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29 lines
13 KiB
29 lines
13 KiB
var nm1 = ['The Abandoned', 'The Absent', 'The Abstract', 'The Accidental', 'The Adorable', 'The Aggressive', 'The Alien', 'The American', 'The Amused', 'The Ancient', 'The Annoying', 'The Anxious', 'The Aquatic', 'The Armed', 'The Aromatic', 'The Ashamed', 'The Asian', 'The Assorted', 'The Attractive', 'The Australian', 'The Automatic', 'The Awesome', 'The Awful', 'The Bad', 'The Beautiful', 'The Best', 'The Better', 'The Big', 'The Bitter', 'The Bizarre', 'The Black', 'The Bloody', 'The Blue', 'The Blushing', 'The Boiling', 'The Bored', 'The Bouncy', 'The Brass', 'The Brave', 'The Broad', 'The Broken', 'The Bronze', 'The Bumpy', 'The Busy', 'The Calm', 'The Careful', 'The Careless', 'The Cheap', 'The Chilly', 'The Chinese', 'The Chubby', 'The Chunky', 'The Clean', 'The Clever', 'The Closed', 'The Clumsy', 'The Cold', 'The Colossal', 'The Confident', 'The Cool', 'The Copper', 'The Courageous', 'The Cowardly', 'The Crazy', 'The Creepy', 'The Crowded', 'The Cruel', 'The Cunning', 'The Curious', 'The Cute', 'The Daily', 'The Dancing', 'The Dangerous', 'The Dapper', 'The Dark', 'The Dazzling', 'The Dead', 'The Deep', 'The Defeated', 'The Defiant', 'The Delirious', 'The Deranged', 'The Deserted', 'The Detailed', 'The Devilish', 'The Diamond', 'The Different', 'The Dire', 'The Dirty', 'The Disarmed', 'The Discreet', 'The Double', 'The Drab', 'The Dramatic', 'The Drunk', 'The Drunken', 'The Dry', 'The Dusty', 'The Dutch', 'The Dwarven', 'The Dwarvish', 'The Dynamic', 'The Eager', 'The Early', 'The Earthy', 'The Educated', 'The Efficient', 'The Electric', 'The Elegant', 'The Elite', 'The Embarrassed', 'The Empty', 'The Enchanted', 'The Entertaining', 'The Equal', 'The Ethereal', 'The Even', 'The Excellent', 'The Excited', 'The Exclusive', 'The Exotic', 'The Expensive', 'The Fabulous', 'The Faded', 'The Faint', 'The False', 'The Familiar', 'The Famous', 'The Fancy', 'The Fantastic', 'The Far', 'The Far Away', 'The Fascinated', 'The Fascinating', 'The Fast', 'The Fearless', 'The Fiery', 'The Filthy', 'The Fine', 'The First', 'The Fixed', 'The Flashy', 'The Fluffy', 'The Foamy', 'The Foolish', 'The Fragile', 'The Free', 'The Freezing', 'The French', 'The Frightened', 'The Frightening', 'The Frozen', 'The Full', 'The Future', 'The Futuristic', 'The Fuzzy', 'The General', 'The Gentle', 'The German', 'The Ghastly', 'The Ghost', 'The Giant', 'The Gifted', 'The Gigantic', 'The Glamorous', 'The Glistening', 'The Glorious', 'The Godly', 'The Golden', 'The Good', 'The Goofy', 'The Gorgeous', 'The Grateful', 'The Gray', 'The Greasy', 'The Green', 'The Grey', 'The Groovy', 'The Gruesome', 'The Grumpy', 'The Gullible', 'The Handy', 'The Happy', 'The Harsh', 'The Healthy', 'The Heavenly', 'The Heavy', 'The Hidden', 'The High', 'The Hilarious', 'The Hissing', 'The Hollow', 'The Honorable', 'The Hot', 'The Huge', 'The Hungry', 'The Hypnotic', 'The Icky', 'The Imaginary', 'The Imperfect', 'The Impolite', 'The Impossible', 'The Incompetent', 'The Incredible', 'The Infamous', 'The Innocent', 'The Intelligent', 'The Interesting', 'The International', 'The Iron', 'The Itchy', 'The Ivory', 'The Jaded', 'The Jagged', 'The Japanese', 'The Jazzy', 'The Jealous', 'The Jolly', 'The Juicy', 'The Kaput', 'The Keen', 'The Kind', 'The Known', 'The Lame', 'The Last', 'The Late', 'The Latin', 'The Latino', 'The Laughable', 'The Laughing', 'The Lazy', 'The Lean', 'The Left', 'The Lethal', 'The Light', 'The Likable', 'The Limping', 'The Little', 'The Lively', 'The Lonely', 'The Long', 'The Longing', 'The Loud', 'The Lovely', 'The Loving', 'The Lucky', 'The Lush', 'The Lying', 'The Lyrical', 'The Macho', 'The Magenta', 'The Magical', 'The Magnificent', 'The Majestic', 'The Mammoth', 'The Maniacal', 'The Marked', 'The Married', 'The Marvelous', 'The Massive', 'The Mature', 'The Mean', 'The Measly', 'The Mellow', 'The Melting', 'The Merciful', 'The Messy', 'The Metal', 'The Middle', 'The Mighty', 'The Minor', 'The Misty', 'The Mixed', 'The Mixing', 'The Modern', 'The Moldy', 'The Molten', 'The Murky', 'The Mushy', 'The Mute', 'The Mysterious', 'The Naive', 'The Narrow', 'The Nasty', 'The National', 'The Natural', 'The Naughty', 'The Needy', 'The Nervous', 'The New', 'The Next', 'The Next Best', 'The Nice', 'The Nifty', 'The Nimble', 'The Nostalgic', 'The Obedient', 'The Obnoxious', 'The Oceanic', 'The Odd', 'The Old', 'The Old Fashioned', 'The Open', 'The Opposite', 'The Orange', 'The Organic', 'The Oriental', 'The Outrageous', 'The Overrated', 'The Painful', 'The Panoramic', 'The Parallel', 'The Pathetic', 'The Peaceful', 'The Perfect', 'The Pink', 'The Plain', 'The Pleasant', 'The Pointless', 'The Polite', 'The Poor', 'The Precious', 'The Private', 'The Protective', 'The Proud', 'The Psychotic', 'The Puny', 'The Purple', 'The Puzzled', 'The Puzzling', 'The Quack', 'The Quacking', 'The Quaint', 'The Quick', 'The Quickest', 'The Quiet', 'The Rabid', 'The Rainy', 'The Rapid', 'The Rare', 'The Real', 'The Rebel', 'The Rebellious', 'The Red', 'The Reflecting', 'The Regular', 'The Relieved', 'The Repulsive', 'The Responsible', 'The Rich', 'The Right', 'The Righteous', 'The Romantic', 'The Rotten', 'The Round', 'The Royal', 'The Running', 'The Russian', 'The Ruthless', 'The Sad', 'The Safe', 'The Salty', 'The Scared', 'The Scary', 'The Scattered', 'The Second', 'The Secret', 'The Serious', 'The Shaggy', 'The Shaking', 'The Shattered', 'The Short', 'The Shouting', 'The Sick', 'The Sickly', 'The Silent', 'The Silver', 'The Simple', 'The Singing', 'The Skilled', 'The Skillful', 'The Skinny', 'The Sleeping', 'The Sleepy', 'The Slippery', 'The Slow', 'The Smart', 'The Smelly', 'The Smiling', 'The Smooth', 'The Snobbish', 'The Snoring', 'The Soft', 'The Solid', 'The Sore', 'The Sour', 'The Sparkling', 'The Special', 'The Spectacular', 'The Spicy', 'The Spiritual', 'The Spooky', 'The Spotless', 'The Spotted', 'The Square', 'The Stately', 'The Steel', 'The Stormy', 'The Successful', 'The Sudden', 'The Super', 'The Superb', 'The Supreme', 'The Sweet', 'The Sweet and Sour', 'The Swift', 'The Tacky', 'The Talented', 'The Tall', 'The Tame', 'The Tasty', 'The Teeny', 'The Temporary', 'The Terrible', 'The Terrific', 'The Thanked', 'The Thankful', 'The Thick', 'The Thin', 'The Third', 'The Thoughtful', 'The Threatened', 'The Threatening', 'The Thundering', 'The Timid', 'The Tiny', 'The Tipsy', 'The Tired', 'The Towering', 'The Triangular', 'The Tricky', 'The Twelve', 'The Twin', 'The Typical', 'The Ugliest', 'The Ugly', 'The Unarmed', 'The Uneven', 'The Unique', 'The Unknown', 'The Unnatural', 'The Unusual', 'The Unwritten', 'The Upset', 'The Vagabond', 'The Vague', 'The Valuable', 'The Vengeful', 'The Venomous', 'The Victorious', 'The Violent', 'The Violet', 'The Voiceless', 'The Vulgar', 'The Wacky', 'The Waiting', 'The Wandering', 'The Warm', 'The Weak', 'The Well-Groomed', 'The Wet', 'The Whimsical', 'The Whispering', 'The White', 'The Wicked', 'The Wild', 'The Windy', 'The Wise', 'The Wooden', 'The Worthless', 'The Wretched', 'The Wrong', 'The Demon', 'The Yellow', 'The Young', 'The Zealous', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde', 'Ye Olde'];
var nm2 = ['', '', '', '', '', '', 'Accordion', 'Adventurer', 'Albatross', 'Alligator', 'Anemone', 'Angel', 'Angels', 'Ant', 'Anteater', 'Antelope', 'Ants', 'Ape', 'Apple', 'Apples', 'Arm', 'Armadillo', 'Avocado', 'Axe', 'Baboon', 'Bachelor', 'Badger', 'Bagpipe', 'Baker', 'Balloon', 'Bamboo', 'Banjo', 'Barracuda', 'Barrel', 'Barricade', 'Bass', 'Bassoon', 'Bat', 'Bats', 'Battleaxe', 'Bean', 'Bear', 'Beard', 'Bears', 'Beaver', 'Beavers', 'Bed', 'Bee', 'Bees', 'Bell', 'Bells', 'Belltower', 'Bird', 'Birds', 'Bison', 'Blossom', 'Boat', 'Bone', 'Bongo', 'Book', 'Books', 'Boulder', 'Bow', 'Bowl', 'Brain', 'Branch', 'Buffalo', 'Bunny', 'Butcher', 'Butterflies', 'Butterfly', 'Cabbage', 'Cake', 'Camel', 'Canary', 'Candle', 'Captain', 'Carrot', 'Cashew', 'Castle', 'Cat', 'Caterpillar', 'Cats', 'Cave', 'Cavern', 'Celery', 'Cello', 'Chain', 'Chainmail', 'Chair', 'Cheese', 'Cheetah', 'Cherry', 'Chestnut', 'Chestplate', 'Chick', 'Chicken', 'Child', 'Chimpanzee', 'Cinnamon', 'City', 'Clam', 'Clams', 'Clarinet', 'Cliff', 'Cloth', 'Cobra', 'Coconut', 'Cod', 'Coin', 'Cookie', 'Corn', 'Couple', 'Coyote', 'Crab', 'Crabs', 'Crane', 'Crew', 'Crocodile', 'Crossbow', 'Crow', 'Crows', 'Crystal', 'Cucumber', 'Cup', 'Curry', 'Cushion', 'Dagger', 'Dahlia', 'Dandelion', 'Dark Elf', 'Dawg', 'Deer', 'Demon', 'Demons', 'Desk', 'Dessert', 'Didgeridoo', 'Dinosaur', 'Discovery', 'Dog', 'Dogs', 'Donkey', 'Dove', 'Doves', 'Dragon', 'Dragonfruit', 'Dragons', 'Drum', 'Drumstick', 'Duck', 'Ducks', 'Duduk', 'Dwarf', 'Eagle', 'Eagles', 'Eel', 'Egg', 'Elderberry', 'Elephant', 'Elephant Seal', 'Elephants', 'Elf', 'Emu', 'Explorer', 'Fairy', 'Falcon', 'Falcons', 'Ferret', 'Fiddle', 'Fiddler', 'Fig', 'Fire', 'Fish', 'Flame', 'Flea', 'Flies', 'Flower', 'Flute', 'Fly', 'Forest', 'Fork', 'Fowl', 'Fox', 'Frog', 'Gang', 'Garden', 'Gate', 'Gauntlet', 'Gazelle', 'Geese', 'Gentleman', 'Gentlemen', 'Gentlewoman', 'Gentlewomen', 'Giant', 'Giraffe', 'Glass', 'Glory', 'Goat', 'Goats', 'Goose', 'Gooseberry', 'Gopher', 'Gorilla', 'Grape', 'Grasshopper', 'Grotto', 'Group', 'Guard', 'Guinea Pig', 'Guinea Pigs', 'Guitar', 'Hag', 'Halberd', 'Hammer', 'Hamster', 'Hamsters', 'Hand', 'Harbour', 'Harp', 'Hatchet', 'Hawk', 'Hawks', 'Hazelnut', 'Head', 'Heart', 'Helm', 'Helmet', 'Hill', 'Hippo', 'Hippopotamus', 'Hog', 'Horn', 'Hornet', 'Hornets', 'Horse', 'Horses', 'Hunter', 'Huntress', 'Husband', 'Hyacinth', 'Hyena', 'Ice', 'Ingot', 'Jackal', 'Jackals', 'Jaguar', 'Jellyfish', 'Jester', 'Kangaroo', 'King', 'Kitten', 'Kiwi', 'Knife', 'Knight', 'Koala', 'Kumquat', 'Lady', 'Lake', 'Lamb', 'Lamp', 'Lantern', 'Lavender', 'Leader', 'Leaf', 'Leg', 'Lemon', 'Leopard', 'Lettuce', 'Librarian', 'Library', 'Lily', 'Lime', 'Lion', 'Lioness', 'Lions', 'Llama', 'Loaf', 'Lobster', 'Lobsters', 'Loch', 'Lord', 'Lute', 'Lychee', 'Lyre', 'Magpie', 'Manatee', 'Mandolin', 'Mango', 'Maple', 'Marigold', 'Master', 'Meat', 'Meerkat', 'Melon', 'Melons', 'Mice', 'Midget', 'Mind', 'Mole', 'Moon', 'Morning Glory', 'Mosquito', 'Mountain', 'Mouse', 'Moustache', 'Mushroom', 'Narcissus', 'Night', 'Night Elf', 'Nightingale', 'Note', 'Nugget', 'Nut', 'Nutmeg', 'Oak', 'Ocean', 'Octopus', 'Olive', 'Onion', 'Opossum', 'Orange', 'Orangutan', 'Orc', 'Ore', 'Ostrich', 'Otter', 'Owl', 'Ox', 'Oyster', 'Oysters', 'Palm', 'Pan Flute', 'Panda', 'Panther', 'Pants', 'Papaya', 'Parrot', 'Parrots', 'Parsnip', 'Pea', 'Peacock', 'Peanut', 'Pear', 'Pearl', 'Pegasus', 'Pelican', 'Peon', 'Pepper', 'Piano', 'Pickaxe', 'Pie', 'Pig', 'Pigeon', 'Pigeons', 'Pike', 'Pillow', 'Pirate', 'Pistachio', 'Planet', 'Plate', 'Ponies', 'Pony', 'Potato', 'Prince', 'Princess', 'Pudding', 'Pumpkin', 'Puppy', 'Queen', 'Rabbit', 'Raccoon', 'Rapier', 'Raspberry', 'Rat', 'Rats', 'Raven', 'Reindeer', 'Rhino', 'Rhinoceros', 'Rhododendron', 'River', 'Rock', 'Root', 'Rope', 'Rose', 'Sail', 'Sailboat', 'Salad', 'Salmon', 'Salt', 'Saxophone', 'Scream', 'Sea', 'Seadog', 'Seagull', 'Seagulls', 'Seahorse', 'Seal', 'Seals', 'Serpent', 'Shark', 'Sharks', 'Sheep', 'Shield', 'Ship', 'Shipmate', 'Shirt', 'Shoe', 'Shovel', 'Shrub', 'Sign', 'Skies', 'Skull', 'Skunk', 'Skunks', 'Snail', 'Snake', 'Snakes', 'Snapdragon', 'Snow', 'Snowball', 'Snowdrop', 'Snowfall', 'Soup', 'Spade', 'Spider', 'Spiders', 'Spoon', 'Squash', 'Squid', 'Squirrel', 'Stag', 'Star', 'Stars', 'Steed', 'Stew', 'Stick', 'Stone', 'Strawberry', 'Stream', 'Sugar', 'Sun', 'Swallow', 'Swan', 'Sword', 'Table', 'Tankard', 'Tauren', 'Tea Cup', 'Termite', 'Throne', 'Tiger', 'Tigers', 'Tigress', 'Toad', 'Tomato', 'Tortoise', 'Tower', 'Town', 'Traveler', 'Tree', 'Trespasser', 'Triangle', 'Troll', 'Trombone', 'Trout', 'Truffle', 'Trumpet', 'Trunk', 'Tuba', 'Tulip', 'Turkey', 'Turnip', 'Turtle', 'Tusk', 'Twig', 'Ukulele', 'Unicorn', 'Unicorns', 'Vampire', 'Vanilla', 'Vanilla Bean', 'Violin', 'Wall', 'Water', 'Weasel', 'Well', 'Whale', 'Whip', 'Whisper', 'Whistle', 'Wife', 'Wildebeest', 'Willow', 'Wolf', 'Wolves', 'Wood Elf', 'Woodpecker', 'Worker', 'Worm', 'Xylophone', 'Yak', 'Yam', 'Yew', 'Zebra'];
var nm3 = ['Pub', 'Tavern', 'Inn', 'Bar', '', ''];
var br = "";
function nameGen() {
$('#placeholder').css('textTransform', 'capitalize');
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm1.length);
rnd2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm2.length);
rnd3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm3.length);
if (rnd2 < 6) {
while (rnd3 > 3) {
rnd3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm3.length);
names = nm1[rnd] + " " + nm2[rnd2] + " " + nm3[rnd3];
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {