You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
170 lines
9.1 KiB
170 lines
9.1 KiB
var br = "";
function nameGen() {
var nm1 = ["Aitsa (An exclamation)", "Akkedis (Lizard)", "Arig (Unfriendly/Uncomfortable)", "Astrant (Cheeky)", "Baadjie (Jacket)", "Baas (Boss)", "Baba (Baby)", "Baklei (To fight)", "Besie (Little beetle)", "Bielie (Whopper/Whacker)", "Bilharzia (A disease caused by larva)", "Blaps (Mistake)", "Bles (Bald)", "Bleskop (Bald)", "Blikemmer (Holy ****!)", "Bliksem (Lightning)", "Blikskottel (Scoundrel)", "Bloed (Blood)", "Blou (Blue)", "Boeglam (To scare to death)", "Boepens (Big belly)", "Boeta (Older brother)", "Bog (Nonsense)", "Bohaai (Noise)", "Boos (Angry)", "Bose (Evil)", "Bossie (Weed/shrub)", "Bot (Bone)", "Braaf (Brave)", "Brak (Mutt (dog))", "Brein (Brain)", "Broei (Brood)", "Byt (Bite)", "Daardie (That one)", "Dagga (Weed (the drug))", "Derduiwel (Devil/Trickster)", "Dief (Thief)", "Donder (Thunder)", "Donderstorm (Thunderstorm)", "Donkie (Donkey)", "Donner (Rascal)", "Dood (Death)", "Dooie (Dead one)", "Dophou (Keep an eye on)", "Draad (Wire)", "Dronk (Drunk)", "Druk (Hug)", "Duik (Dent)", "Duisternis (Darkness)", "Duiwel (Devil)", "Dwarstrekker (Stubborn person)", "Eier (Egg)", "Ellende (Misery)", "Erdwurm (Earthworm)", "Fiemies (Difficult behavior)", "Fluitjie (Whistle)", "Frats (Freak)", "Fris (Firm body)", "Frokkie (Shirt without sleeves)", "Gas (Guest)", "Gat (Butt)", "Geitjie (Gekko)", "Gemmer (Ginger (root))", "Gemors (Waste(ful))", "Geniepsig (Sneaky)", "Geselsie (Chitchat)", "Gesig (Face)", "Gesuip (Drunk)", "Gewas (Tumor)", "Ghwar (Rude person)", "Gif (Poison/Venom)", "Glimlag (Smile)", "Glips (Accident)", "Gogga (Insect)", "Gomtor (Uncivilised person)", "Gor (Stomach rumbling)", "Gordel (Belt)", "Gordyn (Curtain)", "Grap (Joke)", "Groen (Green)", "Gruwel (Horror)", "Gunsteling (Favorite)", "Haak (Hook)", "Haat (Hate)", "Harsings ((Animal) Brains)", "Hartlam (Darling)", "Hasielip (Cleft lip)", "Hekel (Hook)", "Hekelpen (Hookneedle)", "Hel (Hell)", "Jag (Hunt)", "Jagter (Hunter)", "Kaf (Nonsense)", "Kaktus (Cactus)", "Kampioen (Champion)", "Keel (Throat)", "Ketting (Chain)", "Ketting (Necklace)", "Kielie (Tickle)", "Kierie (Walking cane)", "Kitskos (Junkfood)", "Klap (A slap on skin/in the face)", "Klonkie (Little guy)", "Knoop (Knot)", "Knoppie (Button)", "Koekie (Cookie)", "Kokkerot (Cockroach)", "Kopseer (Headache)", "Korrelkop (Grumbler)", "Koue (Cold one (temperature, not a beer))", "Krammetjie (Staple)", "Kriek (Cricket)", "Krieket (Cricket)", "Krimpvarkie (Hedgehog)", "Kunstande (False teeth)", "Kunstenaar (Artist)", "Kwagga (Zebra)", "Langgesiggerig (Grumpy)", "Laslappie (Patchwork)", "Leer (Leather)", "Leuen (Lie)", "Lig (Light)", "Likkewaan (Iguana)", "Lip (Lip)", "Lisp (Lisp)", "Maag (Stomach)", "Malhuis (Madhouse)", "Malvalekker (Marshmallow)", "Marmer (Marble (stone))", "Masker (Mask)", "Mat (Carpet)", "Meester (Master)", "Mengsel (Mix)", "Mes (Knife)", "Moed (Courage)", "Mond (Mouth)", "Moordenaar (Killer)", "Morsjors (Messy one)", "Muskiet (Mosquito)", "Naald (Needle)", "Nag (Night)", "Nagmerrie (Nightmare)", "Niemand (Nobody)", "Ogies (Eyes)", "Oog (Eye)", "Oorgee (Throw up)", "Oorskietkos (Leftover food)", "Ouma (Grandma)", "Oupa (Grandpa)", "Outjie (Little boy)", "Paaiboelie (Boogieman)", "Pampoenkop (Nitwit)", "Paniek (Panic)", "Piekel (Pickle)", "Piesang (Banana)", "Plaag (Pest)", "Ponsmasjien (Hole puncher)", "Raaisel (Riddle)", "Rits (Zipper)", "Rooi (Red)", "Ruspe (Catterpillar)", "Sekelmaan (Crescent moon)", "Serp (Scarf)", "Skaduwee (Shadow)", "Skerm (Guard)", "Skollie (Bandit)", "Skoonheid (Beauty)", "Skouer (Shoulder)", "Skrapie (Scratch)", "Slagtand (Fang)", "Slang (Snake)", "Spek (Bacon)", "Spier (Muscle)", "Spies (Spear)", "Spoel (Coil)", "Spook (Ghost)", "Steek (Stitch)", "Stem (Voice)", "Stingel (Stalk)", "Stok (Stick)", "Strooitjie (Straw)", "Sweep (Whip)", "Tand (Tooth)", "Tande (Teeth)", "Tong (Tongue)", "Trekklavier (Accordeon)", "Veer (Feather)", "Vel (Hide (skin))", "Vellies (Leather shoes)", "Verkleurmannetje (Chameleon)", "Verras (Surprise)", "Vlam (Flame)", "Vorm (Shape)", "Vraat (Glutton)", "Vreemde (Strange(r))", "Vreemdeling (Stranger)", "Vrees (Fear)", "Vriend (Friend)", "Vuil (Dirt)", "Vurk (Fork)", "Vuur (Fire)", "Wegkruipertjie (Hide 'n seek)", "Wese (Creature)", "Woede (Anger)", "Wolk (Cloud)", "Worg (Strangle)", "Wurm (Worm)", "Ys (Ice)"];
var nm2 = [
["Aanval", "Attack"],
["Baklei", "Fight"],
["Berg", "Mountain"],
["Bisar", "Bizarre"],
["Bliksem", "Lightning"],
["Blind", "Blind"],
["Blink", "Shiny"],
["Bloed", "Blood"],
["Bom", "Bomb"],
["Bose", "Evil"],
["Bose", "Vicious"],
["Bot", "Bone"],
["Byt", "Bite"],
["Demoon", "Demon"],
["Diamant", "Diamond"],
["Dief", "Thief"],
["Diepte", "Depth"],
["Dood", "Death"],
["Draak", "Dragon"],
["Duiwel", "Devil"],
["Dwaal", "Wander"],
["Ellendige", "Wretched"],
["Enorme", "Enormous"],
["Erd", "Earth"],
["Fantasie", "Fantasy"],
["Frats", "Freak"],
["Geheime", "Secret"],
["Geheimsinnige", "Mysterious"],
["Genadelose", "Ruthless"],
["Gif", "Poison"],
["Glimlaggende", "Smiling"],
["Graf", "Grave"],
["Grawe", "Burrow"],
["Greep", "Grip"],
["Grot", "Cave"],
["Groter", "Bigger"],
["Gruwel", "Horror"],
["Gryp", "Grab"],
["Haak", "Hook"],
["Haat", "Hate"],
["Hel", "Hell"],
["Helse", "Infernal"],
["Honger", "Hungry"],
["Hoof", "Chief"],
["Irriteer", "Annoy"],
["Irriterende", "Annoying"],
["Jag", "Hunt"],
["Kampioen", "Champion"],
["Klein", "Small"],
["Kleur", "Color"],
["Knoop", "Knot"],
["Kolossale", "Colossal"],
["Korrup", "Corrupt"],
["Koue", "Cold"],
["Kragtige", "Strong"],
["Kruip", "Crawl"],
["Kwaad", "Anger"],
["Kwaai", "Angry"],
["Lag", "Laugh"],
["Lang", "Long"],
["Loer", "Lurk"],
["Lok", "Lure"],
["Macho", "Macho"],
["Magtige", "Mighty"],
["Makabere", "Macabre"],
["Mal", "Crazy"],
["Mammoet", "Mammoth"],
["Masker", "Mask"],
["Mes", "Knife"],
["Mislei", "Deceive"],
["Moord", "Murder"],
["Nag", "Night"],
["Nagmerrie", "Nightmare"],
["Omring", "Surround"],
["Ou", "Old"],
["Paniek", "Panic"],
["Plaag", "Pest"],
["Reuse", "Giant"],
["Roof", "Prowl"],
["Rots", "Boulder"],
["Skaars", "Rare"],
["Skade", "Damage"],
["Skaduwee", "Shadow"],
["Skollie", "Bandit"],
["Skree", "Scream"],
["Skroei", "Scorch"],
["Slagter", "Butcher"],
["Slim", "Clever"],
["Sluip", "Sneak"],
["Spies", "Spear"],
["Staal", "Steel"],
["Sterke", "Strong"],
["Stille", "Silent"],
["Stinkende", "Smelly"],
["Storm", "Storm"],
["Stryd", "Battle"],
["Super", "Super"],
["Suur", "Acid"],
["Sweep", "Whip"],
["Terreur", "Terror"],
["Troon", "Throne"],
["Truuk", "Tric"],
["Vals", "False"],
["Valse", "False"],
["Vang", "Capture"],
["Veer", "Feather"],
["Veg", "Fight"],
["Verberg", "Hide"],
["Verdwyn", "Vanish"],
["Verkleur", "Chameleon"],
["Verlate", "Forsaken"],
["Verlore", "Lost"],
["Verniel", "Destroy"],
["Vernietig", "Destroy"],
["Verower", "Conquer"],
["Verras", "Surprise"],
["Verwoes", "Ravage"],
["Vinnige", "Quick"],
["Vlam", "Flame"],
["Vraat", "Glutton"],
["Vreemd", "Strange"],
["Vreemde", "Odd"],
["Vrees", "Fear"],
["Vry", "Free"],
["Vuil", "Dirt"],
["Vuur", "Fire"],
["Wilde", "Wild"],
["Woede", "Anger"],
["Woestyn", "Desert"],
["Wolk", "Cloud"],
["Wonder", "Wonder"],
["Worg", "Strangle"],
["Wreed", "Cruel"],
["Ys", "Ice"],
["Yster", "Iron"]
var nm3 = [
["wese", "Creature"],
["wurm", "Worm"],
["slang", "Snake"],
["dier", "Animal"]
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < 5) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm2.length | 0;
rnd2 = Math.random() * nm3.length | 0;
names = nm2[rnd][0] + nm3[rnd2][0] + " (" + nm2[rnd][1] + " " + nm3[rnd2][1] + ")";
nm2.splice(rnd, 1);
} else {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
names = nm1[rnd];
nm1.splice(rnd, 1);
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {