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Copyright 2005-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without
restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline
functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce
an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
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#include "ittnotify_config.h"
# ifndef ITT_FORMAT
# define ITT_FORMAT
# endif /* ITT_FORMAT */
# ifndef ITT_NO_PARAMS
# define ITT_NO_PARAMS
# endif /* ITT_NO_PARAMS */
* parameters for macro expected:
* ITT_STUB(api, type, func_name, arguments, params, func_name_in_dll, group, printf_fmt)
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_domain*, domain_createA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), domain_createA, __itt_group_structure, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_domain*, domain_createW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), domain_createW, __itt_group_structure, "\"%S\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_domain*, domain_create, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), domain_create, __itt_group_structure, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_string_handle*, string_handle_createA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), string_handle_createA, __itt_group_structure, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_string_handle*, string_handle_createW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), string_handle_createW, __itt_group_structure, "\"%S\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_string_handle*, string_handle_create, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), string_handle_create, __itt_group_structure, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, pause, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), pause, __itt_group_control | __itt_group_legacy, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, resume, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), resume, __itt_group_control | __itt_group_legacy, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, thread_set_nameA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), thread_set_nameA, __itt_group_thread, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, thread_set_nameW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), thread_set_nameW, __itt_group_thread, "\"%S\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, thread_set_name, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), thread_set_name, __itt_group_thread, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, thread_ignore, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), thread_ignore, __itt_group_thread, "no args")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, thr_name_setA, (const char *name, int namelen), (ITT_FORMAT name, namelen), thr_name_setA, __itt_group_thread | __itt_group_legacy, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, thr_name_setW, (const wchar_t *name, int namelen), (ITT_FORMAT name, namelen), thr_name_setW, __itt_group_thread | __itt_group_legacy, "\"%S\", %d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, thr_name_set, (const char *name, int namelen), (ITT_FORMAT name, namelen), thr_name_set, __itt_group_thread | __itt_group_legacy, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, thr_ignore, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), thr_ignore, __itt_group_thread | __itt_group_legacy, "no args")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, enable_attach, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), enable_attach, __itt_group_all, "no args")
#else /* __ITT_INTERNAL_INIT */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_createA, (void *addr, const char *objtype, const char *objname, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT addr, objtype, objname, attribute), sync_createA, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p, \"%s\", \"%s\", %x")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_createW, (void *addr, const wchar_t *objtype, const wchar_t *objname, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT addr, objtype, objname, attribute), sync_createW, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p, \"%S\", \"%S\", %x")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_renameA, (void *addr, const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT addr, name), sync_renameA, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_renameW, (void *addr, const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT addr, name), sync_renameW, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p, \"%S\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_create, (void *addr, const char *objtype, const char *objname, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT addr, objtype, objname, attribute), sync_create, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p, \"%s\", \"%s\", %x")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_rename, (void *addr, const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT addr, name), sync_rename, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_destroy, (void *addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_destroy, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_prepare, (void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_prepare, __itt_group_sync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_cancel, (void *addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_cancel, __itt_group_sync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_acquired, (void *addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_acquired, __itt_group_sync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_releasing, (void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_releasing, __itt_group_sync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, suppress_push, (unsigned int mask), (ITT_FORMAT mask), suppress_push, __itt_group_suppress, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, suppress_pop, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), suppress_pop, __itt_group_suppress, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, suppress_mark_range, (__itt_suppress_mode_t mode, unsigned int mask, void * address, size_t size),(ITT_FORMAT mode, mask, address, size), suppress_mark_range, __itt_group_suppress, "%d, %p, %p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, suppress_clear_range,(__itt_suppress_mode_t mode, unsigned int mask, void * address, size_t size),(ITT_FORMAT mode, mask, address, size), suppress_clear_range,__itt_group_suppress, "%d, %p, %p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, fsync_prepare, (void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_prepare, __itt_group_fsync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, fsync_cancel, (void *addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_cancel, __itt_group_fsync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, fsync_acquired, (void *addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_acquired, __itt_group_fsync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, fsync_releasing, (void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), sync_releasing, __itt_group_fsync, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_site_begin, (__itt_model_site *site, __itt_model_site_instance *instance, const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT site, instance, name), model_site_begin, __itt_group_model, "%p, %p, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_site_end, (__itt_model_site *site, __itt_model_site_instance *instance), (ITT_FORMAT site, instance), model_site_end, __itt_group_model, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_task_begin, (__itt_model_task *task, __itt_model_task_instance *instance, const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT task, instance, name), model_task_begin, __itt_group_model, "%p, %p, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_task_end, (__itt_model_task *task, __itt_model_task_instance *instance), (ITT_FORMAT task, instance), model_task_end, __itt_group_model, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_lock_acquire, (void *lock), (ITT_FORMAT lock), model_lock_acquire, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_lock_release, (void *lock), (ITT_FORMAT lock), model_lock_release, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_record_allocation, (void *addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), model_record_allocation, __itt_group_model, "%p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_record_deallocation, (void *addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), model_record_deallocation, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_induction_uses, (void* addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), model_induction_uses, __itt_group_model, "%p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_reduction_uses, (void* addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), model_reduction_uses, __itt_group_model, "%p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_observe_uses, (void* addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), model_observe_uses, __itt_group_model, "%p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_clear_uses, (void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT addr), model_clear_uses, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_site_beginW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), model_site_beginW, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_task_beginW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), model_task_beginW, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_iteration_taskW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), model_iteration_taskW, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_site_beginA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), model_site_beginA, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_site_beginAL, (const char *name, size_t len), (ITT_FORMAT name, len), model_site_beginAL, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_task_beginA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), model_task_beginA, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_task_beginAL, (const char *name, size_t len), (ITT_FORMAT name, len), model_task_beginAL, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_iteration_taskA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), model_iteration_taskA, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_iteration_taskAL, (const char *name, size_t len), (ITT_FORMAT name, len), model_iteration_taskAL, __itt_group_model, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_site_end_2, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), model_site_end_2, __itt_group_model, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_task_end_2, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), model_task_end_2, __itt_group_model, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_lock_acquire_2, (void *lock), (ITT_FORMAT lock), model_lock_acquire_2, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_lock_release_2, (void *lock), (ITT_FORMAT lock), model_lock_release_2, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_aggregate_task, (size_t count), (ITT_FORMAT count), model_aggregate_task, __itt_group_model, "%d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_disable_push, (__itt_model_disable x), (ITT_FORMAT x), model_disable_push, __itt_group_model, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, model_disable_pop, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), model_disable_pop, __itt_group_model, "no args")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_heap_function, heap_function_createA, (const char *name, const char *domain), (ITT_FORMAT name, domain), heap_function_createA, __itt_group_heap, "\"%s\", \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_heap_function, heap_function_createW, (const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *domain), (ITT_FORMAT name, domain), heap_function_createW, __itt_group_heap, "\"%s\", \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_heap_function, heap_function_create, (const char *name, const char *domain), (ITT_FORMAT name, domain), heap_function_create, __itt_group_heap, "\"%s\", \"%s\"")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_allocate_begin, (__itt_heap_function h, size_t size, int initialized), (ITT_FORMAT h, size, initialized), heap_allocate_begin, __itt_group_heap, "%p, %lu, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_allocate_end, (__itt_heap_function h, void** addr, size_t size, int initialized), (ITT_FORMAT h, addr, size, initialized), heap_allocate_end, __itt_group_heap, "%p, %p, %lu, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_free_begin, (__itt_heap_function h, void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT h, addr), heap_free_begin, __itt_group_heap, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_free_end, (__itt_heap_function h, void* addr), (ITT_FORMAT h, addr), heap_free_end, __itt_group_heap, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_reallocate_begin, (__itt_heap_function h, void* addr, size_t new_size, int initialized), (ITT_FORMAT h, addr, new_size, initialized), heap_reallocate_begin, __itt_group_heap, "%p, %p, %lu, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_reallocate_end, (__itt_heap_function h, void* addr, void** new_addr, size_t new_size, int initialized), (ITT_FORMAT h, addr, new_addr, new_size, initialized), heap_reallocate_end, __itt_group_heap, "%p, %p, %p, %lu, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_internal_access_begin, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), heap_internal_access_begin, __itt_group_heap, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_internal_access_end, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), heap_internal_access_end, __itt_group_heap, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_record_memory_growth_begin, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), heap_record_memory_growth_begin, __itt_group_heap, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_record_memory_growth_end, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), heap_record_memory_growth_end, __itt_group_heap, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_reset_detection, (unsigned int reset_mask), (ITT_FORMAT reset_mask), heap_reset_detection, __itt_group_heap, "%u")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, heap_record, (unsigned int record_mask), (ITT_FORMAT record_mask), heap_record, __itt_group_heap, "%u")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, id_create, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id), id_create, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, id_destroy, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id), id_destroy, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_timestamp, get_timestamp, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), get_timestamp, __itt_group_structure, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, region_begin, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_id parent, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, parent, name), region_begin, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, region_end, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id), region_end, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, frame_begin_v3, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id *id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id), frame_begin_v3, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, frame_end_v3, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id *id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id), frame_end_v3, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, frame_submit_v3, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id *id, __itt_timestamp begin, __itt_timestamp end), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, begin, end), frame_submit_v3, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_group, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_id parent, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, parent, name), task_group, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_begin, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_id parent, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, parent, name), task_begin, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_begin_fn, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_id parent, void* fn), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, parent, fn), task_begin_fn, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_end, (const __itt_domain *domain), (ITT_FORMAT domain), task_end, __itt_group_structure, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, counter_inc_v3, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, name), counter_inc_v3, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, counter_inc_delta_v3, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_string_handle *name, unsigned long long value), (ITT_FORMAT domain, name, value), counter_inc_delta_v3, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, marker, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_string_handle *name, __itt_scope scope), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, name, scope), marker, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_add, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_string_handle *key, __itt_metadata_type type, size_t count, void *data), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, key, type, count, data), metadata_add, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %p, %d, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_str_addA, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_string_handle *key, const char* data, size_t length), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, key, data, length), metadata_str_addA, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_str_addW, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_string_handle *key, const wchar_t* data, size_t length), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, key, data, length), metadata_str_addW, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_str_add, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_string_handle *key, const char* data, size_t length), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, key, data, length), metadata_str_add, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, relation_add_to_current, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_relation relation, __itt_id tail), (ITT_FORMAT domain, relation, tail), relation_add_to_current, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, relation_add, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id head, __itt_relation relation, __itt_id tail), (ITT_FORMAT domain, head, relation, tail), relation_add, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_event, event_createA, (const char *name, int namelen), (ITT_FORMAT name, namelen), event_createA, __itt_group_mark | __itt_group_legacy, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_event, event_createW, (const wchar_t *name, int namelen), (ITT_FORMAT name, namelen), event_createW, __itt_group_mark | __itt_group_legacy, "\"%S\", %d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_event, event_create, (const char *name, int namelen), (ITT_FORMAT name, namelen), event_create, __itt_group_mark | __itt_group_legacy, "\"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, event_start, (__itt_event event), (ITT_FORMAT event), event_start, __itt_group_mark | __itt_group_legacy, "%d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, event_end, (__itt_event event), (ITT_FORMAT event), event_end, __itt_group_mark | __itt_group_legacy, "%d")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_set_nameA, (void *addr, const char *objtype, const char *objname, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT addr, objtype, objname, attribute), sync_set_nameA, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p, \"%s\", \"%s\", %x")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_set_nameW, (void *addr, const wchar_t *objtype, const wchar_t *objname, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT addr, objtype, objname, attribute), sync_set_nameW, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p, \"%S\", \"%S\", %x")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, sync_set_name, (void *addr, const char *objtype, const char *objname, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT addr, objtype, objname, attribute), sync_set_name, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "p, \"%s\", \"%s\", %x")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, notify_sync_nameA, (void *p, const char *objtype, int typelen, const char *objname, int namelen, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT p, objtype, typelen, objname, namelen, attribute), notify_sync_nameA, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p, \"%s\", %d, \"%s\", %d, %x")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, notify_sync_nameW, (void *p, const wchar_t *objtype, int typelen, const wchar_t *objname, int namelen, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT p, objtype, typelen, objname, namelen, attribute), notify_sync_nameW, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p, \"%S\", %d, \"%S\", %d, %x")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, int, notify_sync_name, (void *p, const char *objtype, int typelen, const char *objname, int namelen, int attribute), (ITT_FORMAT p, objtype, typelen, objname, namelen, attribute), notify_sync_name, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p, \"%s\", %d, \"%s\", %d, %x")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, notify_sync_prepare, (void *p), (ITT_FORMAT p), notify_sync_prepare, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, notify_sync_cancel, (void *p), (ITT_FORMAT p), notify_sync_cancel, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, notify_sync_acquired, (void *p), (ITT_FORMAT p), notify_sync_acquired, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, notify_sync_releasing, (void *p), (ITT_FORMAT p), notify_sync_releasing, __itt_group_sync | __itt_group_fsync | __itt_group_legacy, "%p")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, memory_read, (void *addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), memory_read, __itt_group_legacy, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, memory_write, (void *addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), memory_write, __itt_group_legacy, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(LIBITTAPI, void, memory_update, (void *addr, size_t size), (ITT_FORMAT addr, size), memory_update, __itt_group_legacy, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_state_t, state_get, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), state_get, __itt_group_legacy, "no args")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_state_t, state_set, (__itt_state_t s), (ITT_FORMAT s), state_set, __itt_group_legacy, "%d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_obj_state_t, obj_mode_set, (__itt_obj_prop_t p, __itt_obj_state_t s), (ITT_FORMAT p, s), obj_mode_set, __itt_group_legacy, "%d, %d")
ITT_STUB(LIBITTAPI, __itt_thr_state_t, thr_mode_set, (__itt_thr_prop_t p, __itt_thr_state_t s), (ITT_FORMAT p, s), thr_mode_set, __itt_group_legacy, "%d, %d")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_frame, frame_createA, (const char *domain), (ITT_FORMAT domain), frame_createA, __itt_group_frame, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_frame, frame_createW, (const wchar_t *domain), (ITT_FORMAT domain), frame_createW, __itt_group_frame, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_frame, frame_create, (const char *domain), (ITT_FORMAT domain), frame_create, __itt_group_frame, "\"%s\"")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, frame_begin, (__itt_frame frame), (ITT_FORMAT frame), frame_begin, __itt_group_frame, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, frame_end, (__itt_frame frame), (ITT_FORMAT frame), frame_end, __itt_group_frame, "%p")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_counter, counter_createA, (const char *name, const char *domain), (ITT_FORMAT name, domain), counter_createA, __itt_group_counter, "\"%s\", \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_counter, counter_createW, (const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *domain), (ITT_FORMAT name, domain), counter_createW, __itt_group_counter, "\"%s\", \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_counter, counter_create, (const char *name, const char *domain), (ITT_FORMAT name, domain), counter_create, __itt_group_counter, "\"%s\", \"%s\"")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, counter_destroy, (__itt_counter id), (ITT_FORMAT id), counter_destroy, __itt_group_counter, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, counter_inc, (__itt_counter id), (ITT_FORMAT id), counter_inc, __itt_group_counter, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, counter_inc_delta, (__itt_counter id, unsigned long long value), (ITT_FORMAT id, value), counter_inc_delta, __itt_group_counter, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_mark_type, mark_createA, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), mark_createA, __itt_group_mark, "\"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_mark_type, mark_createW, (const wchar_t *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), mark_createW, __itt_group_mark, "\"%S\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_mark_type, mark_create, (const char *name), (ITT_FORMAT name), mark_create, __itt_group_mark, "\"%s\"")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, markA, (__itt_mark_type mt, const char *parameter), (ITT_FORMAT mt, parameter), markA, __itt_group_mark, "%d, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, markW, (__itt_mark_type mt, const wchar_t *parameter), (ITT_FORMAT mt, parameter), markW, __itt_group_mark, "%d, \"%S\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, mark, (__itt_mark_type mt, const char *parameter), (ITT_FORMAT mt, parameter), mark, __itt_group_mark, "%d, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, mark_off, (__itt_mark_type mt), (ITT_FORMAT mt), mark_off, __itt_group_mark, "%d")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, mark_globalA, (__itt_mark_type mt, const char *parameter), (ITT_FORMAT mt, parameter), mark_globalA, __itt_group_mark, "%d, \"%s\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, mark_globalW, (__itt_mark_type mt, const wchar_t *parameter), (ITT_FORMAT mt, parameter), mark_globalW, __itt_group_mark, "%d, \"%S\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, mark_global, (__itt_mark_type mt, const char *parameter), (ITT_FORMAT mt, parameter), mark_global, __itt_group_mark, "%d, \"%S\"")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, mark_global_off, (__itt_mark_type