//---- Don't define obsolete functions/enums names. Consider enabling from time to time after updating to avoid using soon-to-be obsolete function/names.
//---- Don't define obsolete functions/enums/behaviors. Consider enabling from time to time after updating to avoid using soon-to-be obsolete function/names.
//---- Don't implement demo windows functionality (ShowDemoWindow()/ShowStyleEditor()/ShowUserGuide() methods will be empty)
// It is very strongly recommended to NOT disable the demo windows during development. Please read the comments in imgui_demo.cpp.
//---- Disable all of Dear ImGui or don't implement standard windows.
// It is very strongly recommended to NOT disable the demo windows during development. Please read comments in imgui_demo.cpp.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE // Disable everything: all headers and source files will be empty.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEMO_WINDOWS // Disable demo windows: ShowDemoWindow()/ShowStyleEditor() will be empty. Not recommended.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_METRICS_WINDOW // Disable metrics/debugger window: ShowMetricsWindow() will be empty.
//---- Don't implement some functions to reduce linkage requirements.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default clipboard handler. Won't use and link with OpenClipboard/GetClipboardData/CloseClipboard etc.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_IME_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default IME handler. Won't use and link with ImmGetContext/ImmSetCompositionWindow.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Won't use and link with any Win32 function (clipboard, ime).
//#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [OSX] Implement default OSX clipboard handler (need to link with '-framework ApplicationServices').
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_FORMAT_STRING_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFormatString/ImFormatStringV so you can implement them yourself if you don't want to link with vsnprintf.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFabs/ImSqrt/ImPow/ImFmod/ImCos/ImSin/ImAcos/ImAtan2 wrapper so you can implement them yourself. Declare your prototypes in imconfig.h.
//#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [OSX] Implement default OSX clipboard handler (need to link with '-framework ApplicationServices', this is why this is not the default).
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFormatString/ImFormatStringV so you can implement them yourself (e.g. if you don't want to link with vsnprintf)
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_MATH_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFabs/ImSqrt/ImPow/ImFmod/ImCos/ImSin/ImAcos/ImAtan2 so you can implement them yourself.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_FILE_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFileOpen/ImFileClose/ImFileRead/ImFileWrite so you can implement them yourself if you don't want to link with fopen/fclose/fread/fwrite. This will also disable the LogToTTY() function.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATORS // Don't implement default allocators calling malloc()/free() to avoid linking with them. You will need to call ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions().
//---- Include imgui_user.h at the end of imgui.h as a convenience
@ -45,13 +49,29 @@
//---- Pack colors to BGRA8 instead of RGBA8 (to avoid converting from one to another)
//---- Use 32-bit for ImWchar (default is 16-bit) to support unicode planes 1-16. (e.g. point beyond 0xFFFF like emoticons, dingbats, symbols, shapes, ancient languages, etc...)
//#define IMGUI_USE_WCHAR32
//---- Avoid multiple STB libraries implementations, or redefine path/filenames to prioritize another version
// By default the embedded implementations are declared static and not available outside of imgui cpp files.
// By default the embedded implementations are declared static and not available outside of Dear ImGui sources files.
//---- Use stb_printf's faster implementation of vsnprintf instead of the one from libc (unless IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNCTIONS is defined)
// Requires 'stb_sprintf.h' to be available in the include path. Compatibility checks of arguments and formats done by clang and GCC will be disabled in order to support the extra formats provided by STB sprintf.
//---- Use FreeType to build and rasterize the font atlas (instead of stb_truetype which is embedded by default in Dear ImGui)
// Requires FreeType headers to be available in the include path. Requires program to be compiled with 'misc/freetype/imgui_freetype.cpp' (in this repository) + the FreeType library (not provided).
// On Windows you may use vcpkg with 'vcpkg install freetype' + 'vcpkg integrate install'.
//---- Use stb_truetype to build and rasterize the font atlas (default)
// The only purpose of this define is if you want force compilation of the stb_truetype backend ALONG with the FreeType backend.
//---- Define constructor and implicit cast operators to convert back<>forth between your math types and ImVec2/ImVec4.
// This will be inlined as part of ImVec2 and ImVec4 class declarations.
@ -64,26 +84,31 @@
//---- Using 32-bits vertex indices (default is 16-bits) is one way to allow large meshes with more than 64K vertices.
// Your renderer back-end will need to support it (most example renderer back-ends support both 16/32-bits indices).
// Another way to allow large meshes while keeping 16-bits indices is to handle ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset in your renderer.
//---- Use 32-bit vertex indices (default is 16-bit) is one way to allow large meshes with more than 64K vertices.
// Your renderer backend will need to support it (most example renderer backends support both 16/32-bit indices).
// Another way to allow large meshes while keeping 16-bit indices is to handle ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset in your renderer.
// Read about ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset for details.
//#define ImDrawIdx unsigned int
//---- Override ImDrawCallback signature (will need to modify renderer back-ends accordingly)
//---- Override ImDrawCallback signature (will need to modify renderer backends accordingly)
// Use 'Metrics->Tools->Item Picker' to pick widgets with the mouse and break into them for easy debugging.
//---- Debug Tools: Macro to break in Debugger
// (use 'Metrics->Tools->Item Picker' to pick widgets with the mouse and break into them for easy debugging.)
//#define IM_DEBUG_BREAK __debugbreak()
// Have the Item Picker break in the ItemAdd() function instead of ItemHoverable() - which is earlier in the code, will catch a few extra items, allow picking items other than Hovered one.
//---- Debug Tools: Have the Item Picker break in the ItemAdd() function instead of ItemHoverable(),
// (which comes earlier in the code, will catch a few extra items, allow picking items other than Hovered one.)
// This adds a small runtime cost which is why it is not enabled by default.
//---- Debug Tools: Enable slower asserts
//---- Tip: You can add extra functions within the ImGui:: namespace, here or in your own headers files.
// Note: SDL 2.0.6+ has a SDL_WINDOW_SKIP_TASKBAR flag which is supported under Windows but the way it create the window breaks our seamless transition.
// Warning: the validity of monitor DPI information on Windows depends on the application DPI awareness settings, which generally needs to be set in the manifest or at runtime.
// SDL2 by default doesn't pass mouse clicks to the application when the click focused a window. This is getting in the way of our interactions and we disable that behavior.
io.BackendFlags|=ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports;// We can create multi-viewports on the Renderer side (optional)
// Store GLSL version string so we can refer to it later in case we recreate shaders. Note: GLSL version is NOT the same as GL version. Leave this to NULL if unsure.