You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
24 KiB

function nameGen() {
var names1 = ["Lessau", "Ogria", "Fulor", "Ostax", "Quvania", "Emain", "Athea", "Udor", "Zorus", "Oxtrad", "Ashia", "Bunia", "Gorus", "Omen", "Asharia", "Osium", "Covania", "Toria", "Cedoria", "Uskium"];
var names2 = [" large", " huge", "n enormous", " vast", "n immense", " little", " modest", " humble", " small", " tiny", "n average-sized"];
var names3 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * 15000000 + 1000000)));
var names4 = ["blood elves", "dark elves", "dwarves", "elves", "dwarves", "elves", "fairies", "giants", "gnomes", "goblins", "halflings", "high elves", "humans", "humans", "humans", "humans", "night elves", "orcs", "trolls", "wood elves"];
var names5 = ["a bamboo forest", "a calm ocean", "a calm river", "a calm sea", "rich forests", "fertile grounds", "mineral rich mountains", "a canal", "a frozen sea", "a glacier", "a huge forest", "a huge lake", "a huge mountain", "a huge ocean", "a huge sea", "a jungle", "a large mountain", "a large, frozen lake", "a marsh", "a mountain", "a mountain range", "a river", "a sea", "a small mountain range", "a small ocean", "a small sea", "a stone wall", "a swampland", "a tall mountain range", "a tropical forest", "a volcano", "a wide river", "a wild ocean", "a wild river", "a wild sea", "an ocean", "desertland", "fjords", "frozen lands", "frozen mountains", "highlands", "hills", "huge cliffs", "huge mountains", "huge, open plains", "large hills", "large mountains", "large rock formations", "pristine beaches", "rough beaches", "tall mountains", "wasteland", "woodlands"];
var names6 = ["alchemy", "animal breeding", "animal training", "armorsmithing", "baking", "beer brewing", "blacksmithing", "carpenting", "cooking", "crafting", "engineering", "farming", "fishing", "fletching", "herbalism", "hunting", "jewelcrafting", "leatherworking", "medicine", "mining", "tailoring", "thieving", "trade", "war", "weaponsmithing", "wine brewing", "wood production", "woodcrafting"];
var names7 = ["tundras", "frozen lakes", "frozen lands", "deserts", "sand plains", "barren lands", "uninhabitable mountains", "uninhabitable wastelands", "rock formations", "wastelands", "jungles", "swamps", "grasslands", "rainforests", "lakes", "rivers and lakes", "fertile lands", "caves", "flatlands", "forests", "hills", "large hills", "marshlands", "mountains", "open fields", "rich woodlands", "rivers", "shallow lakes", "shallow rivers", "steep mountains", "tall forests", "tall mountains", "woodlands"];
var names7b = ["hot", "cold", "humid", "snowy", "warm", "dry", "wet", "tropical", "arctic", "temperate", "polar", "windy", "rainy", "stormy", "calm"];
var names8 = ["thinly spread", "sparsely spread", "lightly spread", "freely spread", "stretched", "dispersed", "scattered", "loosely concentrated", "closely concentrated", "tightly concentrated", "compactly concentrated", "closely gathered", "localized", "fairly centered", "congested", "cramped", "crowded", "packed"];
var names10 = ["large settlements", "large villages", "big cities", "huge settlements", "settlements", "huge towns", "big settlements", "cities", "metropolises", "megalopolises"];
var names12 = ["gorgeous", "quite gorgeous", "pleasant", "quite pleasant", "delightful", "elegant", "impressive", "sublime", "stunning", "enjoyable", "colorful", "beautiful", "quite beautiful", "delicate", "cheerful", "lovely", "friendly", "depressing", "dreary", "dark", "hideous", "frightening", "uninviting", "unsightly", "grisly", "vile", "wicked", "wretched", "fairly depressing", "quite frightening", "dangerous", "vicious", "sinister", "ominous", "gloomy", "treacherous", "dour"];
var names13 = ["gentle hills", "mellow rivers", "majestic mountain tops", "luscious fields", "green, open fields", "silent mountains", "cascading rivers", "calm lakes", "green forests", "magnificent wildlife", "gorgeous flower fields", "scented flowers", "snow-capped mountains", "gorgeous farmlands", "emerald forests", "sapphire lakes", "jade green fields", "misty mountains", "imposing fjords", "huge waterfalls", "small, hidden ponds", "pink blossom forests", "white blossom forests", "red leaved trees", "white sandy beaches", "dramatic rock formations", "neverending fields of green", "small, playful waterfalls", "dramatic mountain views", "impressive architecture", "relaxing hot springs", "soft, foggy fields", "terraced fields of green", "white, snowy trees", "pristine, snow covered fields", "steep, magnificent mountains", "astonishing aquatic wildlife", "half frozen rivers", "frozen lakes", "imposing volcanic lava flows"];
