You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

53 lines
4.5 KiB

var nm1 = ["", "", "", "", "", "b", "br", "d", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "r", "s", "t"];
var nm2 = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "a", "e", "a", "e", "i", "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "a", "e", "a", "e", "i", "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "a", "e", "a", "e", "i", "au", "ia", "ie", "io", "aa"];
var nm3 = ["br", "c", "dr", "g", "k", "kr", "kn", "l", "ll", "ln", "lm", "m", "my", "n", "nv", "ny", "r", "rr", "s", "v", "y", "z"];
var nm4 = ["c", "l", "ll", "m", "n", "nr", "ndr", "r", "rd", "rn", "rl", "s", "ss", "sn", "t", "th", "z"];
var nm5 = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "h", "l", "n"];
var nm6 = ["Angel", "Cerberus", "Champion", "Curator", "Guardian", "Herald", "Keeper", "Magister", "Reaper", "Sentinel", "Seraph", "Shepherd", "Shield", "Voice"];
var nm7 = ["All", "Authority", "Balance", "Battle", "Blood", "Bones", "Carnage", "Chains", "Chance", "Change", "Dawn", "Death", "Deliverance", "Desire", "Despair", "Destruction", "Discovery", "Dread", "Dusk", "Duty", "Existence", "Finality", "Fury", "Grace", "Guidance", "Harmony", "Health", "Invention", "Iron", "Jubilation", "Justice", "Knowledge", "Law", "Light", "Memories", "Mercy", "Pleasure", "Power", "Punishment", "Purpose", "Regret", "Reason", "Renewal", "Retribution", "Scales", "Serenity", "Servitude", "Shades", "Shadows", "Silence", "Silver", "Smoke", "Solitude", "Sustenance", "Thrills", "Time", "Twilight", "War", "Wealth", "Worth", "Wrath", "the Blade", "the Crown", "the Feast", "the Flame", "the Flock", "the Inferno", "the Light", "the Masses", "the Morning", "the Nether", "the Provinces", "the Realm", "the Shield", "the Sword", "the Wild"];
var nm8 = ["Adept", "Aged", "Agile", "Ancient", "Austere", "Battle", "Belated", "Bitter", "Blood", "Bone", "Brilliant", "Careless", "Chain", "Colossal", "Cruel", "Deathless", "Defiant", "Delirious", "Deserted", "Desire", "Desolation", "Devoted", "Diligent", "Dread", "Elegant", "Emancipation", "Enormous", "Enraged", "Exalted", "Fallen", "Flame", "Flawless", "Forsaken", "Gargantuan", "Giant", "Gleaming", "Glorious", "Golden", "Graceful", "Gracious", "Grand", "Grim", "Guardian", "Harmonious", "Hidden", "Hollow", "Illustrious", "Impure", "Infernal", "Infinite", "Juvenile", "Light", "Livid", "Lone", "Lonely", "Luminous", "Lustrous", "Magnificent", "Majestic", "Merciless", "Mindless", "Monstrous", "Mysterious", "Prime", "Radiant", "Serene", "Shady", "Silent", "Silver", "Skeletal", "Storm", "Twilight", "Twin", "Unknown", "Vengeful", "Vigilant", "Violent", "Watchful", "Whirlwind", "Wicked", "Wrathful", "Wretched"];
var nm9 = ["Angel", "Cerberus", "Champion", "Curator", "Guardian", "Herald", "Keeper", "Reaper", "Sentinel", "Seraph"];
var br = "";
function nameGen() {
$('#placeholder').css('textTransform', 'capitalize');
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < 6) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm1.length);
rnd2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm2.length);
rnd3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm3.length);
rnd4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm2.length);
rnd5 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm5.length);
rnd6 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm6.length);
rnd7 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm7.length);
if (i < 3) {
names = nm1[rnd] + nm2[rnd2] + nm3[rnd3] + nm2[rnd4] + nm5[rnd5] + ", " + nm6[rnd6] + " of " + nm7[rnd7];
} else {
rnd8 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm4.length);
rnd9 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm2.length);
while (nm4[rnd8] === nm3[rnd3]) {
rnd8 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm4.length);
names = nm1[rnd] + nm2[rnd2] + nm3[rnd3] + nm2[rnd4] + nm4[rnd8] + nm2[rnd9] + nm5[rnd5] + ", " + nm6[rnd6] + " of " + nm7[rnd7];
} else if (i < 8) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm6.length);
rnd2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm7.length);
names = nm6[rnd] + " of " + nm7[rnd2];
} else {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm8.length);
rnd2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * nm9.length);
names = nm8[rnd] + " " + nm9[rnd2];
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {