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# -*- python -*-
SRC_DIR = 'lua-5.3.6/src'
def configure(ctx):
ctx.check_cc(lib='m', mandatory=False)
if ctx.check_cc(lib='dl', mandatory=False):
ctx.env.append_value('DEFINES_LUA', 'LUA_USE_DLOPEN')
if ctx.env.DEST_OS != 'win32':
ctx.env.append_value('DEFINES_LUA', 'LUA_USE_POSIX')
if not ctx.env.LUAC_MODE:
ctx.env.LUAC_MODE = ctx.env.CROSS and 'copy' or 'luac'
ctx.env.append_value('DEFINES_LUA', ['LUA_COMPAT_5_2', 'LUA_COMPAT_5_1'])
def build(ctx):
ctx(idx = 51200,
source = 'lua_one.cpp',
features = ctx.env.LUA_DLL and 'cxx cxxshlib' or 'cxx cxxstlib',
includes = SRC_DIR,
export_includes = SRC_DIR,
uselib = 'EXT',
use = 'LUA DL M',
# '#lua53' puts the dll into the root build dir, but names the implib
# '#lua53.lib', which works actually, because it links with '-l#lua53',
# but on linux it creates a 'liblua53.a' while still trying to link with
# '-l#lua53'. '#./lua53' is an ugly workaround, but it works.
target = '#./lua53',
name = 'lua')
# maybe optional
ctx(idx = 51201,
features = 'cxx cxxprogram',
source = '%s/lua.c' % SRC_DIR,
use = 'lua',
uselib = 'EXT',
target = 'libshit-lua')
ctx(idx = 51202,
features = 'cxx cxxprogram',
source = 'lua_one.cpp',
defines = 'MAKE_LUAC',
use = 'lua',
uselib = 'EXT',
target = 'luac')
from waflib import Task
# task .lua->.h
class luac(Task.Task):
run_str = '${tsk.executable} ${LUACFLAGS} -o ${TGT} ${SRC}'
color = 'BLUE'
from waflib.TaskGen import taskgen_method
def luac_task(self, inp, out, executable):
tmp = inp.change_ext('.luac')
tsk = self.create_task('luac', inp, tmp)
tsk.executable = executable
self.create_task('bin2c', tmp, out)
return tsk