You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
5.2 KiB

var nm1 = [
["Absolutorius", "(Effecting A Cure)"],
["Adlevo", "(to Alleviate)"],
["Allevo", "(to Alleviate)"],
["Ambrosia", "(Healing Plant)"],
["Apsolutorius", "(Effecting A Cure)"],
["Archiater", "(Court Physician)"],
["Archiatia", "(Chief Physician)"],
["Asteriacce", "(Simple Medicine)"],
["Auxilio", "(to Give Help/Heal)"],
["Auxilior", "(to Help/Heal)"],
["Chlora", "(Medicament)"],
["Confervesco", "(to Heal Bones)"],
["Confervo", "(to Heal Bones)"],
["Consanesco", "(to Be Healed)"],
["Consano", "(to Heal/Make Whole)"],
["Convalesco", "(to Recover)"],
["Convalo", "(to Regain Health)"],
["Curans", "(Physician)"],
["Curare", "(to Cure)"],
["Curatio", "(Curing)"],
["Curatio", "(Healing)"],
["Curatus", "(Treatment)"],
["Curavi", "(to Cure)"],
["Curo", "(to Cure)"],
["Dannaustra", "(Cure Charm)"],
["Delenio", "(to Soothe)"],
["Diachylon", "(Medicine Type)"],
["Diacodion", "(Medicine Type)"],
["Diaetetica", "(Art Of Medicine)"],
["Diamoron", "(Medicine Type)"],
["Diapente", "(Medicine Type)"],
["Diatessaron", "(Medicine Type)"],
["Elixir", "(Elixir)"],
["Emendo", "(to Ameliorate)"],
["Focilo", "(to Keep Alive)"],
["Lenio", "(to Ease)"],
["Lenire", "(to Ease)"],
["Linteolum", "(Bandage)"],
["Medela", "(Cure)"],
["Medella", "(Cure)"],
["Medens", "(Physician)"],
["Medeor", "(to Heal)"],
["Medeor", "(to Heal/Remedy)"],
["Medicari", "(to Heal)"],
["Medice", "(Doctor)"],
["Medicina", "(Medicine)"],
["Medico", "(to Heal)"],
["Medicor", "(to Heal)"],
["Medicus", "(Curative)"],
["Medicus", "(Doctor)"],
["Melioro", "(to Ameliorate)"],
["Mitigo", "(to Lighten/Soothe)"],
["Opopanax", "(Heal-All)"],
["Paeonius", "(Healing)"],
["Panaces", "(Heal-All)"],
["Panax", "(Heal-All)"],
["Percuro", "(to Heal Completely)"],
["Permulceo", "(to Soothe)"],
["Persanare", "(to Cure Completely)"],
["Persano", "(to Cure Completely)"],
["Praemedicatus", "(Protected By Medicine)"],
["Recupero", "(to Restore Health)"],
["Recuro", "(to Cure/Restore)"],
["Relevo", "(to Alleviate)"],
["Remedi", "(Medicine)"],
["Remedium", "(Remedy)"],
["Saluber", "(Healthy)"],
["Salubritas", "(Good Health)"],
["Salutifer", "(Salutary/Healing)"],
["Sanesco", "(to Recover)"],
["Sano", "(to Cure/Heal)"],
["Therapia", "(Therapy)"],
["Unguentum", "(Balm)"],
["Valeo", "(to Be Healthy)"],
["Valesco", "(to Become Healthy)"],
["Valetudo", "(Good Health)"]
var nm2 = ["aius", "er", "ius", "o", "uns", "us"];
var nm3 = ["c", "d", "f", "l", "ll", "m", "n", "nd", "nt", "r", "rg", "rt", "s", "st", "t", "v"];
var nm4 = ["a", "as", "ea", "es", "ia", "ian", "iana", "ias", "ica", "iens", "illa", "ina", "is", "ita", "o", "ula"];
var nm5 = ["b", "c", "d", "f", "l", "ll", "m", "n", "nd", "ns", "ph", "r", "rc", "rn", "s", "t", "tr", "z"];
var nm6 = ["a", "as", "er", "es", "ien", "in", "is", "iuns", "o", "us"];
var nm7 = ["c", "d", "f", "l", "ll", "m", "n", "nd", "r", "rn", "rt", "s", "st", "t", "v", "z"];
var nm8 = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y"];
function nameGen(type) {
var tp = type;
var br = "";
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
nFl = nm1[rnd][0] + " " + nm1[rnd][1];
nTmp = nm1[rnd][0];
if (nTmp.length > 4) {
nC = (Math.random() * 4 | 0) + 1;
} else {
nC = 1;
nTmp = nTmp.slice(0, nTmp.length - nC);
nChk = nTmp.slice(nTmp.length - 1);
if (nm8.includes(nChk)) {
if (tp === 1) {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm4.length | 0;
rnd4 = Math.random() * nm5.length | 0;
names = nTmp + nm5[rnd4] + nm4[rnd3];
} else if (tp === 2) {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm6.length | 0;
rnd4 = Math.random() * nm7.length | 0;
names = nTmp + nm7[rnd4] + nm6[rnd3];
} else {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm2.length | 0;
rnd4 = Math.random() * nm3.length | 0;
names = nTmp + nm3[rnd4] + nm2[rnd3];
} else {
if (tp === 1) {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm2.length | 0;
names = nTmp + nm2[rnd3];
} else if (tp === 2) {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm4.length | 0;
names = nTmp + nm4[rnd3];
} else {
rnd3 = Math.random() * nm6.length | 0;
names = nTmp + nm6[rnd3];
br = document.createElement('br');
br2 = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {