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#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Small program to find out how many times a second you can call
getch( ) with no timeout; i.e., how fast is getch( ) on various
platforms and curses implementations? A result of investigating
We note the starting time and go into a tight loop checking getch( ). When
the time (in seconds) changes, we post an updated count of iterations and
of iterations/second to the screen. The count between screen updates is
doubled if a second hasn't passed and halved if two seconds have passed; this
quickly sets 'freq' to a point where you get an update every second or so.
WinGUI on Wine : about 1.5 million/s
WinCon on Wine : about 20000/s
SDL2: 260000/s
SDL1: 520000/s
DOS in DOSBox: 35000/s
VT, Linux framebuffer : 1.4 million/s
(getch( ) code for those two is basically the same)
X11: 360000/s
ncurses : 1.6 million/s
From old habit, I avoid calling getch( ) at every pass through a
tight loop. In the following, I might say "if( i % (freq / 4) == 1),
do a getch()", i.e., check for key input only about four times a
second. But a fast getch( ) is still a good idea; most people just
assume it'll return almost instantly.
NOTE that the above timings predate some work to speed up getch( )
_immensely_ on most platforms. See pdcurses/getch.c.
If PDC_check_key( ) returns FALSE, we assume it will continue to do
so for the current millisecond. Thus, we only call PDC_check_key( )
a thousand times a second. If PDC_check_key( ) is slow, and time
checking is fast, this results in a _huge_ speedup. This raised
the SDLs to about 20 million/s, X11 to 11 million/s, and WinGUI
to about 6.7 million/s. DOS and DOSVGA are the odd systems out; their
time checks are about as fast as key checks. (Exact results may vary
with compilers and, of course, machines.) */
#ifdef __PDCURSESMOD__
PDCEX long PDC_millisecs( void); /* undocumented function; see getch.c */
#else /* if we're not in PDCursesMod, we have to supply the function */
#include <sys/time.h>
long PDC_millisecs( void)
struct timeval t;
gettimeofday( &t, NULL);
return( t.tv_sec * 1000 + t.tv_usec / 1000);
int main( const int argc, const char **argv)
long i, freq = 8, prev_t, t0;
initscr( );
timeout( argc > 1 ? atoi( argv[1]) : 0);
mvprintw( 1, 0, "Test of raw getch( ) speed");
mvprintw( 2, 0, "Let run a few seconds until calls/second stabilizes;");
mvprintw( 3, 0, "then hit any key to exit");
t0 = prev_t = PDC_millisecs( );
for( i = 0; getch() == ERR; ++i) {
if( i % freq == 1) {
const long t = PDC_millisecs( );
if( t - prev_t > 1000) /* update once a second */
mvprintw( 4, 0, " %.0f calls/sec ",
(double)i * 1000. / (double)( t - t0));
prev_t = t;
freq /= 2;
freq += freq;
return( 0);