You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
253 lines
8.0 KiB
253 lines
8.0 KiB
var br = "";
function nameGen(type) {
var nm1 = [
["Aaron", "Exalted"],
["Abel", "Breath of Fresh Air"],
["Abraham", "Father of Many"],
["Adonay", "Secret Name of God"],
["Aklilu", "Laurel Wreath"],
["Aman", "Handsome"],
["Aman", "Truth"],
["Amanuel", "God is with us"],
["Amine", "I Believe"],
["Anbessa", "Lion"],
["Araya", "Leader By Example"],
["Ariam", "Loyal"],
["Aron", "Lofty"],
["Asmara", "Unity"],
["Awate", "Victory"],
["Awerki", "Mouth of Gold"],
["Awet", "Victory"],
["Aziz", "The All Powerful"],
["Batha", "Pleasurable"],
["Berhe", "It Became Light"],
["Biniam", "Lucky Son"],
["Birhan", "Light"],
["Birhane", "My Light"],
["Bisrat", "Good News"],
["Dan", "God is my judge"],
["Daniel", "God is my judge"],
["David", "Beloved"],
["Dawit", "Beloved"],
["Demsas", "To Erase"],
["Eferm", "Fruitful"],
["Eluid", "God Is My Praise"],
["Enoch", "Dedicated"],
["Eritrea", "Red Sea"],
["Ermias", "God Will Uplift"],
["Estifanos", "Crown"],
["Eyob", "Patience"],
["Faythinga", "Fighting Gun"],
["Fessehaye", "Eternal Happiness"],
["Fikru", "His Love"],
["Filmon", "Favored By God"],
["Fitsum", "Absolute"],
["Freselam", "Seed of Peace"],
["Gebre", "Servant Of"],
["Girma", "Majesty"],
["Goitom", "Leader"],
["Haben", "Pride"],
["Habte", "Wealth"],
["Habtom", "Wealthy"],
["Hagos", "Joy"],
["Haile", "Power"],
["Haisem", "Baby Lion"],
["Hamid", "Prais"],
["Hanes", "God Is Gracious"],
["Hayat", "Lion"],
["Henok", "Dedicated"],
["Idris", "Fiery Leader"],
["Isaias", "Lord's Salvation"],
["Issac", "He Will Laugh"],
["Johnathon", "God's Gift"],
["Kahinu", "Clergy"],
["Keren", "Mountain"],
["Kidane", "Covenant"],
["Kifle", "To Pay"],
["Kokob", "Star"],
["Libena", "Our Heart"],
["Luwam", "Peaceful"],
["Massawa", "Shout Loudly"],
["Mebrahtu", "His Light"],
["Medhane", "Medicine"],
["Merhawi", "Glory"],
["Mesfin", "Duke"],
["Mewael", "Long Life"],
["Michael", "Resembling God"],
["Misgana", "Appreciation"],
["Misgana", "Glory"],
["Nahom", "Comfort"],
["Nahom", "Kind"],
["Nebay", "Caretaker of Elders"],
["Negasi", "King"],
["Osman", "Tender Youth"],
["Petros", "Rock"],
["Qidus", "Blessed"],
["Rezene", "With Heavy Pride"],
["Robel", "Prince"],
["Russom", "Over Their Heads"],
["Saare", "Winner"],
["Sammy", "God Heard"],
["Samson", "Sun"],
["Samuel", "Asked of God"],
["Sebhat", "Praise The Lord"],
["Selam", "Peace"],
["Selassie", "Trinity"],
["Semere", "Fulfill"],
["Semere", "It Came True"],
["Senai", "Gift From Above"],
["Sennay", "Kind"],
["Sheshy", "Jubilation"],
["Shewit", "New Harvest"],
["Simon", "Listener"],
["Simret", "Unity"],
["Siye", "Palm"],
["Solomon", "Peace"],
["Tadesse", "To Renew"],
["Tekle", "To Plant"],
["Teodros", "Expensive Gift"],
["Tesfalem", "Hope of Wise Man"],
["Tesfay", "My Hope"],
["Woldu", "His Son"],
["Yemane", "Right Side"],
["Yirgalem", "Calm World"],
["Yoel", "God Is Willing"],
["Yohana", "Congratulion"],
["Yohannes", "God Is Gracious"],
["Yonas", "Dove"],
