_ptr<int>));
MAKE_MOCK1(uptrrr, void(std::unique_ptr<int>&&));
MAKE_MOCK1(uptrcr, void(std::unique_ptr<int> const&));
MAKE_MOCK1(uptrr, void(std::unique_ptr<int>&));
MAKE_MOCK1(strptr, void(std::string*));
MAKE_MOCK1(pp, void(int**));
MAKE_MOCK1(overloaded, void(int**));
MAKE_MOCK1(overloaded, void(std::string*));
MAKE_MOCK1(coverload, void(int*));
MAKE_MOCK1(coverload, void(const int*));
template <typename T>
class any_of_t : public trompeloeil::typed_matcher<T>
any_of_t(std::initializer_list<T> elements) : alternatives(std::begin(elements), std::end(elements)) {}
bool matches(T const& t) const
return std::any_of(std::begin(alternatives), std::end(alternatives),
[&](T val) { return t == val; });
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, any_of_t<T> const& t)
os << " matching any_of({";
char const* prefix = " ";
for (auto& n : t.alternatives)
os << prefix << n;
prefix = ", ";
return os << " })";
std::vector<T> alternatives;
template <typename T>
any_of(std::initializer_list<T> elements)
-> decltype(any_of_t<T>(elements))
return any_of_t<T>(elements);
template <typename T>
class has_empty
struct no;
static no func(...);
template <typename U>
static auto func(U const* u) -> decltype(u->empty());
static const bool value = !std::is_same<no, decltype(func(std::declval<T*>()))>::value;
class not_empty : public trompeloeil::matcher
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<has_empty<T>::value>::type>
operator T() const;
template <typename T>
bool matches(T const& t) const
return !t.empty();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, not_empty const&)
return os << " is not empty";
struct unknown {
const char values[4] = { 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 };
namespace nn
struct TestOutput;
inline void print(std::ostream&, const TestOutput&);
struct TestOutput
int n;
print(std::ostream& os, const TestOutput& p)
os << "nn::print(TestOutput{" << p.n << "}";
template <typename T>
struct wrapped
T value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const wrapped<T>& w)
return os << "wrapped(" << w.value << ')';
} // namespace nn
namespace trompeloeil
template <>
inline void print(std::ostream& os, const nn::TestOutput& p)
os << "trompeloeil::print(nn::TestOutput{" << p.n << "})";
} // namespace trompeloeil
class TestOutputMock
MAKE_MOCK1(func, void(nn::TestOutput));
MAKE_MOCK1(func, void(nn::wrapped<int>));
class none
none() noexcept {}
none(none const&) noexcept {}
virtual ~none() {}
class T
MAKE_MOCK15(concats, std::string(int, int, int, int,
int, int, int, int,
int, int, int, int,
int, int, int));
MAKE_MOCK1(ptr, void(std::shared_ptr<int>));
MAKE_MOCK1(ptr, void(std::unique_ptr<int>));
template <int N>
struct I
I(int i_) : i{i_} {}
operator int() const noexcept { return i; }
int i;
struct all_if
virtual ~all_if() = default;
virtual void f0() = 0;
virtual void f1(I<1>) = 0;
virtual void f2(I<1>, I<2>) = 0;
virtual void f3(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>) = 0;
virtual void f4(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>) = 0;
virtual void f5(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>) = 0;
virtual void f6(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>) = 0;
virtual void f7(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>) = 0;
virtual void f8(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>) = 0;
virtual void f9(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>) = 0;
virtual void f10(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>) = 0;
virtual void f11(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>) = 0;
virtual void f12(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>) = 0;
virtual void f13(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>) = 0;
virtual void f14(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>) = 0;
virtual void f15(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>,I<15>) = 0;
virtual void cf0() const = 0;
virtual void cf1(I<1>) const = 0;
virtual void cf2(I<1>, I<2>) const = 0;
virtual void cf3(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>) const = 0;
virtual void cf4(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>) const = 0;
virtual void cf5(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>) const = 0;
virtual void cf6(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>) const = 0;
virtual void cf7(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>) const = 0;
virtual void cf8(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>) const = 0;
virtual void cf9(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>) const = 0;
virtual void cf10(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>) const= 0;
virtual void cf11(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>) const = 0;
virtual void cf12(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>) const = 0;
virtual void cf13(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>) const = 0;
virtual void cf14(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>) const = 0;
virtual void cf15(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>,I<15>) const = 0;
virtual std::tuple<int, float, double> f1t(I<1>) = 0;
virtual std::pair<int, float> cf1t(I<1>) const = 0;
struct all_mock_if : public all_if
MAKE_MOCK0(f0, void(), override);
MAKE_MOCK1(f1, void(I<1>), override);
MAKE_MOCK2(f2, void(I<1>, I<2>), override);
MAKE_MOCK3(f3, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>), override);
MAKE_MOCK4(f4, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>), override);
MAKE_MOCK5(f5, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>), override);
MAKE_MOCK6(f6, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>), override);
MAKE_MOCK7(f7, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>), override);
MAKE_MOCK8(f8, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>), override);
MAKE_MOCK9(f9, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>), override);
MAKE_MOCK10(f10, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>), override);
MAKE_MOCK11(f11, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>), override);
MAKE_MOCK12(f12, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>), override);
MAKE_MOCK13(f13, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>), override);
MAKE_MOCK14(f14, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>), override);
MAKE_MOCK15(f15, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>,I<15>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK0(cf0, void(), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(cf1, void(I<1>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK2(cf2, void(I<1>, I<2>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK3(cf3, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK4(cf4, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK5(cf5, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK6(cf6, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK7(cf7, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK8(cf8, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK9(cf9, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK10(cf10, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK11(cf11, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK12(cf12, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK13(cf13, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK14(cf14, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK15(cf15, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
I<9>,I<10>,I<11>,I<12>,I<13>,I<14>,I<15>), override);
MAKE_MOCK1(f1t, (std::tuple<int, float, double>(I<1>)), override);
MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(cf1t, (std::pair<int, float>(I<1>)), override);
struct all_mock
MAKE_MOCK0(f0, void());
MAKE_MOCK1(f1, void(I<1>));
MAKE_MOCK2(f2, void(I<1>, I<2>));
MAKE_MOCK3(f3, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>));
MAKE_MOCK4(f4, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>));
MAKE_MOCK5(f5, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>));
MAKE_MOCK6(f6, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>));
MAKE_MOCK7(f7, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>));
MAKE_MOCK8(f8, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>));
MAKE_MOCK9(f9, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK10(f10, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK11(f11, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK12(f12, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK13(f13, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK14(f14, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK15(f15, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK0(cf0, void());
MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(cf1, void(I<1>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK2(cf2, void(I<1>, I<2>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK3(cf3, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK4(cf4, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK5(cf5, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK6(cf6, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK7(cf7, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK8(cf8, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK9(cf9, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK10(cf10, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK11(cf11, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK12(cf12, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK13(cf13, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK14(cf14, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_CONST_MOCK15(cf15, void(I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, I<4>, I<5>, I<6>, I<7>, I<8>,
MAKE_MOCK1(f1t, (std::tuple<int, float, double>(I<1>)));
MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(cf1t, (std::pair<int, float>(I<1>)));
#endif /* !COMPILING_TESTS_HPP_ */