- For the hardware renderers, a GPU capable of OpenGL 3.0/OpenGL ES 3.0/Direct3D 11 Feature Level 10.0 and above. So, basically anything made in the last 10 years or so.
- SDL-compatible game controller (e.g. XB360/XBOne)
## Downloading and running
Prebuilt binaries of DuckStation for 64-bit Windows are available via GitHub Actions CI. To download:
- Press the tick or cross next to the commit, shown under the "Clone or download" button
- Find "Windows Build" and click "details".
- Find the "Artifacts (1)" button in the top-right corner of the page, under "Fork".
- Download the `duckstation-windows-x64-release` artifact. This is a zip file containing the prebuilt binary.
Once downloaded and extracted, you can launch the Qt frontend from `duckstation-qt-x64-ReleaseLTCG.exe`, or the SDL frontend from `duckstation-x64-ReleaseLTCG.exe`.
To set up:
1. Either configure the path to a BIOS image in the settings, or copy one or more PlayStation BIOS images to the bios/ subdirectory.
2. If using the SDL frontend, add the directories containing your disc images by clicking Settings->Add Game Directory.
2. Select a game from the list, or open a disc image file and enjoy.
PlayStation game discs do not contain title information. For game titles, we use the redump.org database cross-referenced with the game's executable code.
This database can be manually downloaded and manually added as `cache/redump.dat`, or automatically downloaded by going into the `Game List Settings` in
the Qt Frontend, and clicking `Update Redump Database`.