var names14 = ["allure", "appeal", "attractions", "beauty", "brilliance", "charm", "delicacy", "elegance", "features", "glory", "gorgeousness", "grace", "hidden treasures", "magnificence", "majesty", "richness", "spectacles", "splendor", "treasures", "wealth of beauty"];
var names15 = ["popular", "famous", "beloved", "favored", "loved", "praised", "a preferred destination", "a sought-after destination", "a famous destination", "cherished", "adored", "embraced", "revered", "treasured", "admired", "commended", "an admired destination", "a cherished destination", "a favored destination", "a popular destination"];
var names16 = ["charitable", "compassionate", "courteous", "friendly", "generous", "gentle", "gracious", "helpful", "kind", "kindhearted", "loving", "neighborly", "polite", "sociable", "supportive", "sympathetic", "tolerant", "toughtful", "warm", "welcoming", "cold", "bitter", "hostile", "reserved", "alienating", "unwelcoming", "brusque", "rude", "unsociable", "unreceptive", "resentful", "insensitive", "malicious", "spiteful", "heartless", "unsympathetic", "selfish", "rough", "ill-tempered", "unpleasant"];
var names18 = ["a feast", "a hearty meal", "a place to stay", "a bright smile", "cold beverages", "companionship", "comradery", "drinks", "food", "food and a place to stay", "fresh food", "friendliness", "generosity", "goodwill", "heartiness", "hospitality", "kindness", "open arms", "warm beverages", "warm food", "warmth", "warmth and kindness"];
var names19 = ["advance", "aid", "assist", "augment", "bolster", "boost", "bring prosperity", "contribute", "contribute to", "empower", "extend", "feed", "fortify", "further develop", "further finance", "help", "innervate", "intensify", "invigorate", "maintain", "nourish", "nurse", "popularize", "promote", "protect", "raise", "reinforce", "sponsor", "stimulate", "strengthen", "subsidize", "support", "vitalize"];
var names20 = ["tough", "flexible", "loose", "calm", "gentle", "docile", "mellow", "humane", "pleasant", "mild", "moderate", "firm", "hard", "precise", "resolute", "rigid", "rough", "stern", "strict", "tight"];
var names21 = ["to be expected", "to be expected", "fairly normal", "quite normal", "fairly normal", "quite normal", "predictable", "what you'd expect", "normal for their situation", "expected in their circumstances"];
var names22 = ["at peace", "balanced", "calm", "content", "friendly", "gentle", "happy", "harmonious", "joyful", "mellow", "nonviolent", "pacifistic", "peace-loving", "peaceful", "restful", "satisfied", "serene", "tranquil", "unconcerend", "untroubled"];
var names23 = ["successful crops, thanks to", "a harmonious way of life, thanks to", "a bountiful life, thanks to", "a peaceful society, thanks to", "the country's natural beauty, thanks to", "their freedom, thanks to", "their safety, thanks to", "plenty of oportunities for stess relief, thanks to", "various great entertainment sources, thanks to", "the calm nature around them, thanks to", "their rich lands, thanks to", "great neighborly relations, thanks to", "prosperous trade, thanks to", "their gentle nature, thanks to", "their culture, thanks to", "their rich history, thanks to", "their healthy lives, thanks to", "long lasting peace, thanks to", "their bond with nature, thanks to", "their skills and powers, thanks to"];
var names24 = ["brilliant leadership", "fortunate natural properties", "fortunate natural elements", "everything they fought for", "never giving up", "perfecting themselves after years of training", "constantly improving themselves", "treasures and secrets they found ages ago", "advanced techniques learned by passing travellers", "amazing teamwork", "fertile soils", "a fortunate climate", "a perfect climate balance", "fortunate natural changes", "ancient, passed on secrets", "inherited lands", "fortunate genetics", "ancestral spirits", "natural spirits", "spiritual influences"];
var names25 = ["a cross dividing a background in 4 square parts", "a cross dividing a background in 4 triangular parts", "a cross on a background", "a large star", "a moon and a star on a background", "a moon and two stars on a background", "an important spiritual symbol", "an outlined cross dividing a background in 4 square parts", "an outlined cross dividing a background in 4 triangular parts", "an outlined cross", "five horizontal stripes", "five vertical stripes", "four horizontal stripes", "four small crosses", "four vertical stripes", "one circle", "the country's outline on a background", "three circles", "three connected cirlces", "three horizontal stripes and a circle", "three horizontal stripes and a triangle", "three horizontal stripes", "three small crosses", "three vertical stripes and a cirlce", "three vertical stripes and a triangle", "three vertical stripes", "two circles", "two connected circles", "two diagonally divided parts", "two horizontal and 1 vertical stripe", "two horizontal stripes and a cirlce", "two horizontal stripes and a star", "two horizontal stripes and a triangle", "two horizontal stripes", "two jaggedly connected parts", "two small crosses", "two vertical stripes and a circle", "two vertical stripes and a star", "two vertical stripes and a triangle", "two vertical stripes"];
var names26 = ["black", "blue", "bronze", "brown", "gold", "grey", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "white", "yellow", "dark blue", "dark bronze", "dark brown", "dark gold", "dark grey", "dark orange", "dark pink", "dark purple", "dark red", "dark silver", "dark yellow", "light blue", "light bronze", "light brown", "light gold", "light grey", "light orange", "light pink", "light purple", "light red", "light silver", "light yellow"];
var names26b = [", black", ", blue", ", bronze", ", brown", ", gold", ", grey", ", orange", ", pink", ", purple", ", red", ", silver", ", white", ", yellow", ", dark blue", ", dark bronze", ", dark brown", ", dark gold", ", dark grey", ", dark orange", ", dark pink", ", dark purple", ", dark red", ", dark silver", ", dark yellow", ", light blue", ", light bronze", ", light brown", ", light gold", ", light grey", ", light orange", ", light pink", ", light purple", ", light red", ", light silver", ", light yellow", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
var names26c = [" and black", " and blue", " and bronze", " and brown", " and gold", " and grey", " and orange", " and pink", " and purple", " and red", " and silver", " and white", " and yellow", " and dark blue", " and dark bronze", " and dark brown", " and dark gold", " and dark grey", " and dark orange", " and dark pink", " and dark purple", " and dark red", " and dark silver", " and dark yellow", " and light blue", " and light bronze", " and light brown", " and light gold", " and light grey", " and light orange", " and light pink", " and light purple", " and light red", " and light silver", " and light yellow"];
var names27 = ["is a bell", "is a bird's claw", "is a bow", "is a bow and arrow", "is a castle", "is a cat", "is a chicken", "is a crescent moon", "is a dagger", "is a dog", "is a dragon", "is a dragontooth", "is a feather", "is a fish", "is a flower", "is a hammer", "is a hand", "is a large star", "is a lion", "is a local animal", "is a moon", "is a mythical bird", "is a rooster", "is a sea monster", "is a sickle", "is a skull", "is a snake", "is a snowflake", "is a spear", "is a spider", "is a sword", "is a tree", "is a twig", "is a whale", "is a whale's tail", "is a wolf", "is an anima's claw", "is an animal's tail", "is an arrow", "is an eagle", "is an important spiritual symbol", "are angel wings", "are animal teeth", "are devil horns", "is grain", "are snowflakes", "is the sun", "are three fish", "are two arrows", "are two cats", "are two daggers", "are two dogs", "are two dragonteeth", "are two feathers", "are two fish", "are two hands", "are two lions", "are two ravens", "are two shaking hands", "are two twigs", "are two wolves"];
var names28 = ["above a lake", "above a river", "on a circle", "on a hexagon", "on a pentagon", "on a shield", "on a square", "on a triangle", "on top of a hill", "on top of a mountain", "on top of a stripe", "on top of a wave", "on top of three small circles", "on top of three stripes", "on top of two small circles", "on top of two stripes", "on top of two waves", "surrounded by 3 small stars", "surrounded by leaves", "surrounded by small stars", "surrounded by smaller spiritual symbols", "surrounded by stripes", "surrounded by sun rays", "under a key", "with 2 pillars on either side", "with two arrows on either side", "with two keys on either side", "with two shields on either side", "with two smaller spiritual symbols on either side", "with two swords on either side"];
var random1 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names1.length)));
var random2 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names2.length)));
if (random2 > 4) {
names3 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * 1200000 + 100000)));
} else if (random2 == 10) {
names3 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * 5000000 + 500000)));
var random4 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names4.length)));
var random5 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names5.length)));
var random6 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names5.length)));
var random7 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names5.length)));
var random8 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names5.length)));
var random9 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names6.length)));
var random10 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names6.length)));
while (random9 == random10) {
random10 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names6.length)));
var random11 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names6.length)));
while (random11 == random10 || random11 == random9) {
random11 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names6.length)));
var random12 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names7.length)));
if (random12 < 3) {
names7b = ["cold", "snowy", "arctic", "polar", "windy", "stormy", "calm"];
} else if (random12 < 6 && random12 > 2) {
names7b = ["hot", "warm", "dry", "calm"];
} else if (random12 < 10 && random12 > 5) {
names7b = ["hot", "cold", "humid", "snowy", "warm", "dry", "wet", "arctic", "temperate", "polar", "windy", "rainy", "stormy", "calm"];
} else if (random12 < 14 && random12 > 9) {
names7b = ["humid", "warm", "wet", "tropical", "rainy", "stormy", "calm"];
var random3 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names7b.length)));
var random13 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names8.length)));
if (random13 < 8) {
names10 = ["villages", "tiny villages", "small villages", "small towns", "tiny towns", "towns", "small hamlets", "hamlets", "small outposts", "outposts", "townships", "small settlements", "tiny settlements"];
var random15 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names10.length)));
var random17 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names12.length)));
if (random17 > 16) {
names13 = ["somber hills", "wild rivers", "cold, windy mountains", "dreary fields", "chaotic, overgrown fields", "silent mountains", "rushing rivers", "dried up lakes", "gloomy forests", "aggressive wildlife", "withered flower fields", "prickly flowers", "ice-cold mountains", "forgotten farmlands", "dark, gloomy forests", "black lakes", "dry, barren fields", "dangerous mountains", "collapsing fjords", "destructive waterfalls", "smelly, overgrown ponds", "bleak, bare forests", "decaying forests", "ominous trees", "rocky beaches", "fiercy rock formations", "desolate grasslands", "small, deserted waterfalls", "concealed mountain views", "somber architecture", "icy springs", "depressing fields", "wild, overgrown forests", "black, decaying trees", "icy, snow covered fields", "steep, sinister mountains", "creepy, aquatic wildlife", "drying rivers", "murky lakes", "an ash spewing volcano"];
names14 = ["dangers", "roughness", "crudeness", "harshness", "brusqueness", "unrefinement", "foulness", "crudity", "blankness", "barrenness", "sterility", "aridity", "bleakness", "desolation", "melancholia", "loneliness", "solitude", "obscurity", "misery", "dysphoria"];
names15 = ["a shunned destination", "a skipped destination", "an avoided destination", "an evaded destination", "an infamous destination", "an unpopular destination", "avoided", "despised", "dodged", "evaded", "ignored", "infamous", "neglected", "notorious", "rejected", "scorned", "shirked", "shunned", "unpopular", "hated"];
var random18 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names13.length)));
var random19 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names13.length)));
var random20 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names13.length)));
var random21 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names14.length)));
var random22 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names15.length)));
var random23 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names16.length)));
if (random23 > 19) {
names18 = ["turned cheeks", "avoiding eyes", "greed", "coldness", "avoidance", "resentment", "animosity", "irritation", "annoyance", "displeasure", "cynicism", "bitterness", "turned backs", "sarcasm", "apathy", "indifference", "disintrest", "disdain", "nonchalance", "neutrality", "detachment"];
names19 = ["block", "butcher", "constrain", "cripple", "damage", "deface", "disturb", "further delay", "further ruin", "hamper", "harm", "hinder", "hold up", "inhibit", "injure", "interfere with", "interrupt", "mutilate", "obstruct", "pollute", "prohibit", "ravage", "restrict", "ruin", "sabotage", "slow down", "suppress", "thwart", "weigh down"];
var random25 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names18.length)));
var random26 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names19.length)));
var random27 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names20.length)));
if (random23 > 9) {
names22 = ["aggravated", "agitated", "angered", "anquished", "anxious", "concerend", "displeased", "distressed", "disturbed", "frightened", "hostily", "irritated", "restless", "tormented", "troubled", "unbalanced", "unfriendly", "unsatisfied", "upset", "violent"];
names23 = ["failing crops, caused by", "recent wars, caused by", "impending wars, caused by", "ferocious wildlife, caused by", "mediocre medicine, caused by", "gloomy nature, caused by", "questionable safety, caused by", "lack of freedom, caused by", "lack of food variety, caused by", "spreading diseases, caused by", "recent destructions, caused by", "infertile lands, caused by", "a decreasing population, caused by", "lack of trade, caused by", "traitors and spies, caused by", "distressed nature and wildlife, caused by", "declining neighbor relations, caused by", "their unhealthy lives, caused by", "a lack of skilled craftsmen, caused by", "deteriorating infrastructure, caused by"];
names24 = ["horrible leadership", "unfortunate natural elements", "unfortunate natural properties", "angered spirits", "lackluster and lazy lifestyles", "an ancient curse", "old superstitions", "an unfortunate climate", "recent climate changes", "lost skills and secrets", "technological setbacks", "unfortunate genetics", "natural disasters", "declining natural resources", "greed", "irrational fears and superstitions", "remnants of a dark history", "remnants of a civil war", "a struggling economy", "sticking to outdated traditions"];
var random28 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names21.length)));
var random29 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names22.length)));
var random30 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names23.length)));
var random31 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names24.length)));
var random32 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names25.length)));
var random33 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26.length)));
var random33b = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26b.length)));
while (random33b == random33) {
random33b = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26b.length)));
var random33c = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26b.length)));
while (random33b == random33c || random33 == random33c) {
random33c = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26b.length)));
var random33d = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26b.length)));
while (random33d == random33 || random33d == random33b || random33d == random33c) {
random33d = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26b.length)));
var random33e = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26c.length)));
while (random33e == random33 || random33e == random33b || random33e == random33c || random33e == random33d) {
random33e = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names26c.length)));
var random34 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names27.length)));
var random35 = parseInt(Math.floor((Math.random() * names28.length)));
var name = "The country of " + names1[random1] + " is a" + names2[random2] + " country with a population of " + names3 + " " + names4[random4];
var name2 = "Bordered between " + names5[random5] + " to the North, " + names5[random6] + " to the South, " + names5[random7] + " to the East and " + names5[random8] + " to the West, the country of " + names1[random1] + " mainly lives off " + names6[random9] + ", " + names6[random10] + " and " + names6[random11] + ".";
var name3 = names1[random1] + " itself is mainly covered in " + names7[random12] + " and has a " + names7b[random3] + " climate, which has lead to a " + names8[random13] + " population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in " + names10[random15] + ".";
var name4 = "The country's landscape is " + names12[random17] + "; " + names13[random18] + ", " + names13[random19] + " and " + names13[random20] + " are just a sliver of the " + names14[random21] + " " + names1[random1] + " has to offer, which is why the country is " + names15[random22] + " among foreigners.";
var name5 = "The people of " + names1[random1] + " are " + names16[random23] + " towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with " + names18[random25] + ". They feel foreigners could " + names19[random26] + " the country's well being.";
var name6 = names1[random1] + " has " + names20[random27] + " laws and law enforcement, which is " + names21[random28] + ". The people are " + names22[random29] + " due to " + names23[random30] + " " + names24[random31] + ".";
var name7 = "This is also reflected in the country's flag, which has " + names25[random32] + " in " + names26[random33] + names26b[random33b] + names26b[random33c] + names26b[random33d] + names26c[random33e] + ". Their coat of arms " + names27[random34] + " " + names28[random35];
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