["Zecahrias", "God Will Remember"],
["Zeray", "Sower"],
["Zula", "Brilliant"],
var nm2 = [
["Abrehet", "She Brought About Light"],
["Abrihet", "She Brings Light"],
["Adiam", "Pretty"],
["Almaz", "Diamonds"],
["Amani", "Faith"],
["Ambesa", "Lioness"],
["Amleset", "She Made It Return"],
["Aranchi", "Orange"],
["Ariam", "Loyal"],
["Armana", "Our Flag"],
["Armani", "Faith"],
["Arsema", "Clever"],
["Asmeret", "Unity"],
["Aster", "Star"],
["Awet", "Victory"],
["Ayana", "God Answers Her"],
["Bilen", "Beautiful"],
["Birikti", "Kind"],
["Bisrat", "Good News"],
["Daniat", "Judge"],
["Deborah", "Bee"],
["Dehab", "Giver"],
["Dellina", "Our Desire"],
["Eden", "Paradise"],
["Elen", "Shining Light"],
["Elsa", "My God Is A Vow"],
["Ergaalem", "Delightful"],
["Eritrea", "Red"],
["Fatimah", "Baby's Nurse"],
["Feven", "Bright"],
["Fiyori", "Flower"],
["Fnan", "Pride"],
["Freweini", "Seed of a Berry"],
["Gabriel", "God Is My Strength"],
["Genet", "Heaven"],
["Haben", "Pride"],
["Hadinet", "Unity"],
["Halewat", "Candy"],
["Hanna", "Grace"],
["Helen", "Shining Light"],
["Hermon", "Into The Palace"],
["Hewan", "Life Giver"],
["Himbirti", "Belly Button"],
["Hiyab", "Gift"],
["Jamila", "Beautiful"],
["Jannah", "Paradise"],
["Jasmine", "A Flower"],
["Kbra", "Her Glory"],
["Kedijah", "Early Baby"],
["Keren", "Mountain"],
["Kidisti", "Blessed"],
["Kokob", "Star"],
["Lemlem", "Lush Greenery"],
["Liah", "Delicate"],
["Libena", "Our Heart"],
["Lula", "Abundance"],
["Lulia", "Diamond"],
["Lull", "Pearl"],
["Luwam", "Peaceful"],
["Luwam", "Peaceful Sleep"],
["Makda", "High Tower"],
["Mariam", "Beloved"],
["Medhanit", "Medicine"],
["Mehret", "Mercy"],
["Merhawit", "Guidance"],
["Meron", "Gift of God"],
["Mibrac", "Sunshine"],
["Milka", "Her Good Looks"],
["Misgana", "Appreciated"],
["Nadia", "Hope"],
["Nigisti", "Queen"],
["Rahel", "Sheep"],
["Rahwa", "Satisfied"],
["Rigat", "Calm"],
["Rita", "Pearl"],
["Ruta", "Friend"],
["Saba", "To Satisfy"],
["Sarah", "Princess"],
["Segen", "Ostrich"],
["Selam", "Peace"],
["Semira", "Highest Heaven"],
["Semira", "She Came True"],
["Semret", "Unity"],
["Senait", "Good Luck"],
["Sesuna", "Popcorn"],
["Shewit", "New Harvest"],
["Shikorina", "Sweety"],
["Simret", "Unity"],
["Siye", "Palm"],
["Sophia", "God Will Show"],
["Tigisti", "Patience"],
["Timnit", "Wish"],
["Tsibekti", "Beautiful"],
["Tsion", "Zion"],
["Wegatha", "Dawn"],
["Winta", "Need"],
["Yirgalem", "A Calm World"],
["Yodit", "Praise"],
["Yohana", "Congratulation"],
["Yohanna", "God Is Gracious"],
["Yordanos", "River Jordan"],
["Zahra", "White Flower"],
["Zeudi", "Crown"],
["Zewdi", "Crown"],
["Zula", "Brilliant"]
var tp = type;
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (tp === 1) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm2.length | 0;
names = nm2[rnd][0] + " (" + nm2[rnd][1] + ")";
nm2.splice(rnd, 1);
} else {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
names = nm1[rnd][0] + " (" + nm1[rnd][1] + ")";
nm1.splice(rnd, 1);
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {