You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
3.1 KiB

var br = "";
function nameGen() {
var nm1 = ["A Different Story", "A Good Word", "A Likely Story", "A Long Story", "A New Chapter", "A Novel Idea", "A Way With Words", "About Tome", "All Bases Covered", "All Eyes And Earmarks", "Bedtime Stories", "Between The Lines", "Book Around", "Book Wise", "Book Worms United", "Booked Full", "Bookends", "Bookmark For Life", "Bookmark My Word", "Bookmarked", "Bookrests", "Bookworms", "Bound", "Bound For Greatness", "Bound To Be Good", "Bound To Please", "Buy The Book", "By Its Cover", "Can You Imagine", "Captured Imagination", "Classics", "Coming of Page", "Cover Cove", "Cover Discovery", "Cover Stories", "Cover to Cover", "Deliberate Literate", "Earmarks", "Ends and Beginnings", "Enshrined In Spines", "Every Book Tells A Story", "Every Trick", "Exchange Words", "Fact and Fiction", "Famous Words", "Figments of Imaginations", "First Story Books", "Folklore", "For Words", "Full Bookmarks", "Gobbledy-Book", "Good On Paper", "Got You Covered", "Hooked On Books", "If Books Could Kill", "Imagine", "Imagine Nation", "In A Faraway Land", "In So Many Words", "In The Beginning", "It Is Told", "Leave A Bookmark", "Little Reads", "Long, Long Ago", "Mark My Word", "Mark of the Book", "My Word!", "Myths and Legends", "Novel Ideas", "Of Many Words", "On The Bookmark", "On The Same Page", "Once", "Once There Was", "Once Upon A Time", "One For The Books", "Open Books", "Page Turners", "Pages For Ages", "Pages For All Ages", "Paging All Readers", "Paperbound", "Periodic Fables", "Phrasing", "Plotbound", "Pocket Stories", "Read 'n Mead", "Read About It", "Read Up", "Reader's Creed", "Receive Word", "Say The Word", "Second Story", "Sentenced To Reading", "Speaks Volumes", "Stories Of My Life", "Story Glory", "Story Time", "Storybound", "Storylines", "Stranger Fiction", "Subtexts", "Take Cover", "Tales of Time", "Tall Tales", "Tell A Tale", "Tell Another Tale", "Tell-Tale", "Tells Its Own Tale", "That's Another Story", "The Book Brook", "The Book Emporium", "The Book Nook", "The Fable Stable", "The Lore Keeper", "The Lore Store", "The Melting Plot", "The Myth Smith", "The Page Age", "The Page Sage", "The Paper Trail", "The Plot Knot", "The Plot Plot", "The Reading Nook", "The Spine Mine", "The Story Goes", "The Tale Whale", "The Wordsmith", "There Once Was", "Thereby Lies A Tale", "Time For Tomes", "To Be Told", "Tome Out", "Tome Raider", "Tome Time", "Turn A Phrase", "Turn The Page", "Under Covers", "Verbatim", "Well Thumbed", "Word For Word", "Word To The Wise", "Word World", "Words Of Honor", "Words On The Street", "Words To Live By", "Worlds of Words"];
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "result");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rnd = Math.random() * nm1.length | 0;
names = nm1[rnd];
nm1.splice(rnd, 1);
br = document.createElement('br');
if (document.getElementById("result")) {