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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curses.h>
/* Example to test whether Ctrl-C actually stops the program. It should
do so when noraw( ) is on, and shouldn't when raw( ) is on. Compile with
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o brk_test brk_test.c -lncurses
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -I.. -o brk_test brk_test.c libpdcurses.a
int main( void)
int c;
cbreak( );
noecho( );
clear( );
echo( );
keypad( stdscr, 1);
mvprintw( 1, 2, "%s - test of Ctrl-C stopping curses", longname( ));
mvaddstr( 3, 2, "raw( ) is on. Hit Ctrl-C and the code won't break.");
mvaddstr( 4, 2, "Hit Enter when you're done :");
move( 5, 2);
raw( );
c = 0;
while( c != 13 && c != 10)
c = getch( );
mvaddstr( 6, 2, "noraw( ) is on. Hit Ctrl-C and the code will now break.");
mvaddstr( 7, 2, "Hit Enter when you're done :");
move( 8, 2);
noraw( );
c = 0;
while( c != 13 && c != 10)
c = getch( );
endwin( );
return( 0);