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96 lines
14 KiB
96 lines
14 KiB
var nm1 = ["Badger", "Bear", "Beaver", "Bee", "Bluebird", "Buffalo", "Bull", "Bumble Bee", "Chicken", "Cow", "Deer", "Donkey", "Duck", "Duckling", "Eagle", "Ferret", "Flying Pig", "Fowl", "Fox", "Frog", "Goose", "Grasshopper", "Grizzly", "Groundhog", "Hawk", "Hedgehog", "Honeybee", "Horse", "Humble Bee", "Mare", "Nightingale", "Nightowl", "Otter", "Owl", "Pig", "Rabbit", "Raccoon", "Rattlesnake", "Raven", "Red Robin", "Roadrunner", "Robin", "Rooster", "Squirrel", "Stag", "Stallion", "Stubborn Mule", "Swan", "Turkey", "Wolf"];
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var nm5 = ["Ancient", "Big", "Gentle", "Gilded", "Golden", "Happy", "Hidden", "Little", "Lone", "Silver", "Sleepy", "Tranquil", "Wild", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
var nm6 = ["Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Mill", "Post-Mill", "Smock-Mill", "Tide-Mill", "Tower-Mill", "Watermill", "Windmill"];
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var nm25 = ["Épi", "Auri", "Avi", "Angou", "Anti", "Anto", "Or", "Alen", "Argen", "Auber", "Bel", "Besan", "Bor", "Bour", "Cam", "Char", "Cler", "Col", "Cour", "Mar", "Mont", "Nan", "Nar", "Sar", "Valen", "Vier", "Villeur", "Vin", "Ba", "Bé", "Beau", "Berge", "Bou", "Ca", "Carca", "Cha", "Champi", "Cho", "Cla", "Colo", "Di", "Dra", "Dragui", "Fré", "Genne", "Go", "Gre", "Hague", "Houi", "Leva", "Li", "Mai", "Mari", "Marti", "Mau", "Montau", "Péri", "Pa", "Perpi", "Plai", "Poi", "Pu", "Roa", "Rou", "Sau", "Soi", "Ta", "Tou", "Va", "Vitro"];
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var nm10 = ["el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino", "el Molino de Viente", "el Molino Hidráulico"];
var nm31 = ["Á", "Ávi", "A", "Alba", "Alge", "Ali", "Alzi", "Anda", "Ara", "Astu", "Avi", "Ba", "Bada", "Barce", "Beni", "Bi", "Bla", "Bu", "Cá", "Có", "Ca", "Canta", "Carta", "Caste", "Casti", "Cata", "Ciu", "Cue", "Fe", "Ga", "Gali", "Gi", "Gipu", "Giro", "Gra", "Grana", "Gua", "Guada", "Leó", "Llei", "Logro", "Lu", "Má", "Mála", "Ma", "Marbe", "Mu", "Na", "Nava", "Ori", "Oro", "Ou", "Oure", "Ovie", "Pa", "Po", "Raele", "Rio", "Sa", "Sala", "Santa", "Se", "Sego", "Sevi", "So", "Ta", "Tarra", "Te", "Tene", "To", "Tole", "Torre", "Va", "Vale", "Valla", "Vi", "Vito", "Za", "Zamo", "Zara"];
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rnd3 = Math.random() * nm26.length | 0;
if (rnd2 > 7 && rnd2 < 28) {
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rnd3 = Math.random() * nm26.length | 0;
if (rnd2 < 12) {
nm30 = ["d'", "de l'"];
} else {
plur = nm26[rnd3].charAt(nm26[rnd3].length - 1);
nTp = Math.random() * 10 | 0;
if (nTp < 6 && plur === "s") {
nm30 = ["des "];
} else {
nm30 = ["de ", "du ", "de la "];
rnd4 = Math.random() * nm30.length | 0;
names = nm9[rnd] + " " + nm30[rnd4] + nm25[rnd2] + nm26[rnd3];
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rnd = Math.random() * nm10.length | 0;
rnd2 = Math.random() * nm31.length | 0;
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm32.length | 0;
names = nm10[rnd] + " de " + nm31[rnd2] + nm32[rnd3];
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nTp = Math.random() * 3 | 0;
nTt = Math.random() * 6 | 0;
if (nTt === 0) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
nmType = nm1[rnd];
} else if (nTt < 4) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm2.length | 0;
nmType = nm2[rnd];
} else {
rnd = Math.random() * nm3.length | 0;
nmType = nm3[rnd];
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rnd4 = Math.random() * nm5.length | 0;
names = nm5[rnd4] + " " + nmType + " " + nm6[rnd2];
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rnd3 = Math.random() * nm4.length | 0;
if (nTt === 0) {
while (rnd3 < 3) {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm4.length | 0;
} else if (nTt === 1) {
while (rnd3 === 1 || rnd3 === 2) {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm4.length | 0;
names = nmType + " " + nm4[rnd3] + " " + nm6[rnd2];
} else {
rnd = Math.random() * nm7.length | 0;
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm8.length | 0;
names = nm7[rnd] + nm8[rnd3] + " " + nm6[rnd2];
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