You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

104 lines
21 KiB

function nameGen() {
var names1 = ["Briza", "Brodiaea", "Browallia", "Brugmansia", "Buddleia", "Bumelia", "Buxus", "Caladium", "Calamagrostis", "Calendula", "Callicarpa", "Callistephus", "Calodecedrus", "Calochortus", "Calonyction", "Caltha", "Calycanthus", "Camassia", "Campanula", "Campsis", "Canna", "Cardiucrinum", "Carduus", "Carex", "Carpinus", "Carum", "Carya", "Caryopteris", "Cassia", "Castanea", "Castilleja", "Catalpa", "Catharanthus", "Ceanothus", "Cedrela", "Cedrus", "Celastrus", "Celosia", "Celtis", "Centaurea", "Centranthus", "Cephalanthus", "Ceratiola", "Cercidiphyllum", "Cercic", "Chamaecyperai", "Chamaecyparis", "Chasmanthe", "Chelone", "Chionanthus", "Chionodoxa", "Chlidanthus", "Chrysanthemum", "Chrysogonum", "Chicorium", "Cimicifuga", "Cladrastis", "Claytonia", "Clematis", "Cleome", "Clerodendrum", "Clethra", "Clifonia", "Clitoria", "Clivia", "Cobaena", "Cocculus", "Coix", "Colchicum", "Coleus", "Colocasia", "Commelina", "Conopholis", "Conradina", "Convallaria", "Coreopsis", "Coriandrum", "Cornus", "Cortaderia", "Corylorsis", "Corylus", "Cosmos", "Cotinus", "Cotoneaster", "Crataegus", "Cronum", "Crocosmia", "Crocus", "Cryptomeria", "Cunninghamia", "Cuphea", "Cupressus", "Curcuma", "Curtonus", "Cyclamen", "Cydonia", "Cymbopogon", "Cypredium", "Cyressus", "Cyrilla", "Dahlia", "Danae", "Daphne", "Datura", "Daucus", "Davidia", "Decumaria", "Delphinium", "Dandranthema", "Dennstaedtia", "Dentaria", "Deparia", "Deschampsia", "Desmodium", "Deutzia", "Dianthus", "Diascia", "Dicentra", "Dichichium", "Dichromena", "Doctamnus", "Diervilla", "Dietes", "Digitalis", "Diodia", "Dionaea", "Diospyros", "Dipelta", "Diphelleia", "Diplazium", "Disanthus", "Disporum", "Dodecatheon", "Dilochos", "Doronucum", "Drosera", "Dryopteris", "Duchesnea", "Duranta", "Dyssodia", "Eccremocarpus", "Echinecea", "Ehinops", "Echium", "Ehretia", "Eichornia", "Elaegnus", "Eleagnus", "Eleocharis", "Elymus", "Enkianthus", "Epifagus", "Epigaea", "Epilobium", "Epimedium", "Equisetum", "Eragrostrum", "Eranthis", "Eremurus", "Erianthus", "Erigeron", "Eriobotrya", "Eriocaulon", "Eriophorum", "Erysimum", "Erythronium", "Escallonia", "Eschscholzia", "Eucalyptus", "Eacharis", "Eucomis", "Eucommia", "Ecrosia", "Euonymus", "Eupotorium", "Eophorbia", "Euptellea", "Euryale", "Escaphis", "Evodia", "Evolvulus", "Exochorda", "Fagopyrum", "Fagus", "Falluiga", "Fathsedera", "Fatsia", "Feijoa", "Festuca", "Ficus", "Filipendula", "Firmiana", "Foeniculum", "Fontanesia", "Forsythia", "Fothergilla", "Fragaria", "Franklinia", "Fraxinus", "Freesia", "Fritillaria", "Fuchsia", "Gaillardia", "Galactia", "Galanthus", "Galax", "Galearis", "Galium", "Galtonia", "Gardenia"];
var names2 = ["Ligustrina", "Ciliata", "Clethroides", "Numularia", "Quadrifolia", "Salicaria", "Amuremsis", "Pomifera", "Loebneri", "Acuminata", "Cylindrica", "Denudata", "Fraseri", "Kobus", "Liliflora", "Macrophylla", "Stella", "Tripetala", "Soulangiana", "Aquifolium", "Bealei", "Hortensis", "Halliana", "Hupehensis", "Yannanensis", "Moschata", "Arboreus", "Amabalis", "Graminifolia", "Carolinensis", "Recutita", "Struthiopteris", "Betonicifolia", "Paludosum", "Lineare", "Pratense", "Azadarach", "Ciliata", "Spicata", "Piperita", "Glyptostroboides", "Yunnanensis", "Decussata", "Lobata", "Verna", "Jalapa", "Floridulus", "Sinensis", "Transmorrisonensis", "Diphylla", "Caerulea", "Laevis", "Didyma", "Punctata", "Capillaris", "Armeniacum", "Botryoides", "Comosum", "Sylvatica", "Cerifera", "Domestica", "Tenuissima", "Lutea", "Strumosa", "Menziesii", "Faasenii", "Bowdenii", "Oleander", "Hippomanica", "Damascena", "Colorata", "Odorata", "Marliacea", "Pelatum", "Ogeche", "Biennis", "Fruticosa", "Speciosa", "Tetragona", "Linifolia", "Sensibilis", "Jaburan", "Majorana", "Vulgare", "Delavayi", "Fragrans", "Cinnamomea", "Claytoniana", "Hyoseroides", "Crassipes", "Violacea", "Arboreum", "Caeruleum", "Procumbens", "Terminalis", "Pandorana", "Virgatum", "Somniferum", "Asarifolia", "Persica", "Integrifolium", "Tricuspidata", "Incarnata", "Peltatum", "Hortorum", "Alopecuroides", "Setaceum", "Canescens", "Cobaea", "Atriplicifolia", "Borbonia", "Palustris", "Crispum", "Hybrida", "Bipinnatifida", "Purshii", "Arundarinacea", "Arundinaera", "Coccineus", "Hexagonoptera", "Sachalinense", "Amurense", "Coronarius", "Delavayi", "Inodorus", "Lemoinei", "Divaricata", "Glaberrima", "Paniculata", "Stolonifera", "Subulata", "Glabra", "Serrulata", "Villosa", "Fraseri", "Opulifolius", "Abies", "Asperata", "Glauca", "Mariana", "Omorika", "Ailanthoides", "Floribunda", "Officnarum", "Anisum", "Caerulea", "Baksiana", "Bungeana", "Cembra", "Densiflora", "Echinata", "Edulis", "Flexilis", "Heldreichii", "Korariensis", "Monticola", "Mugo", "Palustris", "Parviflora", "Peucea", "Piaster", "Ponderosa", "Rigida", "Strobus", "Sylvestris", "Taeda", "Thunbergiana", "Wallichiana", "Yunnanensis", "Stratiotes", "Tobira", "Psycodes", "Ciliaris", "Orbiculata", "Acerifolia", "Argentatus", "Fosteri", "Auricoma", "Variegatus", "Auriculata", "Macrophyllus", "Peltatum", "Hydrengeoides", "Campanulata", "Laustris", "Incana", "Intergrifolia", "Serrata", "Makinoi", "Spectabile", "Spurium", "Telepnoides", "Ternatum", "Tetractinum", "Aureus", "Giagenteum", "Punicea", "Pallida", "Galacifolia", "Intergrifolium", "Terebinthinaceum", "Rehdreriana", "Angustifolium"];
var names3 = ["an extremely common", "a very common", "a common", "an uncommon", "a rare", "a very rare", "an extremely rare"];
var names4 = ["tiny", "small", "modest", "medium-sized", "large", "tall", "giant", "huge"];
var names5 = ["almost anywhere", "in most hot regions", "in most wet regions", "anywhere near rivers and lakes", "anywhere near rivers", "anywhere near lakes", "anywhere near the sea", "in most dry regions", "virtually anywhere", "in caves and other dark places", "in dark and wet places", "in damp places", "in any cold region", "in most mountains", "mostly on tropical islands", "in most jungles", "in most forests", "in most tropical regions", "in most humid regions", "in most highlands", "in most snowy regions", "in most subarctic regions", "mostly in swamps", "mostly in savannas", "mostly in tundras"];
var names6 = ["in early spring", "in late spring", "in early summer", "in late summer", "in early autumn", "in late autumn", "in early winter", "in late winter", "once a year, for 1 month", "twice a year, for 1 week", "once a year, for 1 week", "once a year, for 2 weeks", "once a year, for 3 weeks", "twice a year, for 2 weeks", "twice a year, for 3 weeks", "twice a year, for 1 month", "twice a year, for 2 months", "once a year, for 2 months", "once a year, for 3 months", "once a year, for 4 months", "once a year, for 5 months", "once a year, for 6 months"];
var names7 = ["dark green", "light green", "emerald", "lime green", "mint green", "pine green", "yellow-green", "blue-green", "olive-green", "forest green", "bright green", "dark red", "dark yellow", "light red", "light yellow", "green and white", "purple", "dark orange", "light orange"];
var names8 = ["small", "large", "tiny", "huge", "thin", "thick", "narrow", "wide"];
var names9 = ["barb shaped", "blunt tipped", "circular", "diamond shaped", "egg shaped", "elliptic", "fan shaped", "heart shaped", "kidney shaped", "lobed", "needle", "oval", "paired", "palmate", "pointed", "rosette", "round", "sickle shaped", "spear shaped", "spoon shaped", "squared", "toothed", "triangular", "trifoliate", "wedge shaped"];
var names10 = ["small", "large", "tiny", "huge", "decent sized", "quite large", "quite small"];
var names11a = ["black", "blue", "bronze", "brown", "gold", "grey", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "white", "yellow", "dark blue", "dark bronze", "dark brown", "dark gold", "dark grey", "dark orange", "dark pink", "dark purple", "dark red", "dark silver", "dark yellow", "light blue", "light bronze", "light brown", "light gold", "light grey", "light orange", "light pink", "light purple", "light red", "light silver", "light yellow"];
var names11b = [", black", ", blue", ", bronze", ", brown", ", gold", ", grey", ", orange", ", pink", ", purple", ", red", ", silver", ", white", ", yellow", ", dark blue", ", dark bronze", ", dark brown", ", dark gold", ", dark grey", ", dark orange", ", dark pink", ", dark purple", ", dark red", ", dark silver", ", dark yellow", ", light blue", ", light bronze", ", light brown", ", light gold", ", light grey", ", light orange", ", light pink", ", light purple", ", light red", ", light silver", ", light yellow", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
var names11c = [", black", ", blue", ", bronze", ", brown", ", gold", ", grey", ", orange", ", pink", ", purple", ", red", ", silver", ", white", ", yellow", ", dark blue", ", dark bronze", ", dark brown", ", dark gold", ", dark grey", ", dark orange", ", dark pink", ", dark purple", ", dark red", ", dark silver", ", dark yellow", ", light blue", ", light bronze", ", light brown", ", light gold", ", light grey", ", light orange", ", light pink", ", light purple", ", light red", ", light silver", ", light yellow", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
var names11d = ["black", " and blue", " and bronze", " and brown", " and gold", " and grey", " and orange", " and pink", " and purple", " and red", " and silver", " and white", " and yellow", " and dark blue", " and dark bronze", " and dark brown", " and dark gold", " and dark grey", " and dark orange", " and dark pink", " and dark purple", " and dark red", " and dark silver", " and dark yellow", " and light blue", " and light bronze", " and light brown", " and light gold", " and light grey", " and light orange", " and light pink", " and light purple", " and light red", " and light silver", " and light yellow"];
var names12 = ["in huge numbers", "in decent numbers", "in small numbers", "in small groups", "in large groups", "within short distances from each other", "separated by a fair distance from each other", "in huge groups", "in tiny groups", "alone, but within a decent distance from each other"];
var names13 = ["hard", "easy", "fairly easy", "fairly hard", "really tricky", "tricky", "a bit tricky", "really difficult", "extremely difficult", "near impossible", "extremely easy", "fairly simple", "hard, especially without experience,", "easy, even without experience,", "challenging", "tough", "very easy", "complicated", "no trouble", "quite straightforward"];
var names14 = ["can be brewed as tea", "can be cooked and eaten", "can be used as medicine", "have no use, but look nice in gardens", "have no real use, besides their aesthetics", "have no use, but smell nice", "can be used to clean land", "can be used as an energizer when eaten", "can be used as an energizer when drunk as tea", "can be used as a hallucinogen", "can be used as an anesthetic", "can be used as a cooking ingredient, similar to herbs", "can be dried and used in cooking", "can be used to help relief pain", "can be used to relax", "can be used to treat wounds", "can be eaten to relief a sore throat", "can be eaten to relief stomach cramps", "have no real use", "can be used to create a poison"];
var names15 = ["grows tiny thorns", "grows small thorns", "grows large thorns", "grows thick thorns", "tastes horrible, when eaten raw", "grows stinging hairs, like a nettle", "is poisonous for most creatures", "taste extremely sour", "taste very bitter", "has a thick, wooden stem", "produces a thick, sticky wax", "grow slippery leaves to prevent insects from easily eaten them", "can collapse its flowers when it detects vibrations", "mimics the overall look of a different, poisonous plant", "relies mostly on its surroundings to survive"];
var names16 = ["animal pollination", "wind pollination", "self pollination", "water currents to carry their seeds away", "winds to carry their seeds away", "cloning themselves by growing a new specimen"];
var names17 = ["Once pollinated, they grow delicious, small fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow small, inedible fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, delicious fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, inedible fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow small, delicious nuts.", "Once pollinated, they grow small, inedible nuts.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, delicious nuts.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, inedible nuts."];
var random1 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names1.length)));
var random2 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names2.length)));
var random3 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names3.length)));
if (random3 > 2 && random3 < 5) {
names5 = ["only in very hot regions", "only in very wet regions", "only at lake borders", "only at river borders", "only near very large lakes", "only near sea dunes", "only in very dry region", "only in caves", "only in dark, shadowy places", "almost exclusively in dark caves", "only in very damp places", "only in very cold regions", "only high in the mountains", "only on mountain tops", "only on large tropical islands", "only on small tropical islands", "only in some jungles", "only in some forests", "only in some tropical regions", "only in some humid regions", "only in some highlands", "only in some snowy regions", "only in some subarctic regions", "only deep within swamps", "only in some savannas", "only in some tundras", "only in frozen lands", "only near volcanoes", "only deep within caves", "only in deserts"];
} else if (random1 === 5) {
names5 = ["only on a few dozen islands", "only near graves", "only on a few mountains", "only in one large forest", "only in a few forests", "on the borders of only a few lakes", "on the borders of only a few rivers", "in the dunes of only a few ocean shores", "in only one region of the world", "in only one country", "next to just a few volcanoes", "in only the harshest lands", "only deep within murky swamps", "only deep within the darkest forests", "only deep within the darkest caves", "only in desert oases", "only on the tops of the highest mountains", "only at the bottom of deep cave systems", "only in the coldest regions", "only where something has died and decayed", "only near frozen lakes", "only on putrefied soil", "only after a fire", "only after a flood", "only in one mountain range", "only in ponds"];
names6 = ["in early spring", "in late spring", "in early summer", "in late summer", "in early autumn", "in late autumn", "in early winter", "in late winter", "once a year, for 1 month", "twice a year, for 1 week", "once a year, for 1 week", "once a year, for 2 weeks", "once a year, for 3 weeks"];
names12 = ["in small numbers", "in small groups", "within short distances from each other", "seperated by a fair distance from each other", "in tiny groups", "alone, but within a decent distance from each other", "alone, often without another in sight", "within a few feet/decimetres from each other", "alone, usually without another specimen around", "in pairs"];
} else if (random1 === 6) {
names5 = ["exclusively on one island", "exclusively on one mountain", "only in one forest", "exclusively near one lake", "on the borders of only one large lake", "on the borders of only one small lake", "on the borders of only one large river", "on the borders of only one small river", "in the dunes of only one sea shore", "in only one region of the world", "in only one country", "next to one large volcano", "next to one small volcano", "in only one town", "in only one city", "in only the harshest lands", "only deep within a murky swamp", "only deep within a dark forest", "only deep within a dark cave", "only in one desert oasis", "only on the top of the highest mountain", "only at the bottom of a deep cave system", "only in the coldest region", "only where something has died and decayed", "only near graves", "only on putrefied soil", "only in the ashes of a fire", "only after a flood", "only in the gardens of a few lucky people", "exclusively in the garden of one person"];
names6 = ["in early spring", "in late spring", "in early summer", "in late summer", "in early autumn", "in late autumn", "in early winter", "in late winter", "once a year, for 1 month", "twice a year, for 1 week", "once a year, for 1 week", "once a year, for 2 weeks", "once a year, for 3 weeks"];
names12 = ["in small numbers", "in small groups", "within short distances from each other", "seperated by a fair distance from each other", "in tiny groups", "alone, but within a decent distance from each other", "alone, often without another in sight", "within a few feet/decimetres from each other", "alone, usually without another specimen around", "in pairs"];
var random4 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names4.length)));
var random5 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names5.length)));
var random6 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names6.length)));
var random7 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names7.length)));
var random8 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names8.length)));
var random9 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names9.length)));
var random10 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names10.length)));
var random11a = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11a.length)));
var random11b = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11b.length)));
while (random11b === random11a) {
random2b = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11b.length)));
var random11c = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11c.length)));
while (random11c === random11a || random11c === random11b) {
random11c = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11c.length)));
var random11d = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11c.length)));
while (random11d === random11a || random11d === random11b || random11d === random11c) {
random11d = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11c.length)));
var random11e = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11d.length)));
while (random11e === random11a || random11e === random11b || random11e === random11c || random11e === random11d) {
random11e = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names11d.length)));
var random12 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names12.length)));
var random13 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names13.length)));
var random14 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names14.length)));
var random15 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names15.length)));
var random16 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names16.length)));
if (random16 === 0) {
names17 = ["Once pollinated, they grow delicious, small fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow small, inedible fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, delicious fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, inedible fruits.", "Once pollinated, they grow small, delicious nuts.", "Once pollinated, they grow small, inedible nuts.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, delicious nuts.", "Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, inedible nuts.", "To promote pollination, they give of a delicate smell.", "To promote pollination, they produce aromatic scents.", "To promote pollination, they produce a delicious nectar."];
} else if (random16 === 5) {
names17 = [""];
var random17 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names17.length)));
var name = "The " + names1[random1] + " " + names2[random2] + " is " + names3[random3] + ", " + names4[random4] + " plant and can be found " + names5[random5] + ". It blooms " + names6[random6] + ".";
var name2 = "It has " + names8[random8] + ", " + names9[random9] + " leaves, which are usually " + names7[random7] + ". It also grows " + names10[random10] + " flowers, which can be " + names11a[random11a] + names11b[random11b] + names11c[random11c] + names11c[random11d] + names11d[random11e] + ".";
var name3 = "These plants grow " + names12[random12] + ", but it's " + names13[random13] + " to control and maintain their growth.";
var name4 = "They " + names14[random14] + ".";
var name5 = "As a defense mechanism the " + names1[random1] + " " + names2[random2] + " " + names15[random15] + ".";
var name6 = "They rely on " + names16[random16] + " to reproduce. " + names17[random17];
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