@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
FLAC audio decoder . Choice of public domain or MIT - 0. See license statements at the end of this file .
dr_flac - v0 .12 .3 7 - 2022 - 02 - 12
dr_flac - v0 .12 .3 9 - 2022 - 09 - 17
David Reid - mackron @ gmail . com
@ -210,6 +210,9 @@ Build Options
# define DR_FLAC_NO_SIMD
Disables SIMD optimizations ( SSE on x86 / x64 architectures , NEON on ARM architectures ) . Use this if you are having compatibility issues with your compiler .
Disables all functions ending with ` _w ` . Use this if your compiler does not provide wchar . h . Not required if DR_FLAC_NO_STDIO is also defined .
@ -232,7 +235,7 @@ extern "C" {
# include <stddef.h> /* For size_t. */
@ -383,15 +386,13 @@ typedef enum
} drflac_seek_origin ;
/* Packing is important on this structure because we map this directly to the raw data within the SEEKTABLE metadata block. */
# pragma pack(2)
/* The order of members in this structure is important because we map this directly to the raw data within the SEEKTABLE metadata block. */
typedef struct
drflac_uint64 firstPCMFrame ;
drflac_uint64 flacFrameOffset ; /* The offset from the first byte of the header of the first frame. */
drflac_uint16 pcmFrameCount ;
} drflac_seekpoint ;
# pragma pack()
typedef struct
@ -1280,15 +1281,13 @@ typedef struct
const char * pRunningData ;
} drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator ;
/* Packing is important on this structure because we map this directly to the raw data within the CUESHEET metadata block. */
# pragma pack(4)
/* The order of members here is important because we map this directly to the raw data within the CUESHEET metadata block. */
typedef struct
drflac_uint64 offset ;
drflac_uint8 index ;
drflac_uint8 reserved [ 3 ] ;
} drflac_cuesheet_track_index ;
# pragma pack()
typedef struct
@ -1363,9 +1362,15 @@ DRFLAC_API drflac_bool32 drflac_next_cuesheet_track(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterat
I am using " __inline__ " only when we ' re compiling in strict ANSI mode .
# if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
# define DRFLAC_INLINE __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
# define DRFLAC_GNUC_INLINE_HINT __inline__
# else
# endif
# if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)) || defined(__clang__)
# define DRFLAC_INLINE DRFLAC_GNUC_INLINE_HINT __attribute__((always_inline))
# else
# define DRFLAC_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
# endif
# elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
# define DRFLAC_INLINE __inline
@ -1509,9 +1514,7 @@ static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_bool32 drflac_has_sse41(void)
# if defined(DRFLAC_SUPPORT_SSE41)
# if (defined(DRFLAC_X64) || defined(DRFLAC_X86)) && !defined(DRFLAC_NO_SSE41)
# if defined(DRFLAC_X64)
return DRFLAC_TRUE ; /* 64-bit targets always support SSE4.1. */
# elif (defined(_M_IX86_FP) && _M_IX86_FP == 2) || defined(__SSE4_1__)
# if defined(__SSE4_1__) || defined(__AVX__)
return DRFLAC_TRUE ; /* If the compiler is allowed to freely generate SSE41 code we can assume support. */
# else
# if defined(DRFLAC_NO_CPUID)
@ -1576,18 +1579,21 @@ static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_bool32 drflac_has_sse41(void)
extern __inline drflac_uint64 _watcom_bswap64 ( drflac_uint64 ) ;
# pragma aux _watcom_bswap16 = \
" xchg al, ah " \
parm [ ax ] \
modify [ ax ] ;
parm [ ax ] \
value [ ax ] \
modify nomemory ;
# pragma aux _watcom_bswap32 = \
" bswap eax " \
parm [ eax ] \
modify [ eax ] ;
" bswap eax " \
parm [ eax ] \
value [ eax ] \
