You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
6.1 KiB

var br = "";
function nameGen(type) {
var nm1 = ["Achaje (Stranger)", "Alilenji (What should you cry for?)", "Alinafe (God's with us)", "Amasulitsa (Loosen)", "Balikumoba (He is away)", "Bozapalije (There are no lies)", "Bwerani (Come back)", "Bwezani (Return)", "Bwinikileni (Cover me)", "Chakufwa (It's dead)", "Chakumanda (Of the grave)", "Chananga (Wrong doer)", "Chantindika (It surprised me)", "Chawanangwa (A gift)", "Chawezi (Gift)", "Chayambaso (It started again)", "Chazaso (Memories)", "Chekani (To cut)", "Chibinkhe (Dark one)", "Chibvwati (Provides shadow)", "Chibvwimbo (Bird's nest)", "Chichitikie (Something'll happen)", "Chidano (Hatred)", "Chidongo (Soil)", "Chifumu (Second)", "Chifundo (Mercy)", "Chifundo (Sympathy)", "Chifuniro (Will)", "Chiheni (Thug)", "Chikomeni (Kill it)", "Chikondi (Love)", "Chikumbutso (Memory)", "Chilekeni (Leave it alone)", "Chimangeni (Stop it)", "Chimango (Builder)", "Chimbizghani (Chased)", "Chimika (To stop)", "Chimwamtaba (Traditional drink)", "Chimwemwe (Joy)", "Chipati (To part)", "Chipheni (Kill it)", "Chiponde (Death)", "Chisomo (Blessing)", "Chisomo (Grace)", "Chisoni (Sadness)", "Chithuzi (Shadow)", "Chiukepo (It'll leave)", "Chiyembekezo (Hope)", "Chosamatenda (Remove sickness)", "Chosani (Remove it)", "Chosaning'oma (Remove bad thhings)", "Dalitso (Blessing)", "Dandaulani (Complain)", "Dandaulo (Complaint)", "Dindi (Grave)", "Dingani (To be alone)", "Dizgha (To be quiet)", "Duka (To dance)", "Dulani (To cut)", "Dumbani (Explain)", "Epulani (To cut hair)", "Fatsani (Meek)", "Fulata (Second)", "Funsileniko (Ask for me)", "Fwaninge (Continue to die)", "Fwaruta (Always dying)", "Fwasa (Be calm)", "Gadabu (Turn upwards)", "Galubasi (Insulted)", "Ganizani (Think)", "Gezani (Wash yourself)", "Goli (First)", "Gunduzani (To shake strongly)", "Gwazanani (Spear each other)", "Hambani (You go)", "Imikizani (To show)", "Infayanunkha (Death stunk)", "Izaso (Come again)", "Jelasilekani (Stop being jealous)", "Jilele (Brace yourself)", "Joya (To have restraint)", "Jumbani (To endanger)", "Kabilibili (Green grass)", "Kabungulule (To cause anxiety)", "Kabuula (Moans when sick)", "Kacece (Small)", "Kachila (Has recovered)", "Kadudu (Type of fruit)", "Kajilele (Be reliant)", "Kakoba (White bird)", "Kalezulezu (chin)", "Kamkhwala (Medicine)", "Kamnthowa (Travel)", "Kamoyo (Life)", "Kamthibi (Traditional drink)", "Kamunkhwala (Medicine)", "Kamusisi (Roots)", "Kamuzyu (Roots)", "Kamwendo (Small foot)", "Kamzati (Small pillar)", "Kamzuni (Type of mouse)", "Kangulu (To be tied)", "Kanyifwa (Deaths)", "Kapalepale (Of birds)", "Kapasule (To break up)", "Kasaru (Small cloth)", "Kaswatu (Small, dry twig)", "Kathaulo (Small cloth)", "Katota (Too many)", "Kaulanda (Alone)", "Kawako (Born)", "Kazitape (Stir up)", "Khece (Bold)", "Khumbireko (To admire)", "Khumbizgho (Temporary)", "Khumbo (A wish)", "Khuzani (Mourn)", "Komani (Kill him)", "Komaniso (Kill him too)", "Kondana (Love)", "Kondanani (Love each other)", "Kondwani (Be happy)", "Kondwani (Rejoice)", "Kumbukani (Remember)", "Limbani (Strong)", "Limbikani (Work hard)", "Madalitso (Blessings)", "Mavuto (Troubles)", "Mayamiko (Gratitude)", "Meyeso (God's test)", "Mphatso (Gift)", "Mtendere (Peace)", "Pemphero (Prayer)", "Pilirani (Persevere)", "Tadala (We're blessed)", "Takondwa (We're glad)", "Tamandani (Exalted)", "Thokozani (Thanks)", "Tiyamike (We praise)", "Yamikani (Praise)", "Zikomo (Thank you)"];
var nm2 = ["Alinafe (God's with us)", "Bafiske (Let them be)", "Balaudye (You eat them)", "Balijekwao (Homeless)", "Basimati (Finished)", "Beliya (Unknown)", "Chakufwa (It's dead)", "Chakumanda (Of the grave)", "Chalinda (It's here)", "Chapanjira (Journey)", "Chapansi (Of the Earth)", "Chapasi (Earth)", "Chatonda (Stubborn)", "Chatyalani (Waste of time)", "Chaudiona (You saw spectacles)", "Chazaso (Memories)", "Chidothi (Earth)", "Chifundo (Mercy)", "Chifuniro (Will)", "Chikatizyo (Helper)", "Chikondi (Love)", "Chikumbuso (Reminder)", "Chikumbutso (Memory)", "Chimika (To stop)", "Chimwamsozi (Drinks tears)", "Chimwemwe (Joy)", "Chipateni (Don't like you)", "Chipati (To part)", "Chipenya (He watches)", "Chipezeyani (Who will find it?)", "Chisomo (Grace)", "Chiyembekezo (Hope)", "Chiyipira (Doesn't suit you)", "Dalitso (Blessing)", "Dambuzgho (Troubles)", "Dengele (Death)", "Dubani (Deny)", "Dubile (To deny)", "Dubiwe (Left alone)", "Efulida (Inherited)", "Fatsani (Meek)", "Fiskani (Tell the truth)", "Fulata (Second)", "Fwaninge (Continue to die)", "Fwaruta (Always dying)", "Fwasani (Calm)", "Ganizani (Think)", "Goli (First)", "Infayanunkha (Death stunk)", "Ipe (Give me, please)", "Izaso (Come again)", "Jumbani (Endanger)", "Kabungulule (To cause anxiety)", "Kabuthu (Small girl)", "Kacece (Small)", "Kadudu (Type of fruit)", "Kamkhwala (Medicine)", "Kamthibi (Traditional drink)", "Kamunkhwala (Medicine)", "Kamuzyu (Roots)", "Kasiwa (Alone)", "Ketase (Cooperation)", "Khece (Bold)", "Khumbize (Temporary)", "Khumbo (A wish)", "Khutamasozi (Full of tears)", "Kondwani (Rejoice)", "Kumbukani (Remember)", "Limbani (Strong)", "Limbikani (Work hard)", "Madalitso (Blessings)", "Mavuto (Troubles)", "Mayamiko (Gratitude)", "Meyeso (God's test)", "Mphatso (Gift)", "Mtendere (Peace)", "Pemphero (Prayer)", "Pilirani (Persevere)", "Tadala (We're blessed)", "Takondwa (We're glad)", "Tamandani (Exalted)", "Thokozani (Thanks)", "Tiyamike (We praise)", "Yamikani (Praise)"];
var tp = type;
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (tp === 1) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm2.length | 0;
names = nm2[rnd];
nm2.splice(rnd, 1);
} else {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
names = nm1[rnd];
nm1.splice(rnd, 1);
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {