You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
6.8 KiB

var br = "";
function nameGen() {
var nm1 = ["abide by promises you make", "abide by the law", "accept life as god intended it to be", "act upon responsibilities first before all else", "ask god for forgiveness for your sins", "ask only fair prices for what you produce", "be brave in the face of danger", "be committed to god and to what you hold important", "be considerate of others feelings", "be considerate of others well being", "be content when life is good", "be grateful", "be grateful for any kindness given to you", "be patient even during times of struggle", "be proud only of others", "be sincere to all", "be tolerant and accepting", "be truthful", "be united or seek unity if there is none", "believe in no other gods", "believe in your abilities as you believe in god", "care for animals orphaned by misfortune", "care for children orphaned by misfortune", "care for the world for it is god's creation", "care for your family", "cast out murderers and rapists, so they may find god and ask for forgiveness", "desire no great riches", "detach yourself from dark desires", "detach yourself from worldly possessions", "discard ignorance, but seek to understand where it came from so as to prevent future ignorance", "do your duty", "encourage others to join you in following the words of god", "encourage others who follow the path of god", "fight the darkness wherever it may show", "follow only the light", "give testimony of crimes you witnessed, unless the crimes were committed by your children", "give to charity what you can spare", "have consideration for all those weaker than you", "help those in need", "help your neighbor", "hold faith", "honor the faith", "honor your elders", "honor your parents", "live fully in the here and now", "live life humbly", "live life with joy and wonder, for the world is a wonderful place", "live your life full of love to the best of your abilities", "look after your mind and body", "look only to god for what may come in the future", "love others like you love god", "love your children unconditionally", "love your country", "love your neighbor", "never harm a child", "never harm an animal", "not abuse power in any form", "not act cruel toward any life", "not act in anger", "not act upon your darkest desires, but instead cleanse them from your being", "not act with hatred in your heart", "not act without care", "not attempt to free those who await judgment or punishment", "not be lazy", "not betray others, yourself or god", "not betray your family", "not betray your god", "not boast about your achievements", "not break promises", "not cause chaos or mayhem", "not cause the destruction of that which isn't yours", "not censor opposing opinions", "not cheat", "not conceal or destroy evidence of a crime", "not condemn people for the way they were born, for they too are god's creation", "not create idols", "not desert those who count on you", "not desire more than your fair share", "not desire other's possessions", "not do to others what you wouldn't want done to you", "not dwell on the past", "not eat more than you need and make sure everyone has their fair share", "not fight another who is forgiven of their sins", "not forge false evidence or lies against another", "not forge the word of god", "not give into lusts", "not give into pride", "not hide treasures or resources from others", "not incite violence", "not indulge in gluttony", "not inflict pain or terror in the name of god", "not let fear overtake your judgment", "not live a life of vanity", "not lust after another", "not make sacrifices", "not muddle your mind with any substances", "not murder", "not question god or god's word", "not seek to be superior over another, for all are equal below god", "not speak in god's place", "not spread lies or rumors", "not steal", "not stray from the true path", "not take advantage of fools, children or others willing to believe every word you say", "not take any life", "not take life for granted", "not take my name in vain", "not take or use a life as if it belongs to you", "not take vengeance unless absolutely necessary", "not unleash your angers onto others", "not use or think of people as property", "not worship false idols", "offer a meal to hungry strangers", "offer your service to those in need", "only take responsibility for your own mistakes and those of your children", "persevere and be rewarded", "pray to me on the seventh day", "prepare for times of sorrow and enjoy the times of peace", "prove your worth and work to become more worthy", "prove your worth every day", "punish fairly and just and only when absolutely necessary", "pursuit happiness, both your own and that of your community", "question the world so you may find answers that bring you closer to god", "reach for perfection even knowing you cannot reach it, for perfection is god", "reflect upon your position in the world", "remain committed to god and god's world", "remain determined through times of struggle", "repay hostility with forgiveness and understanding", "repay kindness with kindness", "reward the laziness of others", "see justice is done according to god's will", "seek inner peace to become closer with god", "seek knowledge, for knowledge brings you closer to god", "seek out diversity in all aspects of life", "seek out the world for all its wonders", "seek out your place in the world", "seek to improve life", "seek to understand that which you do not", "seek your place as a child of god", "show compassion and mercy", "speak falsehoods", "spread laughter where possible", "spread my word", "stimulate creativity and curiosity", "strife for a life in harmony with all", "strife for excellence", "strive to cause no harm to any life, including yourself", "take from nature no more than you need", "take only that which is given", "take responsibility for your actions", "take responsibility for your mistakes", "teach your children to question the world, so they too may explore god's creation", "treat strangers with kindness", "trust in god above all else", "try to leave the world a better place you found it, for others come after you", "uphold order and peace in god's world", "uphold your dignity or seek to restore it when lost", "work for a world in balance", "work for the common good", "work hard and spend wisely"];
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
names = "You shall " + nm1[rnd] + ".";
nm1.splice(rnd, 1);
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {