You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

229 lines
7.5 KiB

#!/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2012 - 2015 NumScale SAS
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
This script aims to preprocess files to aggregate every matching includes to
create a single file by removing extra includes guard, C comments, etc...
The generated file can easily be embedded as dependency for huge projects!
import re
import sys
import os.path
import argparse
# defaults paths to look for includes
default_includes_path = ['.']
# pp tokens regexp
r_escape_line = re.compile(r'^.*\\\n$')
r_empty_line = re.compile('^[ \t]*\n$')
r_pp_include = re.compile('^\s*#\s*include\s+["|<](.*)["|>]$')
r_pp_ifndef = re.compile('^\s*#\s*ifndef\s+(.*)\s*$')
r_pp_if_defined = re.compile('^\s*#\s*if\s+defined\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*$')
r_pp_if = re.compile('^\s*#\s*if.*$')
r_pp_endif = re.compile('^\s*#\s*endif.*$')
r_pp_define = re.compile('^\s*#\s*define\s+(.*)\s*$')
r_pp_pragma_once = re.compile('^\s*#\s*pragma\s+once\s*$')
r_C_one_line_comment = re.compile('^(.*?)\s*//.*$')
r_C_one_line_block_comment = re.compile('^(.*)/\*.*\*/(.*)$')
r_C_block_begin_comment = re.compile('(.*)/\*.*')
r_C_block_end_comment = re.compile('.*\*/(.*)')
# globals
will_escape = False
guard_stack = []
included_files = []
keep_guard = True
in_C_block_comments = False
Parse options. Here is the list of supported options:
see `help`(s)
def parse_opts(args):
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Aggregates headers into one single file')
p.add_argument('-I', type=str, action='append', metavar='<dir>', default=[], dest='includes_path',
help='Add the specified directory to the search path for include files')
p.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Enable verbose mode, useful for debugging')
p.add_argument('--include-match', type=str, metavar='<regexp>', default='.*', dest='r_include',
help='The regexp to match includes that will be expanded')
p.add_argument('--guard-match', type=str, metavar='<regexp>', default='^.*_INCLUDED$', dest='r_guard',
help='The regexp to match includes guard')
p.add_argument('-o', type=argparse.FileType('w'), metavar='<output-file>', dest='output', default=sys.stdout,
help='The output file')
p.add_argument('filename', type=str, metavar='<input-file>',
help='The file to preprocess')
opts = p.parse_args(args)
opts.r_guard = re.compile(opts.r_guard)
opts.r_include = re.compile(opts.r_include)
return opts
Print only if 'verbose' option is enabled
def vprint(opts, what):
if opts.verbose:
sys.stderr.write('verbose: {}\n'.format(what))
Try to find a valid path for the given filename, if not found then exit
def get_path_for(f, opts):
for path in opts.includes_path:
path = os.path.join(path, f)
vprint(opts, 'try to include: {}'.format(path))
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path
sys.stderr.write('{}: file not found! aborting.\n'.format(f))
Preprocess a single line
def pp_line(line, output, opts):
global will_escape
global keep_guard
global in_C_block_comments
is_escaped = will_escape
will_escape = False
if r_empty_line.match(line):
# skip empty lines
# we do not want to remove comments before the first guard as
# its content may be a license or whatever else important
if not keep_guard:
# C comments (one line) '//'
m = r_C_one_line_comment.match(line)
if m:
line =
# C (block) comments (one line) '/* */'
m = r_C_one_line_block_comment.match(line)
if m:
line = +
# C (block) comments '/*'
m = r_C_block_begin_comment.match(line)
if m:
in_C_block_comments = True
line =
# C (block) comments '*/'
m = r_C_block_end_comment.match(line)
if m:
in_C_block_comments = False
line =
return pp_line(line, output, opts)
# in C (block) comments
if in_C_block_comments:
# #include
m = r_pp_include.match(line)
if m and opts.r_include.match(
keep_guard = False
path = get_path_for(, opts)
pp_file(path, output, opts)
# we keep the guard only for the very first preprocessed file
if not keep_guard:
# #pragma once
if r_pp_pragma_once.match(line):
# #ifndef / #if defined(...)
m = r_pp_ifndef.match(line) or r_pp_if_defined.match(line)
if m and opts.r_guard.match(
# we've found a new include guard, add a new counter to
# keep track of it!
# #{if,ifndef} / #endif (pairs)
if len(guard_stack):
if r_pp_if.match(line):
guard_stack[-1] += 1
elif r_pp_endif.match(line):
guard_stack[-1] -= 1
if guard_stack[-1] < 0:
sys.stderr.write('non matching #endif found! aborting.')
if guard_stack[-1] == 0:
# we hit the 'endif' part of the guard, so pop it from
# the stack counter and do not print it!
# define (guard)
# we do check this one only if we have a valid stack counter
# DO NOT PUT IT OUTSIDE OF THE `if len(guard_stack):`
m = r_pp_define.match(line)
if m and opts.r_guard.match(
# add missing '\n' if needed, for example:
# '/* foo */\n'
# gets turned into:
# ''
# also:
# #define foo\
# /**/
# gets turned into:
# #define foo
# '\n'
if (is_escaped or len(line) > 0) and '\n' not in line:
line += '\n'
# check if the current line escape the next one
if r_escape_line.match(line):
will_escape = True
# everything has been checked now! so we can print the current line
Preprocess the file here!
def pp_file(f, output, opts):
# use the absolute version of the filename to always get the same path
# e.g. ./foo.h == foo.h == bar/../foo.h
f = os.path.abspath(f)
if f in included_files:
# if included, then do not process it!
vprint(opts, 'preprocessing: {}'.format(f))
with open(f, 'r') as f:
dirname = os.path.dirname(
for line in f.readlines():
pp_line(line, output, opts)
except IOError as e:
sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n')
The top-level function
def embed():
args = sys.argv[1:]
for path in default_includes_path:
opts = parse_opts(args)
pp_file(opts.filename, opts.output, opts)
# The entry point!
if __name__ == '__main__':