mt), (ITT_FORMAT mt), mark_global_off, __itt_group_mark, "%d")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_caller, stack_caller_create, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), stack_caller_create, __itt_group_stitch, "no args")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, stack_caller_destroy, (__itt_caller id), (ITT_FORMAT id), stack_caller_destroy, __itt_group_stitch, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, stack_callee_enter, (__itt_caller id), (ITT_FORMAT id), stack_callee_enter, __itt_group_stitch, "%p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, stack_callee_leave, (__itt_caller id), (ITT_FORMAT id), stack_callee_leave, __itt_group_stitch, "%p")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_clock_domain*, clock_domain_create, (__itt_get_clock_info_fn fn, void* fn_data), (ITT_FORMAT fn, fn_data), clock_domain_create, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, clock_domain_reset, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), clock_domain_reset, __itt_group_structure, "no args")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, id_create_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id), id_create_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, id_destroy_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id), id_destroy_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_begin_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id, __itt_id parentid, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id, parentid, name), task_begin_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_begin_fn_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id, __itt_id parentid, void* fn), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id, parentid, fn), task_begin_fn_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_end_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp), task_end_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_begin_overlapped, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id, __itt_id parent, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id, parent, name), task_begin_overlapped, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_begin_overlapped_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id, __itt_id parentid, __itt_string_handle *name), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id, parentid, name), task_begin_overlapped_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_end_overlapped, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, id), task_end_overlapped, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, task_end_overlapped_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id), task_end_overlapped_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, marker_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id id, __itt_string_handle *name, __itt_scope scope), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, id, name, scope), marker_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu, %p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_add_with_scope, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_scope scope, __itt_string_handle *key, __itt_metadata_type type, size_t count, void *data), (ITT_FORMAT domain, scope, key, type, count, data), metadata_add_with_scope, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %d, %p, %d, %lu, %p")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_str_add_with_scopeA, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_scope scope, __itt_string_handle *key, const char *data, size_t length), (ITT_FORMAT domain, scope, key, data, length), metadata_str_add_with_scopeA, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %d, %p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_str_add_with_scopeW, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_scope scope, __itt_string_handle *key, const wchar_t *data, size_t length), (ITT_FORMAT domain, scope, key, data, length), metadata_str_add_with_scopeW, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %d, %p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, metadata_str_add_with_scope, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_scope scope, __itt_string_handle *key, const char *data, size_t length), (ITT_FORMAT domain, scope, key, data, length), metadata_str_add_with_scope, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %d, %p, %p, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, relation_add_to_current_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_relation relation, __itt_id tail), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, relation, tail), relation_add_to_current_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %d, %lu")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, relation_add_ex, (const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id head, __itt_relation relation, __itt_id tail), (ITT_FORMAT domain, clock_domain, timestamp, head, relation, tail), relation_add_ex, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %lu, %lu, %d, %lu")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_track_group*, track_group_create, (__itt_string_handle* name, __itt_track_group_type track_group_type), (ITT_FORMAT name, track_group_type), track_group_create, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %d")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, __itt_track*, track_create, (__itt_track_group* track_group,__itt_string_handle* name, __itt_track_type track_type), (ITT_FORMAT track_group, name, track_type), track_create, __itt_group_structure, "%p, %p, %d")
ITT_STUBV(ITTAPI, void, set_track, (__itt_track *track), (ITT_FORMAT track), set_track, __itt_group_structure, "%p")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, const char*, api_version, (void), (ITT_NO_PARAMS), api_version, __itt_group_all & ~__itt_group_legacy, "no args")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, av_saveA, (void *data, int rank, const int *dimensions, int type, const char *filePath, int columnOrder), (ITT_FORMAT data, rank, dimensions, type, filePath, columnOrder), av_saveA, __itt_group_arrays, "%p, %d, %p, %d, \"%s\", %d")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, av_saveW, (void *data, int rank, const int *dimensions, int type, const wchar_t *filePath, int columnOrder), (ITT_FORMAT data, rank, dimensions, type, filePath, columnOrder), av_saveW, __itt_group_arrays, "%p, %d, %p, %d, \"%S\", %d")
ITT_STUB(ITTAPI, int, av_save, (void *data, int rank, const int *dimensions, int type, const char *filePath, int columnOrder), (ITT_FORMAT data, rank, dimensions, type, filePath, columnOrder), av_save, __itt_group_arrays, "%p, %d, %p, %d, \"%s\", %d")
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_BODY */
#endif /* __ITT_INTERNAL_INIT */