modify nomemory ;
# pragma aux _watcom_bswap64 = \
" bswap eax " \
" bswap edx " \
" xchg eax,edx " \
parm [ eax edx ] \
modify [ eax edx ] ;
value [ eax edx ] \
modify nomemory ;
# endif
@ -1688,6 +1694,10 @@ typedef drflac_int32 drflac_result;
# define drflac_align(x, a) ((((x) + (a) - 1) / (a)) * (a))
@ -2690,6 +2700,10 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__find_and_seek_to_next_sync_code(drflac_bs* bs)
# if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__386__)
# endif
# ifdef __MRC__
# include <intrinsics.h>
# endif
static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_uint32 drflac__clz_software ( drflac_cache_t x )
@ -2730,6 +2744,8 @@ static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_bool32 drflac__is_lzcnt_supported(void)
/* Fast compile time check for ARM. */
# if defined(DRFLAC_HAS_LZCNT_INTRINSIC) && defined(DRFLAC_ARM) && (defined(__ARM_ARCH) && __ARM_ARCH >= 5)
return DRFLAC_TRUE ;
# elif defined(__MRC__)
return DRFLAC_TRUE ;
# else
/* If the compiler itself does not support the intrinsic then we'll need to return false. */
@ -2839,6 +2855,15 @@ static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_uint32 drflac__clz_msvc(drflac_cache_t x)
static __inline drflac_uint32 drflac__clz_watcom ( drflac_uint32 ) ;
/* Use the LZCNT instruction (only available on some processors since the 2010s). */
# pragma aux drflac__clz_watcom_lzcnt = \
" db 0F3h, 0Fh, 0BDh, 0C0h " /* lzcnt eax, eax */ \
parm [ eax ] \
value [ eax ] \
modify nomemory ;
# else
/* Use the 386+-compatible implementation. */
# pragma aux drflac__clz_watcom = \
" bsr eax, eax " \
" xor eax, 31 " \
@ -2846,6 +2871,7 @@ static __inline drflac_uint32 drflac__clz_watcom (drflac_uint32);
value [ eax ] \
modify exact [ eax ] nomemory ;
# endif
# endif
static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_uint32 drflac__clz ( drflac_cache_t x )
@ -2857,8 +2883,12 @@ static DRFLAC_INLINE drflac_uint32 drflac__clz(drflac_cache_t x)
return drflac__clz_msvc ( x ) ;
return drflac__clz_watcom_lzcnt ( x ) ;
return ( x = = 0 ) ? sizeof ( x ) * 8 : drflac__clz_watcom ( x ) ;
# elif defined(__MRC__)
return __cntlzw ( x ) ;
# else
return drflac__clz_software ( x ) ;
# endif
@ -4420,7 +4450,7 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__decode_samples_with_residual__rice__neon_32(drflac_
const drflac_uint32 t [ 2 ] = { 0x00000000 , 0xFFFFFFFF } ;
riceParamMask = ~ ( ( ~ 0UL ) < < riceParam ) ;
riceParamMask = ( drflac_uint32 ) ~ ( ( ~ 0UL ) < < riceParam ) ;
riceParamMask128 = vdupq_n_u32 ( riceParamMask ) ;
riceParam128 = vdupq_n_s32 ( riceParam ) ;
@ -4606,10 +4636,13 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__decode_samples_with_residual__rice__neon_64(drflac_
int32x4_t riceParam128 ;
int64x1_t shift64 ;
uint32x4_t one128 ;
int64x2_t prediction128 = { 0 } ;
uint32x4_t zeroCountPart128 ;
uint32x4_t riceParamPart128 ;
const drflac_uint32 t [ 2 ] = { 0x00000000 , 0xFFFFFFFF } ;
riceParamMask = ~ ( ( ~ 0UL ) < < riceParam ) ;
riceParamMask = ( drflac_uint32 ) ~ ( ( ~ 0UL ) < < riceParam ) ;
riceParamMask128 = vdupq_n_u32 ( riceParamMask ) ;
riceParam128 = vdupq_n_s32 ( riceParam ) ;
@ -4686,10 +4719,6 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__decode_samples_with_residual__rice__neon_64(drflac_
/* For this version we are doing one sample at a time. */
while ( pDecodedSamples < pDecodedSamplesEnd ) {
int64x2_t prediction128 = vdupq_n_s64 ( 0 ) ;
uint32x4_t zeroCountPart128 ;
uint32x4_t riceParamPart128 ;
if ( ! drflac__read_rice_parts_x1 ( bs , riceParam , & zeroCountParts [ 0 ] , & riceParamParts [ 0 ] ) | |
! drflac__read_rice_parts_x1 ( bs , riceParam , & zeroCountParts [ 1 ] , & riceParamParts [ 1 ] ) | |
! drflac__read_rice_parts_x1 ( bs , riceParam , & zeroCountParts [ 2 ] , & riceParamParts [ 2 ] ) | |
@ -6437,7 +6466,7 @@ static void drflac__free_from_callbacks(void* p, const drflac_allocation_callbac
static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata ( drflac_read_proc onRead , drflac_seek_proc onSeek , drflac_meta_proc onMeta , void * pUserData , void * pUserDataMD , drflac_uint64 * pFirstFramePos , drflac_uint64 * pSeektablePos , drflac_uint32 * pSeek tableSize , drflac_allocation_callbacks * pAllocationCallbacks )
static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata ( drflac_read_proc onRead , drflac_seek_proc onSeek , drflac_meta_proc onMeta , void * pUserData , void * pUserDataMD , drflac_uint64 * pFirstFramePos , drflac_uint64 * pSeektablePos , drflac_uint32 * pSeek pointCoun t, drflac_allocation_callbacks * pAllocationCallbacks )
We want to keep track of the byte position in the stream of the seektable . At the time of calling this function we know that
@ -6497,32 +6526,37 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata(drflac_read_proc onRead, d
seektableSize = blockSize ;
if ( onMeta ) {
drflac_uint32 seekpointCount ;
drflac_uint32 iSeekpoint ;
void * pRawData ;
pRawData = drflac__malloc_from_callbacks ( blockSize , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
seekpointCount = blockSize / DRFLAC_SEEKPOINT_SIZE_IN_BYTES ;
pRawData = drflac__malloc_from_callbacks ( seekpointCount * sizeof ( drflac_seekpoint ) , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
if ( pRawData = = NULL ) {
if ( onRead ( pUserData , pRawData , blockSize ) ! = blockSize ) {
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
/* We need to read seekpoint by seekpoint and do some processing. */
for ( iSeekpoint = 0 ; iSeekpoint < seekpointCount ; + + iSeekpoint ) {
drflac_seekpoint * pSeekpoint = ( drflac_seekpoint * ) pRawData + iSeekpoint ;
metadata . pRawData = pRawData ;
metadata . rawDataSize = blockSize ;
metadata . data . seektable . seekpointCount = blockSize / sizeof ( drflac_seekpoint ) ;
metadata . data . seektable . pSeekpoints = ( const drflac_seekpoint * ) pRawData ;
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
/* Endian swap. */
for ( iSeekpoint = 0 ; iSeekpoint < metadata . data . seektable . seekpointCount ; + + iSeekpoint ) {
drflac_seekpoint * pSeekpoint = ( drflac_seekpoint * ) pRawData + iSeekpoint ;
/* Endian swap. */
pSeekpoint - > firstPCMFrame = drflac__be2host_64 ( pSeekpoint - > firstPCMFrame ) ;
pSeekpoint - > flacFrameOffset = drflac__be2host_64 ( pSeekpoint - > flacFrameOffset ) ;
pSeekpoint - > pcmFrameCount = drflac__be2host_16 ( pSeekpoint - > pcmFrameCount ) ;
metadata . pRawData = pRawData ;
metadata . rawDataSize = blockSize ;
metadata . data . seektable . seekpointCount = seekpointCount ;
metadata . data . seektable . pSeekpoints = ( const drflac_seekpoint * ) pRawData ;
onMeta ( pUserDataMD , & metadata ) ;
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
@ -6607,9 +6641,15 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata(drflac_read_proc onRead, d
void * pRawData ;
const char * pRunningData ;
const char * pRunningDataEnd ;
size_t bufferSize ;
drflac_uint8 iTrack ;
drflac_uint8 iIndex ;
void * pTrackData ;
This needs to be loaded in two passes . The first pass is used to calculate the size of the memory allocation
we need for storing the necessary data . The second pass will fill that buffer with usable data .
pRawData = drflac__malloc_from_callbacks ( blockSize , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
if ( pRawData = = NULL ) {
@ -6630,38 +6670,91 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata(drflac_read_proc onRead, d
metadata . data . cuesheet . leadInSampleCount = drflac__be2host_64 ( * ( const drflac_uint64 * ) pRunningData ) ; pRunningData + = 8 ;
metadata . data . cuesheet . isCD = ( pRunningData [ 0 ] & 0x80 ) ! = 0 ; pRunningData + = 259 ;
metadata . data . cuesheet . trackCount = pRunningData [ 0 ] ; pRunningData + = 1 ;
metadata . data . cuesheet . pTrackData = pRunningData ;
metadata . data . cuesheet . pTrackData = NULL ; /* Will be filled later. */
/* Check that the cuesheet tracks are valid before passing it to the callback */
for ( iTrack = 0 ; iTrack < metadata . data . cuesheet . trackCount ; + + iTrack ) {
drflac_uint8 indexCount ;
drflac_uint32 indexPointSize ;
/* Pass 1: Calculate the size of the buffer for the track data. */
const char * pRunningDataSaved = pRunningData ; /* Will be restored at the end in preparation for the second pass. */
if ( pRunningDataEnd - pRunningData < 36 ) {
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
bufferSize = metadata . data . cuesheet . trackCount * DRFLAC_CUESHEET_TRACK_SIZE_IN_BYTES ;
for ( iTrack = 0 ; iTrack < metadata . data . cuesheet . trackCount ; + + iTrack ) {
drflac_uint8 indexCount ;
drflac_uint32 indexPointSize ;
if ( pRunningDataEnd - pRunningData < DRFLAC_CUESHEET_TRACK_SIZE_IN_BYTES ) {
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
/* Skip to the index point count */
pRunningData + = 35 ;
indexCount = pRunningData [ 0 ] ;
pRunningData + = 1 ;
bufferSize + = indexCount * sizeof ( drflac_cuesheet_track_index ) ;
/* Quick validation check. */
if ( pRunningDataEnd - pRunningData < ( drflac_int64 ) indexPointSize ) {
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
pRunningData + = indexPointSize ;
/* Skip to the index point count */
pRunningData + = 35 ;
indexCount = pRunningData [ 0 ] ; pRunningData + = 1 ;
indexPointSize = indexCount * sizeof ( drflac_cuesheet_track_index ) ;
if ( pRunningDataEnd - pRunningData < ( drflac_int64 ) indexPointSize ) {
pRunningData = pRunningDataSaved ;
/* Pass 2: Allocate a buffer and fill the data. Validation was done in the step above so can be skipped. */
char * pRunningTrackData ;
pTrackData = drflac__malloc_from_callbacks ( bufferSize , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
if ( pTrackData = = NULL ) {
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
/* Endian swap. */
for ( iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < indexCount ; + + iIndex ) {
drflac_cuesheet_track_index * pTrack = ( drflac_cuesheet_track_index * ) pRunningData ;
pRunningData + = sizeof ( drflac_cuesheet_track_index ) ;
pTrack - > offset = drflac__be2host_64 ( pTrack - > offset ) ;
pRunningTrackData = ( char * ) pTrackData ;
for ( iTrack = 0 ; iTrack < metadata . data . cuesheet . trackCount ; + + iTrack ) {
drflac_uint8 indexCount ;
pRunningData + = DRFLAC_CUESHEET_TRACK_SIZE_IN_BYTES - 1 ; /* Skip forward, but not beyond the last byte in the CUESHEET_TRACK block which is the index count. */
/* Grab the index count for the next part. */
indexCount = pRunningData [ 0 ] ;
pRunningData + = 1 ;
pRunningTrackData + = 1 ;
/* Extract each track index. */
for ( iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < indexCount ; + + iIndex ) {
drflac_cuesheet_track_index * pTrackIndex = ( drflac_cuesheet_track_index * ) pRunningTrackData ;
pRunningTrackData + = sizeof ( drflac_cuesheet_track_index ) ;
pTrackIndex - > offset = drflac__be2host_64 ( pTrackIndex - > offset ) ;
metadata . data . cuesheet . pTrackData = pTrackData ;
/* The original data is no longer needed. */
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
pRawData = NULL ;
onMeta ( pUserDataMD , & metadata ) ;
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pTrackData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
pTrackData = NULL ;
} break ;
@ -6700,7 +6793,7 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata(drflac_read_proc onRead, d
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
metadata . data . picture . mime = pRunningData ; pRunningData + = metadata . data . picture . mimeLength ;
metadata . data . picture . mime = pRunningData ; pRunningData + = metadata . data . picture . mimeLength ;
metadata . data . picture . descriptionLength = drflac__be2host_32_ptr_unaligned ( pRunningData ) ; pRunningData + = 4 ;
/* Need space for the rest of the block */
@ -6708,7 +6801,7 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata(drflac_read_proc onRead, d
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pRawData , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
metadata . data . picture . description = pRunningData ; pRunningData + = metadata . data . picture . descriptionLength ;
metadata . data . picture . description = pRunningData ; pRunningData + = metadata . data . picture . descriptionLength ;
metadata . data . picture . width = drflac__be2host_32_ptr_unaligned ( pRunningData ) ; pRunningData + = 4 ;
metadata . data . picture . height = drflac__be2host_32_ptr_unaligned ( pRunningData ) ; pRunningData + = 4 ;
metadata . data . picture . colorDepth = drflac__be2host_32_ptr_unaligned ( pRunningData ) ; pRunningData + = 4 ;
@ -6791,9 +6884,9 @@ static drflac_bool32 drflac__read_and_decode_metadata(drflac_read_proc onRead, d
* pSeektablePos = seektablePos ;
* pSeek tableSize = seektableSize ;
* pFirstFramePos = runningFilePos ;
* pSeektablePos = seektablePos ;
* pSeek pointCoun t = seektableSize / DRFLAC_SEEKPOINT_SIZE_IN_BYTES ;
* pFirstFramePos = runningFilePos ;
return DRFLAC_TRUE ;
@ -7823,11 +7916,11 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
drflac_uint32 wholeSIMDVectorCountPerChannel ;
drflac_uint32 decodedSamplesAllocationSize ;
# ifndef DR_FLAC_NO_OGG
drflac_oggbs oggbs ;
drflac_oggbs * pOggbs = NULL ;
# endif
drflac_uint64 firstFramePos ;
drflac_uint64 seektablePos ;
drflac_uint32 seek tableSize ;
drflac_uint32 seek pointCoun t;
drflac_allocation_callbacks allocationCallbacks ;
drflac * pFlac ;
@ -7881,18 +7974,21 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
/* There's additional data required for Ogg streams. */
if ( init . container = = drflac_container_ogg ) {
allocationSize + = sizeof ( drflac_oggbs ) ;
DRFLAC_ZERO_MEMORY ( & oggbs , sizeof ( oggbs ) ) ;
if ( init . container = = drflac_container_ogg ) {
oggbs . onRead = onRead ;
oggbs . onSeek = onSeek ;
oggbs . pUserData = pUserData ;
oggbs . currentBytePos = init . oggFirstBytePos ;
oggbs . firstBytePos = init . oggFirstBytePos ;
oggbs . serialNumber = init . oggSerial ;
oggbs . bosPageHeader = init . oggBosHeader ;
oggbs . bytesRemainingInPage = 0 ;
pOggbs = ( drflac_oggbs * ) drflac__malloc_from_callbacks ( sizeof ( * pOggbs ) , & allocationCallbacks ) ;
if ( pOggbs = = NULL ) {
DRFLAC_ZERO_MEMORY ( pOggbs , sizeof ( * pOggbs ) ) ;
pOggbs - > onRead = onRead ;
pOggbs - > onSeek = onSeek ;
pOggbs - > pUserData = pUserData ;
pOggbs - > currentBytePos = init . oggFirstBytePos ;
pOggbs - > firstBytePos = init . oggFirstBytePos ;
pOggbs - > serialNumber = init . oggSerial ;
pOggbs - > bosPageHeader = init . oggBosHeader ;
pOggbs - > bytesRemainingInPage = 0 ;
# endif
@ -7901,9 +7997,9 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
consist of only a single heap allocation . To this , the size of the seek table needs to be known , which we determine when reading
and decoding the metadata .
firstFramePos = 42 ; /* <-- We know we are at byte 42 at this point. */
seektablePos = 0 ;
seek tableSize = 0 ;
firstFramePos = 42 ; /* <-- We know we are at byte 42 at this point. */
seektablePos = 0 ;
seek pointCoun t = 0 ;
if ( init . hasMetadataBlocks ) {
drflac_read_proc onReadOverride = onRead ;
drflac_seek_proc onSeekOverride = onSeek ;
@ -7913,20 +8009,26 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
if ( init . container = = drflac_container_ogg ) {
onReadOverride = drflac__on_read_ogg ;
onSeekOverride = drflac__on_seek_ogg ;
pUserDataOverride = ( void * ) & o ggbs;
pUserDataOverride = ( void * ) pO ggbs;
# endif
if ( ! drflac__read_and_decode_metadata ( onReadOverride , onSeekOverride , onMeta , pUserDataOverride , pUserDataMD , & firstFramePos , & seektablePos , & seektableSize , & allocationCallbacks ) ) {
if ( ! drflac__read_and_decode_metadata ( onReadOverride , onSeekOverride , onMeta , pUserDataOverride , pUserDataMD , & firstFramePos , & seektablePos , & seekpointCount , & allocationCallbacks ) ) {
# ifndef DR_FLAC_NO_OGG
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pOggbs , & allocationCallbacks ) ;
# endif
return NULL ;
allocationSize + = seek tableSize ;
allocationSize + = seek pointCount * sizeof ( drflac_seekpoint ) ;
pFlac = ( drflac * ) drflac__malloc_from_callbacks ( allocationSize , & allocationCallbacks ) ;
if ( pFlac = = NULL ) {
# ifndef DR_FLAC_NO_OGG
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pOggbs , & allocationCallbacks ) ;
# endif
return NULL ;
@ -7936,8 +8038,12 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
# ifndef DR_FLAC_NO_OGG
if ( init . container = = drflac_container_ogg ) {
drflac_oggbs * pInternalOggbs = ( drflac_oggbs * ) ( ( drflac_uint8 * ) pFlac - > pDecodedSamples + decodedSamplesAllocationSize + seektableSize ) ;
* pInternalOggbs = oggbs ;
drflac_oggbs * pInternalOggbs = ( drflac_oggbs * ) ( ( drflac_uint8 * ) pFlac - > pDecodedSamples + decodedSamplesAllocationSize + ( seekpointCount * sizeof ( drflac_seekpoint ) ) ) ;
DRFLAC_COPY_MEMORY ( pInternalOggbs , pOggbs , sizeof ( * pOggbs ) ) ;
/* At this point the pOggbs object has been handed over to pInternalOggbs and can be freed. */
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pOggbs , & allocationCallbacks ) ;
pOggbs = NULL ;
/* The Ogg bistream needs to be layered on top of the original bitstream. */
pFlac - > bs . onRead = drflac__on_read_ogg ;
@ -7961,7 +8067,7 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
/* If we have a seektable we need to load it now, making sure we move back to where we were previously. */
if ( seektablePos ! = 0 ) {
pFlac - > seekpointCount = seek tableSize / sizeof ( * pFlac - > pSeekpoints ) ;
pFlac - > seekpointCount = seek pointCount ;
pFlac - > pSeekpoints = ( drflac_seekpoint * ) ( ( drflac_uint8 * ) pFlac - > pDecodedSamples + decodedSamplesAllocationSize ) ;
DRFLAC_ASSERT ( pFlac - > bs . onSeek ! = NULL ) ;
@ -7969,18 +8075,20 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
/* Seek to the seektable, then just read directly into our seektable buffer. */
if ( pFlac - > bs . onSeek ( pFlac - > bs . pUserData , ( int ) seektablePos , drflac_seek_origin_start ) ) {
if ( pFlac - > bs . onRead ( pFlac - > bs . pUserData , pFlac - > pSeekpoints , seektableSize ) = = seektableSize ) {
/* Endian swap. */
drflac_uint32 iSeekpoint ;
for ( iSeekpoint = 0 ; iSeekpoint < pFlac - > seekpointCount ; + + iSeekpoint ) {
drflac_uint32 iSeekpoint ;
for ( iSeekpoint = 0 ; iSeekpoint < seekpointCount ; iSeekpoint + = 1 ) {
if ( pFlac - > bs . onRead ( pFlac - > bs . pUserData , pFlac - > pSeekpoints + iSeekpoint , DRFLAC_SEEKPOINT_SIZE_IN_BYTES ) = = DRFLAC_SEEKPOINT_SIZE_IN_BYTES ) {
/* Endian swap. */
pFlac - > pSeekpoints [ iSeekpoint ] . firstPCMFrame = drflac__be2host_64 ( pFlac - > pSeekpoints [ iSeekpoint ] . firstPCMFrame ) ;
pFlac - > pSeekpoints [ iSeekpoint ] . flacFrameOffset = drflac__be2host_64 ( pFlac - > pSeekpoints [ iSeekpoint ] . flacFrameOffset ) ;
pFlac - > pSeekpoints [ iSeekpoint ] . pcmFrameCount = drflac__be2host_16 ( pFlac - > pSeekpoints [ iSeekpoint ] . pcmFrameCount ) ;
} else {
/* Failed to read the seektable. Pretend we don't have one. */
pFlac - > pSeekpoints = NULL ;
pFlac - > seekpointCount = 0 ;
break ;
} else {
/* Failed to read the seektable. Pretend we don't have one. */
pFlac - > pSeekpoints = NULL ;
pFlac - > seekpointCount = 0 ;
/* We need to seek back to where we were. If this fails it's a critical error. */
@ -8029,7 +8137,9 @@ static drflac* drflac_open_with_metadata_private(drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac
# include <stdio.h>
# include <wchar.h> /* For wcslen(), wcsrtombs() */
# endif
/* drflac_result_from_errno() is only used for fopen() and wfopen() so putting it inside DR_WAV_NO_STDIO for now. If something else needs this later we can move it out. */
# include <errno.h>
@ -8495,6 +8605,7 @@ fallback, so if you notice your compiler not detecting this properly I'm happy t
# endif
# endif
static drflac_result drflac_wfopen ( FILE * * ppFile , const wchar_t * pFilePath , const wchar_t * pOpenMode , const drflac_allocation_callbacks * pAllocationCallbacks )
if ( ppFile ! = NULL ) {
@ -8523,10 +8634,23 @@ static drflac_result drflac_wfopen(FILE** ppFile, const wchar_t* pFilePath, cons
# else
Use fopen ( ) on anything other than Windows . Requires a conversion . This is annoying because fopen ( ) is locale specific . The only real way I can
think of to do this is with wcsrtombs ( ) . Note that wcstombs ( ) is apparently not thread - safe because it uses a static global mbstate_t object for
maintaining state . I ' ve checked this with - std = c89 and it works , but if somebody get ' s a compiler error I ' ll look into improving compatibility .
Use fopen ( ) on anything other than Windows . Requires a conversion . This is annoying because
fopen ( ) is locale specific . The only real way I can think of to do this is with wcsrtombs ( ) . Note
that wcstombs ( ) is apparently not thread - safe because it uses a static global mbstate_t object for
maintaining state . I ' ve checked this with - std = c89 and it works , but if somebody get ' s a compiler
error I ' ll look into improving compatibility .
Some compilers don ' t support wchar_t or wcsrtombs ( ) which we ' re using below . In this case we just
need to abort with an error . If you encounter a compiler lacking such support , add it to this list
and submit a bug report and it ' ll be added to the library upstream .
# if defined(__DJGPP__)
/* Nothing to do here. This will fall through to the error check below. */
# else
mbstate_t mbs ;
size_t lenMB ;
@ -8568,6 +8692,7 @@ static drflac_result drflac_wfopen(FILE** ppFile, const wchar_t* pFilePath, cons
drflac__free_from_callbacks ( pFilePathMB , pAllocationCallbacks ) ;
# endif
if ( * ppFile = = NULL ) {
@ -8576,6 +8701,7 @@ static drflac_result drflac_wfopen(FILE** ppFile, const wchar_t* pFilePath, cons
# endif
static size_t drflac__on_read_stdio ( void * pUserData , void * bufferOut , size_t bytesToRead )
@ -8608,6 +8734,7 @@ DRFLAC_API drflac* drflac_open_file(const char* pFileName, const drflac_allocati
return pFlac ;
DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file_w ( const wchar_t * pFileName , const drflac_allocation_callbacks * pAllocationCallbacks )
drflac * pFlac ;
@ -8625,6 +8752,7 @@ DRFLAC_API drflac* drflac_open_file_w(const wchar_t* pFileName, const drflac_all
return pFlac ;
# endif
DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file_with_metadata ( const char * pFileName , drflac_meta_proc onMeta , void * pUserData , const drflac_allocation_callbacks * pAllocationCallbacks )
@ -8644,6 +8772,7 @@ DRFLAC_API drflac* drflac_open_file_with_metadata(const char* pFileName, drflac_
return pFlac ;
DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file_with_metadata_w ( const wchar_t * pFileName , drflac_meta_proc onMeta , void * pUserData , const drflac_allocation_callbacks * pAllocationCallbacks )
drflac * pFlac ;
@ -8661,6 +8790,7 @@ DRFLAC_API drflac* drflac_open_file_with_metadata_w(const wchar_t* pFileName, dr
return pFlac ;
# endif
# endif /* DR_FLAC_NO_STDIO */
static size_t drflac__on_read_memory ( void * pUserData , void * bufferOut , size_t bytesToRead )
@ -11928,6 +12058,18 @@ DRFLAC_API drflac_bool32 drflac_next_cuesheet_track(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterat
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
v0 .12 .39 - 2022 - 09 - 17
- Fix compilation with DJGPP .
- Fix compilation error with Visual Studio 2019 and the ARM build .
- Fix an error with SSE 4.1 detection .
- Add support for disabling wchar_t with DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR .
- Improve compatibility with compilers which lack support for explicit struct packing .
- Improve compatibility with low - end and embedded hardware by reducing the amount of stack
allocation when loading an Ogg encapsulated file .
v0 .12 .38 - 2022 - 04 - 10
- Fix compilation error on older versions of GCC .
v0 .12 .37 - 2022 - 02 - 12
- Improve ARM detection .