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33 lines
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33 lines
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var names1 = ["Abiding", "Acclaimed", "Acquired", "Adapt", "Admired", "Admiring", "Adorable", "Affordable", "Aggressive", "Agreeing", "Amazing", "Amusing", "Ancient", "Angelic", "Angry", "Antique", "Arriving", "Awesome", "Awkward", "Baby", "Baking", "Balanced", "Basic", "Bathing", "Beautiful", "Begging", "Better", "Big", "Bitter", "Black", "Blank", "Bleeding", "Blind", "Blissful", "Blond", "Blue", "Blushing", "Bouncing", "Bouncy", "Brass", "Bright", "Brilliant", "Broken", "Bronze", "Brown", "Burning", "Busy", "Calculating", "Calm", "Careful", "Challenging", "Cheap", "Cheating", "Cheering", "Clean", "Clever", "Colorful", "Common", "Complaining", "Confused", "Corrupt", "Corrupted", "Courageous", "Crafty", "Crazy", "Creeping", "Cuddly", "Curly", "Dancing", "Dapper", "Dark", "Dazzling", "Defiant", "Deserving", "Dirty", "Dizzy", "Drawing", "Dreaming", "Dry", "Eager", "Early", "Earnest", "Educated", "Elder", "Elegant", "Elementary", "Empty", "Evil", "Exalted", "Excited", "Expensive", "Expert", "Fabulous", "Fading", "Fair", "Fake", "False", "Famous", "Fancy", "Fantastic", "Fast", "Flawless", "Flimsy", "Floating", "Flowing", "Fluffy", "Forsaken", "Fresh", "Frozen", "Gentle", "Glass", "Glittering", "Glorious", "Glowing", "Golden", "Gorgeous", "Graceful", "Gracious", "Greedy", "Green", "Grim", "Groaning", "Growing", "Grumpy", "Guarding", "Hairy", "Happy", "Hasty", "Haunting", "Heavy", "Hidden", "Hiding", "Honest", "Honored", "Huge", "Humble", "Humming", "Hungry", "Imaginary", "Infamous", "Intelligent", "Invincible", "Invisible", "Iron", "Ironclad", "Jaded", "Jealous", "Joking", "Jolly", "Juicy", "Jumbo", "Jumping", "Kicking", "Kind", "Kissing", "Kneeling", "Large", "Last", "Laughing", "Lazy", "Light", "Listening", "Little", "Lonely", "Long", "Loving", "Loyal", "Lucky", "Mad", "Majestic", "Marching", "Mellow", "Melting", "Merry", "Misty", "Muddy", "Mushy", "Naughty", "Needy", "New", "Nodding", "Nutty", "Old", "Orange", "Ordinary", "Perfect", "Performing", "Phony", "Pink", "Plain", "Pleasant", "Popular", "Praying", "Preaching", "Precious", "Pretty", "Purple", "Puzzled", "Quick", "Quiet", "Racing", "Rainy", "Rapid", "Rare", "Reading", "Red", "Rhyming", "Rolling", "Royal", "Running", "Sad", "Sandy", "Scary", "Screaming", "Searching", "Second", "Secret", "Seeking", "Serene", "Shady", "Shaking", "Shaving", "Shrugging", "Silly", "Silver", "Sleek", "Sleeping", "Small", "Smart", "Smelly", "Smoking", "Sneaky", "Sparkling", "Steel", "Storm", "Stormy", "Striped", "Sunny", "Sweet", "Swimming", "Talking", "Tall", "Tasty", "Thirsty", "Thunder", "Tiny", "Tired", "Trusty", "Ugly", "Unique", "Unlucky", "Velvet", "Vicious", "Violet", "Walking", "Wandering", "Watching", "Waving", "Weeping", "Wet", "Whimsical", "Whispering", "Whistling", "White", "Wicked", "Wild", "Winking", "Wise", "Wishing", "Worthy", "Wrestling", "Yawning", "Yelling", "Yellow", "Young"];
var names2 = ["Adventure", "Android", "Antenna", "Anvil", "Apple", "Armor", "Arsenal", "Asteroid", "Bear", "Bed", "Bee", "Berry", "Bird", "Bite", "Blade", "Blossom", "Boar", "Board", "Boat", "Bomb", "Book", "Boulder", "Bowl", "Brush", "Bull", "Cake", "Canvas", "Cape", "Captain", "Car", "Caravan", "Carpet", "Carriage", "Carrot", "Cart", "Castle", "Cat", "Chariot", "Cherry", "Chestnut", "Chimney", "Cloak", "Clock", "Comet", "Compass", "Cow", "Crate", "Crow", "Cup", "Curtain", "Cyborg", "Day", "Disguise", "Dish", "Dog", "Door", "Drape", "Dress", "Duck", "Dwarf", "Eagle", "Eel", "Elf", "Elixir", "Expanse", "Expedition", "Face", "Feather", "Fire", "Fish", "Flower", "Forest", "Fork", "Frame", "Frog", "Furnace", "Ghost", "Giant", "Gnome", "Goose", "Grape", "Growth", "Guard", "Gull", "Hammer", "Hazelnut", "Hog", "Horse", "Hunt", "Jester", "Joker", "Journey", "Jug", "Kettle", "Kite", "Knife", "Lemon", "Mammoth", "Mantle", "Mark", "Mask", "Melon", "Mill", "Mirror", "Missile", "Model", "Monkey", "Moon", "Mountain", "Mouse", "Mug", "Note", "Nut", "Oven", "Owl", "Pagoda", "Painting", "Pantheon", "Peach", "Peacock", "Peanut", "Pear", "Pen", "Pencil", "Pepper", "Phantom", "Phone", "Pig", "Pixy", "Plane", "Plate", "Plum", "Pond", "Pony", "Pot", "Potato", "Pygmy", "Quarry", "Quest", "Quill", "Radio", "Raven", "Record", "Remote", "River", "Road", "Robot", "Rocket", "Rug", "Sail", "Screen", "Search", "Shark", "Shawl", "Shield", "Ship", "Shoe", "Shrimp", "Shrine", "Sign", "Snowman", "Spaceship", "Spoon", "Star", "Stone", "Stove", "Sword", "TV", "Table", "Tankard", "Temple", "Ticker", "Timer", "Tome", "Tooth", "Tower", "Train", "Traveller", "Tree", "Tribute", "Tusk", "Voyage", "Wall", "Walnut", "Watch", "Weapon", "Window", "Wolf", "World", "Writer"];
var names3 = ["Antique Store", "Wand Store", "Potions", "Ship Repairs", "Tradepost", "Nano Store", "Guns 'n Ammo", "Laser Wares", "Apothecary", "Bakery", "Barbershop", "Beauty Salon", "Book Store", "Boutique", "Butcher Shop", "Cafe", "Candy Store", "Cars", "Chemist", "Clothing Store", "Dairy", "Deli", "Drugstore", "Dry Cleaner", "Electronics", "Fishmonger", "Florist", "Garage", "Music Store", "Garden Center", "Gift Shop", "Grocer", "Hardware Store", "Hobby Store", "Kitchens", "Liquor Store", "Market", "Newsstand", "Optician", "Outfitter", "Patisserie", "Pawn Store", "Perfumery", "Pet Store", "Pharmacy", "Pub", "Repairs", "Saddler", "Salon", "Sport Store", "Store", "Supermarket", "Takeaway", "Tavern", "Tearoom", "Toy Store", "Travel Agent", "Movie Rentals"];
var names4 = ["A Latte Fun", "A Salt & Battery", "Abra-Car-Dabra", "Ali Barber", "Aristo-Cut", "Back to the Fuchsia", "Bags Bunny", "Bar Humbug", "Bean Me Up", "Bean and Gone", "Bike-Minded", "Bits & PCs", "Booze Brothers", "Brewed Awakening", "Brews Brothers", "Bridal Sweet", "Buy the Way", "C'est Cheese", "Carpe Donut", "Carpin Capers", "Clean Getaway", "Clothes Contact", "Clothes Minded", "Cosmopoli-Tan", "Crease Lightning", "Crow Bar", "E-Clips", "Espresso Yourself", "Eye-Q", "Fit Sew Good", "Floral and Hardy", "Florist Gump", "For Cod's Sake", "Frame, Set and Match", "Glasshopper", "Go Figure", "Goodfillas", "Grate Expectations", "Grillers in the Mist", "Hair Force One", "Hair Me Out", "Hair and There", "Hairs Johnny", "Imagi-Knit", "Indiana Bones", "Java the Hut", "Julious Scissor", "Julius Cedar", "Knead a Massage", "Knead to Relax", "Knit Wit", "Lattetude", "Law In Order", "Lawn Order", "Leaf It To Me", "Lettuce Eat", "Lettuce Inn", "Lord of the Fries", "Men At Wok", "Mesmery-Eyes", "Millionhairs", "Nincomsoup", "Oh My Cod", "Optim-Eyes", "Pane in the Glass", "Pho Real", "Pita Pan", "Pizza My Heart", "Pizza the Action", "Planet of the Grapes", "Pulp Kitchen", "Radio-Active", "Relish the Thought", "Sacred Chow", "See You Latte", "Sew Nice", "Sew and Tell", "Skindependent", "Sofa So Good", "Sole Mate", "Souprise", "Teacoon", "Thai Me Up", "Thai Ping", "Thai Riffic", "Thanks a Latte", "The Codfather", "Thistle Do Nicely", "Tiecoon", "To Thai For", "Uppercuts", "Visual Eyes", "Wash Up Doc", "We're Hair", "What Ales You", "Wish You Wash Here", "Wok This Way", "Wok With Me", "Wok and Roll", "Wooden It Be Nice"];
var br = "";
function nameGen() {
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < 4) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * names1.length);
rnd2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * names2.length);
names = "The " + names1[rnd] + " " + names2[rnd2];
} else if (i < 8) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * names1.length);
rnd2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * names2.length);
rnd3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * names3.length);
names = "The " + names1[rnd] + " " + names2[rnd2] + " " + names3[rnd3];
} else {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * names4.length);
names = names4[rnd]
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {