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import os
compilers = ['gcc', 'clang', 'clang-msvc', 'clang-msvc64']
configs = ['debug', 'rel-test', 'rel']
import itertools
variants = list(map(lambda x: '%s-%s' % x, itertools.product(compilers, configs)))
def my_configure(cfg):
bdir = cfg.path.abspath()
gcc = 'gcc'
gxx = 'g++'
clang_bin = os.path.expanduser('~/llvm/prefix/bin/')
clang_flags = [
'-stdlib=libc++', '-ferror-limit=5', '-ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0',
clang_linkflags = [
'-stdlib=libc++', '-fuse-ld=lld', '-march=native'
vcdir = '/mnt/msvc/vc12'
# i386 and x86_64
clang_win32_tgt = [ '-target', 'i386-pc-windows-msvc18' ]
clang_win64_tgt = [ '-target', 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc18' ]
clang_win_cxxflags = [
'-Xclang', '-internal-isystem', '-Xclang', vcdir+'/include',
'-Xclang', '-internal-isystem', '-Xclang', vcdir+'/win_sdk/include/um',
'-Xclang', '-internal-isystem', '-Xclang', vcdir+'/win_sdk/include/shared',
clang_win32_linkflags = clang_win32_tgt + [
'-L%s/lib' % vcdir,
'-L%s/win_sdk/lib/winv6.3/um/x86' % vcdir,
clang_win64_linkflags = clang_win64_tgt + [
'-L%s/lib/amd64' % vcdir,
'-L%s/win_sdk/lib/winv6.3/um/x64' % vcdir,
cfg.options.host_lua = 'luajit'
cfg.options.lua_dll = True
for comp in compilers:
for conf in configs:
var = '%s-%s' % (comp, conf)
if var not in variants: continue
if comp == 'gcc':
cfg.env.AR = 'gcc-ar'
cfg.env.CC = gcc
cfg.env.CXX = gxx
cfg.env.CXXFLAGS = ['-march=native']
cfg.env.LINKFLAGS = ['-march=native']
cfg.environ.pop('HOST_CC', None)
cfg.environ.pop('HOST_CXX', None)
cfg.options.all_system = None
elif comp == 'clang':
cfg.env.AR = clang_bin+'llvm-ar'
cfg.env.CC = clang_bin+'clang'
cfg.env.CXX = clang_bin+'clang++'
cfg.env.CXXFLAGS = clang_flags
cfg.env.LINKFLAGS = clang_linkflags
cfg.environ.pop('HOST_CC', None)
cfg.environ.pop('HOST_CXX', None)
cfg.options.all_system = 'bundle'
else: # clang-msvc*
cfg.env.AR = clang_bin+'llvm-ar'
cfg.env.CC = clang_bin+'clang'
cfg.env.CXX = clang_bin+'clang++'
cfg.environ['HOST_CC'] = 'gcc'
cfg.environ['HOST_CXX'] = 'g++'
cfg.options.all_system = 'bundle'
if comp == 'clang-msvc':
cfg.environ['WINRC'] = 'i686-w64-mingw32-windres'
cfg.env.CXXFLAGS = cfg.env.CFLAGS = \
clang_win32_tgt + clang_win_cxxflags
cfg.env.LINKFLAGS = clang_win32_linkflags
elif comp == 'clang-msvc64':
cfg.environ['WINRC'] = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres'
cfg.env.CXXFLAGS = cfg.env.CFLAGS = \
clang_win64_tgt + clang_win_cxxflags
cfg.env.LINKFLAGS = clang_win64_linkflags
cfg.options.optimize_ext = True
if conf == 'debug':
cfg.options.optimize = False
cfg.options.release = False
cfg.options.with_tests = True
elif conf == 'rel-test':
cfg.options.optimize = True
cfg.options.release = True
cfg.options.with_tests = True
elif conf == 'rel':
cfg.options.optimize = True
cfg.options.release = True
cfg.options.with_tests = False
from waflib.Configure import ConfigurationContext
class my_configure_cls(ConfigurationContext):
cmd = 'my_configure'
fun = 'my_configure'
from waflib.Build import BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext
def init(ctx):
for x in variants:
for y in (BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext):
name = y.__name__.replace('Context','').lower()
class tmp(y):
cmd = '%s-%s' % (name, x)
variant = x
from waflib import Utils, Build
class buildall_ctx(Build.BuildContext):
cmd = fun = 'buildall'
def compile(self):
def buildall(ctx):
_build_many(ctx, variants)
def _build_many(ctx, variants):
from waflib import Options, Task
sem = Utils.threading.Semaphore(
def with_sem(f):
def f2(self):
return f2
Task.TaskBase.process = with_sem(Task.TaskBase.process)
threads = []
for var in variants:
cls = type(Build.BuildContext)(var, (Build.BuildContext,), {'cmd': var, 'variant': var})
bld = cls(top_dir=ctx.top_dir, out_dir=ctx.out_dir)
bld.targets = ctx.targets
t = Utils.threading.Thread() = bld.execute
for t in threads: t.start()
for t in threads: t.join()